
Personal Creativity Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I don't consider myself a musician that has achieved perfection, but I compose my pieces with a formula that I created myself." - Thelonious Monk
"With a little experimentation, it can start to become an expression of your own musicality."
"I can actually play whatever I want because I don't have anything that people are expecting me to play."
"Art is like incredibly personal, right. You're taking something from within yourself and bringing it out into the real world so that anybody can see it."
"It's probably one of the funniest rap songs that I've ever written."
"It's much more about putting our own creative stamp on the space and stepping back and being able to say, 'It looks like Natalie and Weston live here.'"
"Most of the stuff that you see here are custom-made, including that awesome brick wall panels that he installed."
"TikTok is the product of one man’s intense interest in technology and curiosity to learn more. Its rise proves that the next big idea won’t necessarily come from Facebook, Google, or Apple - it could come from you."
"I actually want to be a hairdresser. I want to play with bleach and I want to do hair and nails and just make people beautiful."
"Who would I be and what would I make if I just made things for myself and the people who loved me?"
"It's wild I really like what you said before about you know you've always had an affinity for like the fantastical and um the obviously you're like you're an artist so you you see things through like an artist's vision."
"The roadmap that you create in those musical explorations is what naturally separates you from every other drummer in the world."
"There are no limits to what it is that you can do, achieve, and create."
"Absolutely awesome. Yeah, so I decided I would work on the green tunnel in the Nether."
"It's not like I'm creating things to sell to make money. I'm creating things that I [ __ ] wanted for myself. It's the easiest way to market something when you made it for yourself and you believe in it, you know what I mean? I love this."
"Your character design videos has inspired me to tweak my dnd characters designs to more suit their themes and they're looking good so thanks."
"I want to put out stuff now that I want to see for myself."
"I'll just go ahead and plan it out on the fly... decorate it just whatever I can..."
"Just remember there's no rules and to have fun and do my sketchbook the way that I want to."
"You won't be a true Jedi if you don't build your own lightsaber."
"You already have an audience. Give them something that comes from you."
"Never care about the current trends, don't try and wave ride, try and make your own waves."
"I made them myself. Delicious! Thank you, Caillou."
"I want to make the content that I want to make that makes me laugh and that I find interesting."
"Start making things you like... be excited about what you're creating." - T. J. Geisen
"I love the fantasy for her, so yes, I will be braiding this into her hair."
"It's literally like listening to a movie, but you get to be the director because you're the one making the images in your head."
"I think once you get over the hump it's like oh I can cut my own journal up it's cool."
"Hopefully in the aggregate of all this, you can see that there's many different ways to think about doing things and then you can make decisions for your own work as you define your style."
"I listen to a lot of music, that's why my sound is the way it is."
"Remember doing this kind of thing is all about personal creativity and interpretation."
"I'm glad that my art can help inspire you to keep up your creativity, relax, create something you can call your own, and build your skills at the same time."
"I think everyone at this time in 2018 found themselves that they wanted a hot fiery moment. And imagine to come up with something unique for their personal character. That's what I like when you get really deep into a match."
"It's what you choose to make out of it that truly matters."
"I started my whole concept of my outfit based on an eyeshadow palette that I had..." - Esme
"Thursday is sunny and creating, you're creating the new you're creating a new story."
"I encourage all of you every single person viewing this video to create something fresh and brand new."
"Every building that I constructed in X's Adventures in Minecraft has some sort of purpose."
"Go for it, shine bright, be yourself, you could totally make whatever you want."
"I just sang you a song that I'd written for years, it was amazing."
"I've painted on every single page in my DIY handmade book... I'm proud of it."
"I feel like this is my way of expressing and releasing everything."
"You don't have to like the stories or how they're told, you just need to understand how they operate to know what you want to do with your own stories."
"You make what you make. You make what you are worth."
"Art is subjective. It's not your art, it's mine."
"It's like where I start like forming a style and that is just so exciting like in an artist life when they start like creating something that they're almost happy with, you know."
"Welcoming the dawn of a new beginning, where we build a new canvas as the artists of change."
"I'd always dreamed to make my own stuff in Minecraft, and now I can."
"Don't stress about whether or not I'm gonna like something that you make. You should be making it for you."
"I just finished deadly premonition 2 and all the narrative twists and turns involved in that game have got me ready to take some narrative twists and turns of my own."
"We all have the potential to create a wondrous masterpiece of our life."
"My music is Art, my pictures are art, my sex work on OnlyFans is Art."
"I've created a dish that is unlike anything else that I've ever seen or tasted. I've put my heart on a plate."
"Your world belongs to you, and you'll know it like the back of your hand."
"I think this is probably the best one I've ever made. I'm no expert, I just had fun."
"My opinion doesn't matter. You should make whatever you think is dope, and if they don't like it [ __ ] them."
"I challenge that. We create our own masterpiece, our only Picasso."
"Pluto in Aquarius is creating almost like a social slash philosophical revision."
"Your painting should reflect your visions, your personality." - Bob Ross
"What unique thing can I do with my skills that speaks to my voice and shares my unique perspective?"
"Oh my God, y'all, these turned out so good; I love it!"
"It was really fun to do, let me know if you'd like to see me recreate this look."
"It's awesome, cut creases, sharp eyeliners, whatever it may be I can do it with that."
"It's so cool to make your own sweater because it fits you perfectly."
"If I make, I'm Picasso, I paint something, I add something you don't like, did I ruin it? No, it's mine."
"When you do a drawing so long ago, it feels like a little collab with yourself."
"It's so much fun being able to design the furniture for your own home."
"You have to think like what is it that I love? How do I put my own personal spin on whatever it is that I'm creating?"
"The only way to write anything is to write it for yourself."
"I really feel like it's a space that not only makes my job super easy but also allows me to be really creative."
"It's about creating the garden that you want to create."
"I invite you to come get creative with me."
"I hope at this point you have a certain real excitement about the possibilities of doing your own designs."
"I hope you enjoyed painting this with me, and I hope that you're able to take some of the techniques that we worked on in this video and apply them to your own personal paintings as well."
"I love when people make it their own."
"I think that these are by far some of my very favorite DIYs that I've ever done here on my channel."