
Copyright Issues Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Music, as a body of knowledge, can continue in an iterative fashion without having to worry about copyright in the legal system preventing this particular form of expression."
"But this is a great story of how one copyright troll, one copyright abuser whoever they may be, has absolutely failed in their mission to delete something off of the internet."
"Welcome to the world of legal claims. Welcome to the law. Welcome to copyright. This is the dark side of copyright. This is the injustice of copyright."
"That doesn't sound like people trying to resolve a sincere copyright claim, that sounds like extortion."
"I hope YouTube makes the right decision going forward because if we allow copyright abusers to thrive on this platform it's not YouTube that only pays the price it's every content creator on the platform."
"The transformative factor is crucial in making the distinction between copyright infringement and fair use."
"It sucks that honestly so often you see people try to challenge fair use like this and you see people abusing YouTube systems basically in order to get back at one another right?"
"Ethan's video contains a ton of my copyrighted material... fair use is a really gray and nebulous part of copyright law."
"But threatening to take copyright action over an issue that isn't even remotely related to copyright just to shut them up is so not acceptable."
"I'm a dude out of my house with me, you know, again while YouTube has the resources they say they want to protect creators I think YouTube can go and help and clarify fair use for everybody."
"A lot of people on youtube who have to deal with copyright issues will oftentimes will point to the klein case as something you know that highlights that fair use is still upheld."
"We as creators work damn hard to accumulate any dollar we can and when they're not obstructed by copyright claims, the monetization and various other obstacles creators should be able to rely on receiving the money that they have earned."
"People who are about sharing the history roms and ROM sites will never be fully eliminated but pushing them deeper into the shadows has far-reaching ramifications."
"Is it wrong of Dream to then go and copyright claim their channel?"
"You never know who's going to get butt hurt and claim your whole fair use video."
"Nothing like a react streamer coming after someone for fair use."
"Twitch actually did zero planning. They waited until the music industry came knocking and asked everybody on their platform to mark all their library of clips."
"The line between appropriating designs and being influencer-inspired proves to be very thin."
"If anyone out there did get a Content ID claim from - Media Group - tech tips any of its affiliated whatever unless you're actually just reloading our videos which you're not supposed to do, I would say just dispute it."
"Zesty's use of copyrighted content sacrificed his videos' monetization, gaining him a reputation as an exceptionally honest creator."
"The Ghostbusters theme is phenomenally similar to I Want a New Drug, another song by Huey Lewis and the News."
"No, he plays the clip for way too long so I can't show you guys the whole thing without being copyright strike."
"Assuming Victor Entertainment isn't a dick and doesn't take this video down on some bullshit copyright claim, I have another MMO Junkie video in the works."
"You cannot win the argument that them going behind the backs of the people who paid for the movies, produced, directed, endorsed, acted, and wrote the movies was just wrong."
"Historians are gonna talk about it, okay? And if you want to know why I am watching it in 240p with the aspect ratio messed up, the reason why is because destiny has DMCAd this clip all over the internet."
"Why would you put a music track in Minecraft only to have it be copyright claimed?"
"Forget that copyright law has evolved to a point that fair use exists and they want to continue to strike and seal all your money."
"If you make your own game that's like Dark Deception but it's not Dark Deception, then you're not violating any copyright."
"I oppose false DMCA claims left, right, and center. I just think it's unhelpful."
"I know we didn't invent color blocking but I'm having a hard time with the new James Charles merch. It's the exact same design as Hila's." - Ethan Klein
"Using copyright strikes to enforce selective censorship is a horrendous practice."
"Coolio's Gangster's Paradise is is not just sampled but he pretty much just copy and paste Stevie Wonder's song."
"We gotta make up our own music now because of the whole copyright thing."
"With Universal's own unique vision of Frankenstein soon reaching the end of its copyright protection, it's only a matter of time before our monster returns someway somehow."
"Surely Quantum TV wouldn't be trying to go after me and The Ant-Man... for 'copyright infringement.'"
"Copyright infringement is a huge issue on YouTube."
"I'm not gonna use the copyrighted clips, you can go to hell!"
"The problem is it's never gone to court, and so what Nintendo is doing is basically going around and bullying people."
"Ultimately what the case boiled down to was that the band was upset that their unfinished version of the song was on the internet."
"You are profit in off of stolen copyrighted works and we will hold you fully accountable."
"I was too busy listening to my copyright-free song by Raycons."
"Piracy has long been a thorn in the side of movie studios like Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Warner Brothers who have been fighting a decades-long battle against copyright infringement."
"Toei claimed content by content ID monetization claimed 150 of his videos some of which he says didn't even contain Toei footage or Toei content but simply were critiques or reviews."
"If my upload seemed a little slow yesterday today and maybe even the upcoming few days it's because of this video's are getting claimed instantly now it's a real problem."
"Instead of harassing YouTubers with false copyright claims, you've only made the Streisand effect more powerful."
"Throughout this whole series, I was getting hit with copyrights."