
Aspirational Goals Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"People ask me sometimes, when do you think it will be enough? When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is: When there are nine."
"The 21st century is gonna be the Chinese century."
"The only thing I want to see now is a black woman sitting on the United States Supreme Court."
"I still didn't lose hope of becoming the mage of Justice."
"The Trinity of demography, democracy, and diversity has the potential to fulfill aspirations of every Indian."
"We are intent on evolving into gods and creating a society of the divine."
"They want to move into a brighter, harmonious future."
"I want to see ninja nation see the poorest people rise up and become wealthy."
"Being a top G is someone who tries their very best at becoming the best version of yourself."
"Your life can be better. You can be a better person tomorrow. You may not be perfect, but you could still be the best version of yourself."
"In order to shoot for the moon, you gotta land on the stars."
"I hope that one day I might be brave enough to stand up and protect others."
"What you need is my Stand 'The World'. What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is where you need to go in order to find Heaven."
"I would just go out and start kicking 65-yard field goals."
"It's the show that people should be doing if they want to...believe they're good enough."
"Before we die, it'd be great if cancer was cured, it would be great if we could solve world hunger, but more importantly than anything, of course, seriously if we could just see the download of your dreams just once..."
"Nobody's perfect, but we're striving to keep getting better."
"You guys definitely are realizing right now that you definitely the higher your standards a little bit and reach for the stars because there is nothing you can't accomplish if you if you put your mind to it."
"If you put your heart and soul into things, of course, you can end the galaxy."
"The Legacy he wished to leave behind should be one of benevolence."
"Apply for the job you're not qualified for. Go for it."
"I want to become the change that makes it happen. I can imagine myself as an actor at a global level."
"That's the level you want to be at as a DPS player."
"Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before Kings."
"Politics: all about aspirational goals and messaging theater."
"Let's find a cure to every disease known to mankind or womankind. That would be my ultimate."
"We're looking for peace. We want peace all over the world. That's my number one goal: peace all over the world."
"Shoo for the skies, even if I worry that they're going to be able to pull off everything."
"I want to be a YouTuber. I want to make vids about things I'm passionate about: anime, video games, hip-hop. I don't know how I'll get there, but I will."
"We want to change the world in whatever way we can, we want to make it a better place."
"Swim to higher water and find a place that embraces you."
"You reach for the stars but you might just grab him by the tail and pull yourself up."
"If we don't yield, if we press on, if we make every day count together we may yet accomplish far more good than we imagined we could, than we imagined possible even at this late hour."
"Listen, if there's guys out there that are maybe watching this and they're thinking, 'I want to be the next Limpy, I want to be the next Toby, I want to be the next BJ,' what advice would you give to them?"
"The structure what it aspires to be as great and heading in the direction in which it could be great for everybody is obviously the right thing to do."
"We want peace, we want development, we want prosperity."
"We need to revive the ideals that the nation was actually founded on and do a better job of aspiring to them."
"Aim for the moon and if you fail, you'll still land amongst the stars."
"I hope we get that too, man. I mean, at the end of the day, I want them to rise to the top. I want all Star Wars fans to be like, 'Holy shit, this is amazing!'"
"Focus on really creating and cultivating that version of you."
"If you want to become that guy, you've just got to keep going and not give up."
"Things can be better but only if we are able to unite."
"Always try to shoot for a higher goal so that even if you underachieve, you're still hitting a pretty hot number."
"I haven't even driven the car that my dream car is based off of. It is the Alpha Holics GTAR 290."
"Being able to find a place amongst all the noise, the good, the bad, the great, and the sh*t. What Indie Developer doesn’t want that?"
"I want an opportunity for our children to see someone who stands for their people... and who's still doing well."
"You will not cease until you conquer that land where blessings and happiness abound."
"The star is ultimately the kind of challenge that provokes us into being our best selves."
"We want people to see us as a representation of what can be done."
"I think you're going to receive a love and connection and family life that is literally beyond your wildest dreams."
"Now they're becoming aware, they don't have to settle anymore, they can get what they want."
"Imagine you become UFC champion... Everything in this world."
"It's an ideal it's a North star and the point is not that we're ever going to get there we're not going to touch it but we have to know when we're going forward and when we're going backwards."
"Aim for the stars, and you'll probably reach the moon."
"If we could evolve more with less war, less violence, and less hatred."
"There is no time, you know, here to consider, uh, go to space."
"You are going to make it into the person you always wanted to be."
"I always want to be a better version of myself."
"I always dreamt of owning a Ferrari, honestly even more than owning a Lamborghini."
"People are aching for a different world, a fairer world, a more."
"You gotta have that internal drive. So like if there was nothing else going around you in the world, you'd still be able to get up and go after that one thing that you want."
"Growing up, I'd see these fighters and these NASCAR drivers with sponsors and bro being sponsored is the coolest thing ever."
"One day when I'm a millionaire, I will purchase a pair of denim sunglasses, and that's a guarantee."
"Superman's new mission statement is truth, justice, and a better tomorrow."
"When we were young, we had dreams of being bosses, ballers, doctors, lawyers in the office."
"These were two young, spirited young ladies. They were extremely bright."
"Set targets so high that you change how other people perceive their own targets."