
Divine Appreciation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!"
"I give all the praise, honor, and glory, and Thanksgiving to God for that. Why? He deserves it. It's all about Him."
"My life seems to me like a fairy dream. I'm often both amazed and dazed with his mercies and its love. Oh how good God has been to me."
"If you establish reminders and monuments and altars, you always have a place to go back to remind you just of how good He is."
"We thank you for your goodness and mercy and kindness toward us in Christ. We rejoice in his finished work and we rejoice in what he has accomplished through the cross."
"Your contribution is part of the divine expression that your parents Alpha and Omega and your godparents Helios and myself, Vesta, dearly cherish and honor you for."
"When it was the hardest to worship and the driest, God is like loving it and appreciating it the most."
"Lord we love you we thank you we honor you."
"God is just amazing, just incredible, you know?"
"God is just amazing, you guys don't even get it."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your presence. We love you."
"I want to thank the good Lord up above for everything he does for us."
"Thank you God, thank you for the peace, thank you for sustaining me, he's a good God."
"God is grateful to us and for us and for all that we are and do."
"Only then will we really love this greatest gift that God has ever given to us."
"This is the day the Lord has made, and we will rejoice."
"I'm just thankful for your calling in our lives. God, thanks for bringing us together as a family seeking the Lord Jesus tonight."
"There's nothing more inspirational or satisfying than to make God smile."
"As the ground celebrates you as you walk upon it, know that God is far larger, more compassionate, more benevolent than ever before."
"You're gonna get emotional fulfillment anyway because you are a star in God's eyes."
"Thank God every day get on your knees and thank God for everything he's doing."
"This is godly, absolutely sent from the heavens."
"We just give God praise today and every single day for sending his Holy Spirit among us and dwelling inside of us."
"As they understand more about his beauties, they will love him."
"You get credit for trying... that's the true nature of our Father in Heaven."
"Thank you for the love. Jesus, oh, ain't God good, breath he is."
"The fear of the Lord isn't that I'm afraid of God, it's being in awe of His beauty and presence."
"God admires our progression and not our Perfection."
"I'm certainly thankful to God for this wonderful service that has gone forth."
"Take some time to thank God for some stuff he's already done in our lives."
"Your obedience and your servant heart matters so much to God."
"God is glorified not only by His glories being seen, but by its being rejoiced in."
"God calls that faith, and he appreciates it and takes pleasure in it."
"God gets Glory from that flower because every day He sees it, and He glories in what He has made."
"Look at God, man, what amazing but just so random and wholesome."
"You are absolutely beautiful. With one glance of your eyes, you captured God's heart."
"Thank you for every single thing, Lord. We thank you for who you are, we thank you for what you do."
"Let him know, 'Father, I love you, I appreciate you.' That makes His day."
"Fresh bread on a sunny morning is to me like worship to the gods."
"For me to love God means to appreciate all the things that are in my life because of God."
"Tell him how much you love him; tell him how wonderful he is."
"This is a great day that calls the Lord has made."
"The Father loves sacrifice because it shows faith."
"Are you thankful for what the Lord has done?"
"What a glorious day the Lord has made."
"I told the Holy Spirit how wonderful you are; you have preached more to the Africans in this way than through any of my words."
"God counts generously the merits of the devotee’s heart and strivings!"
"Be thankful for the things we have, the things we do not have, the things God has done, and the things God hasn't done for us."