
Gaming Commentary Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Incredible commentary and gameplay going on right now."
"Daddy's hungry oh my god finally oh my god okay that was the most intense round of snd that I've ever casted in my damn life"
"You sometimes just have to let a run speak for itself."
"He's actually in Demon mode right now, wow. Oh, there's a Duo I could get used to, watch, yeah, absolutely a poetic."
"I think now Marines really I think that really goes I I think I think it goes they're competitive again now whereas before it was a bit of a struggle."
"Hey don't die man oh he passed out holy crap whoa miss damn considers that a loss yeah."
"Brina has just such an interesting way of playing, and it really is one of the most political commanders that probably has ever been released."
"A brutal down air there, one of the things that we talked about earlier."
"Definitely feels like the Empire is a throw it all against the wall and see what happens fashion outside of the 8080 we literally get this kind of turbo laser range right now we are gonna die."
"High Ground is the thing that is talked about a lot by me when I'm doing spectating."
"If you're playing arcane you're just trolling or padding on like p1 or p2 or something eight parses and 95 is literally one insane log."
"Of all the characters, bro, Sakurai, I love you, the fact that you did this, you knew there would be people who were like, more anime swordsmen, but Mithra and Pyra, bro!"
"Have you ever seen anything quite siby-wire that's overstating it a little bit but it's exciting from a caster's perspective."
"Three mana to three almost draw card isn't that good yeah it's not bad."
"He can't die, right? Quote on, right buddy? He will never die to a Mewtwo psychic, that won't happen."
"He's a goddamn Savage, rest in peace to that man."
"This is mental dude, these drafts are actually insane, they're crazy."
"Man, you know what the crazy part? That was the easiest kills they've ever gotten." - Bushka
"Our commentary did not do justice to how much tech is built into and conditioned this action-packed, um, almost under one hour run."
"Turn on the Jets, I mean, a huge comeback right there. The 2 PK fires into a PK flash. I haven't seen that move hit since like 2005, in a long time."
"For the amount of money that you spend on a video game like GTA 5, the amount of hours of entertainment you get is goddamn insane." - Commentary on video game pricing
"This is a big deal we're really entering end game one piece here end piece all right thanks for watching everybody this will be teching signing out later."
"I'm so lost. I really hope nobody's roasting me about how lost I am right now."
"That's some spiky, just straight-up hard man garbage right here."
"Almost Pro Gaming... he is a wonderfully good, very, very good ex-tournament organizer and tournament official YouTuber..."
"Let's make this the best version." - TotalBiscuit
"Yo guys, sensation savage, bro. Just extinguishing these fools."
"My throat feels good and ready to talk for hours on end about video game news."
"You really picked the most incompetent GTA player to watch a series of, didn't you guys?"
"Brian Otto's commentary and Sasquatch's gameplay made for an amazing run."
"Cuphead: Let's be honest, what do you want me to say that hasn't been said about this game a billion times?"
"Here was, in my opinion, the best Minecraft manhunt."
"And remember guys, that's just a theory, game theory."
"Beyond him obviously it was worth guys it was worth we just basically just did what I wanted."
"Loving the Minish Cap commentary and the lively events."
"Look at that, continues to push for that landed, that Viking doing so so much for him so far."
"I know for a fact there was one person out there cuz one person in the chat said Gigi let's go next ye of little faith ye of little faith."
"Teal doesn't really have the food, and monks are just... Look at the KD to tell you how monks will do in this situation."
"Thank you so much for watching my name has been Pixariffs."
"Let's just watch my gameplay and then we'll find out."
"Elige control, is that an ace? I think they did get both of these, ace them."
"Sidescrollers is the reality check." - Stuttering Craig
"I honestly think there's no problem with enjoying your games how you like, especially if you're trying to commentate over them at the same time."
"Woody, I thought I honestly didn't think they were gonna get the elixir storage down in time. These guys, they obviously didn't need the three-star, but what a way to wrap up this war against the number one base."
"It's like, hey! Alright, that's pretty funny, I just can't take this killer seriously, he's too funny, too funny."
"Unbelievable play by both players, GGs and wow if every series that they've ever played is like that one."
"Alright, people, well that is a Dreadnawt sweep, they had a counter, they had a counter counter, Stunfisk, and the Freeze Hax, that was crazy."
"This level is called Tick Tock Clock, this is really, really bad in Tennessee, like so many crazy things, insane."
"It is asinine to me that they want to give this guy the nuclear codes."
"Paul Soares Jr. was one of the first to truly serialize the format of Minecraft commentary."
"Wow, ice arrow! Gotta watch out for mix-ups now. Jump three, nice block there's the blocking you were talking about, but jump three air-to-air so solid."
"What a map, ladies and gentlemen! If you've stayed in the video, you're a legend!"
"Another clap coming up in a couple and there's the slide. One final clap before he dies, he'll bear smasher there with his dying breath offering up the damage Kuro needed to secure the double kill."
"That did not do enough damage, that's kind of crayon."
"I feel like this game could not have gone any better so far"
"That's a beautiful flick, tie game. Chronic's back in it. Calm was the one who should have been in control here, but he didn't use his boost advantage to great effect."
"It's almost like they're deer, oh it's a delicious carcass of villager yum!"
"He just looks like an absolute giga chat as he does it."
"Let's just hide by this red thing and just run around it. Look how big I'm getting so quickly."
"Wow, that's it. That looked like the Raging Storm was... I can't even talk. That was something special right there."
"Oh yeah I'm moving faster no question let's see nope oh I don't I wonder if we can sell this stuff yeah I'm definitely moving faster I like that and definitely better for the lp2 here let's play so I got a little turned around there where was I."
"Illuminati confirmed what what what what oh my gosh what the flip what die bit holy cow damage the Herald's damage roads what oh this is so dope it's just a thing in Minecraft what this is so cool."
"Don't come to the chat tomorrow calling this a waste of time because it really isn't."
"Jim Sterling might come across as very angry... but it definitely comes from a place of love and respect for other people."
"Smash 4 Cloud has to be one of the easiest top tiers we've ever seen in a smash game." - Commentator
"I like the lens flare effect it's very very nito nito mosquito did I really just say that anyways let's uh let's go over here get this guy open I really don't remember."
"So you're saying yeah I mean like your starting off this is this is the first round look at this guy just like what pop pop that's it you're dead pop pop."
"Whoa, Becca, Octoget, Becca, Octocan, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, I think this is what we want to do, keep him at a distance, expect there, okay, whoa, what is that? Dang, it's like some kind of cannon, he's gonna shoot fireballs, isn't he?"
"High tide moving up lockdown being set down by Cloud Nine as the plant will come in wall bang almost got that pick there but finesse still gets the kill off the leaf."
"This is just too much, well, none of these brawlers have a chance."
"Yoshi's not on the screen right now, absolutely thankfully."
"This game is so pretty like shut the [__] up."
"Simple doing Simple things, looking to clutch up. He's reading Rain and Rain, a veteran of this stage, he knows he's got him trapped."
"Oh my goodness, that fight was so fast, I thought I was doing really bad."
"Absolutely, and I absolutely been holding it down like crease that was sick."
"I feel like supports are just super super human."
"That was really good again. Riddles is so good, just takes a couple steps back and almost bait you into feeling comfortable or just annihilate you." - Commentator
"Holy cow, this is messy, and slam is still in this game. Barely, but I think he's still in this game."
"This one's pretty sweet she looks like she could be on new capena to be honest but she does she doesn't definitely has like the the uh cool cool party Vibe she definitely yeah she's golden too and look at that hat that Hat's so cool."
"Oh actually wait no that did do good damage that did actually take out four to five barbs fairly fast."
"This Sentinel game was, in my opinion, the best we've seen from Q."
"Right time, right before the big match, right before they win over 13 Rounds, they're again looking like they're back to being a top dog headed towards playoffs."
"Sen is not going to make it to Shanghai regardless of if Loud wins or not."
"Loud is winning. You've seen enough from the walkout, the vibes look good."
"I hope you enjoy these random commentaries of a fantasy novelist playing through a From Software video game."