
Narrative Focus Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"The team behind Final Fantasy 14, from its inception, has put its focus squarely on storytelling."
"The majority of lore from 10th edition will focus around battles that are elsewhere while Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade is fighting against the Silent King."
"At the end of the day, it's a decent movie, but it loses out on the message by the end to detour on whatever is going on with the kids and the storytelling DXM."
"This is character first entertainment, so this is not like, 'Oh, we have to destroy 20 Life Gems in order to win the day.' This kind of features on the characters, their relationships and their trials."
"Every bit of complexity she gets to have afterwards is focused on her romance with Chuck."
"If you make a game with the goal of telling a story, I think it's wrong."
"Trying to bring that kind of focus to all different kinds of stories."
"Character motivations aren't in the driver's seat."
"Blundell's maps put a heavier emphasis on narrative."
"Final Fantasy 6 elevated summons to a prominent focus, introducing Espers and integrating them deeply into the plot."
"The story follows Eden Versio, an elite Imperial special forces officer."
"Hogwarts Legacy will be narratively driven and it will feature an open world atmosphere where you're not confined to the castle walls..."
"Jedi Survivor will be a narratively driven game that picks up five years after the events in Fallen order and you'll be following Cal's increasingly desperate fight..."
"Assassin's Creed Mirage will be narratively driven and will follow the transformation of a young defiant man into a refined Master assassin with a conflicted Destiny."
"It's time to start talking about the story itself."
"Will is in many ways one of the only characters who is truly content with who he is and how he's lived."
"This critique has been a little bit bizarre because after all I am trying to discuss and cover a two-and-a-half-hour expansion but cover it in detail while there's no real gameplay changes so I end up just discussing the narrative."
"This is the most narrative driven total war today and we're really excited about that."
"These stories shouldn't be about broad character judgments, they should be about the fact pattern."
"Final Fantasy 14 is a game about the story, the journey, the adventure, and the community brings the adventure out of the game as well."
"The point of Skye is to show that Victor has always been wrong about himself."
"Spencer Hastings is by far the most intriguing character in this show, not because of her trait as a character, she's fine, don't get me wrong, but because in season 4 and 5 the writers just decided Spencer was going to become the main character."
"Every character that was just first introduced here got the love and attention they deserve to build up their storylines."
"What they need to do is sit down, figure out the core of what makes the gameplay fun, trim out a bunch of the unneeded garbage, keep the amazing setting intact, and give us a solid main story plot that doesn't force you to take breaks."
"Destiny 2 puts storytelling front and center."
"The Witcher 3 is really about the story; I did not play Witcher 3 for the gameplay."
"One Division did such a good job understanding who they always kept Wanda's character journey as a priority and that's why I think on that end they stuck the landing."
"Encanto is obviously the point where this trend passes over from 'explicitly part of the experience' to 'literally what the movie is about.'"
"Rachel was now the centerpiece to this story."
"Even in a show as fatal as Game of Thrones, it's almost less about if they will survive and more about how they will survive."
"We make games that are very narrative, we're really into interactive drama."
"We're not here for the ending, we're here for the journey."
"For me, there's something really compelling about jumping into a story and being told essentially to concentrate on here and now, to pass through this experience in the present tense."
"It's a personal story with these characters."
"It focuses on the story and the characters more than any of the other ones."
"Adios is a quiet beautifully written game that is more about the space between words than the words themselves."
"The Scoops Ahoy subplot was still the one I constantly found myself wanting the show to get back to whenever it went somewhere else."
"They're about seeing women at the center of the story and knowing that they're not there to lose and die but to triumph and win."
"RPGs aren't just about walking around finding things and fighting enemies. I like story-driven RPGs."
"If you tell a good story, the destination isn't the point of the storytelling; it's the journey."
"At no point are their perspectives ever centered to prioritize in this whole fiasco which in the end was all based on lies."
"In Psycho, the MacGuffin is the money, but the story isn't about money at all."
"The story of a father and son desperate to make their own fate."
"Do as much focus as you can on the story itself, focus the story, focus on the golden quests."
"The card could have spent all of season 1 searching out Soji and fighting the synth ban... A very sci-fi kind of story."
"Sometimes an adventure story isn't about the hero of the adventure getting the girl, it's about them reuniting other lovers."
"If you want to change the world think about the real world if you want to change the world to what lengths would you go yeah what are you willing to do right"
"This is not a survival horror... it's more of a narrative-driven horror game."
"Her fate is tied up with the fight against the Night King rather than who wins the Iron Throne."
"Even if you wanted to, you could look at this movie as nothing more than Jack losing his mind."
"A return to Azeroth and a more grounded narrative."
"Character interactions were a lot more entertaining than the fights themselves."
"The premise of Diamond Days is a glimpse at the day-to-day duties of the Diamonds now that they're trying to reform and change their ways, attempting to fix their image around the galaxy, somewhat slice of life, somewhat story-focused."
"This is the rare Gacha anime that feels like it's actually trying to tell a good story first and sell me [ ] second, and that's really nice."
"This finally is a story of Wakandan problems and Wakandan solutions."
"The rules are there to facilitate the narrative, not the other way around."
"I wanted my kids to see me put in hard work. If you work hard at anything, even if you suck, you will get great."
"It's all about the story; it has to be pure."
"The primary story about this detective and this villain and their feud... I love that more than anything."
"The true protagonist isn't Paul, it's the planet of Arrakis."
"In other words, it always comes back to romance."
"All she wishes for is for Tanjiro to come back to them."
"A bloated overbearing piece of shit that cannot focus."
"Experiencing the story from the beginning to end should be your priority."
"Characters are the most important part of storytelling."
"Abandoning the idea of the shows being included in the MCU allows you to focus on the individual stories and truly enjoy the shows for what they are."
"It's less of a zombie game, more of a game about human relationships and how humans deal with the world that they've known."
"It used to be that a MacGuffin was a reason to have a character-driven story now mcguffins are the story."
"Dear Jesus Christ I'm trying so hard to focus on the story here but they brought the gun shucks back and holy fuck that was awe-inspiring."
"Both stories deal with mental health at the forefront and characters suffering from extreme mental health issues."
"The team also wanted the storytelling to take priority."
"The more people get wound up about this, the more that becomes the story."
"The future of humanity lies in Wang's hands."
"Surprise Fallout players are interested in what fallout has always been about, which is story and pcs exploration in meaningful choices."
"Being a hero is pointless if we don't see the people the hero is saving."
"Going back to basics and simplifying the stories would seem like a really good idea."
"Under all this insanity, it still focuses on these characters. It's still a story about family, and the actors maintain this through all this crazy [__]."
"I'm from Insane TV all about the narrative; we do play competitively sometimes but we can't act it."
"Easily one of the most misguided and baffling sequels of all time, 'Metroid: Other M' took what was originally a series all about exploration and environmental storytelling and turned into a cut-scene filled, 'Metal Gear Solid'-like game."
"She's an awesome character and most certainly deserves the spotlight."
"Focus on narrative clarity: 'Focus on having a clear narrative and then taking on more ambiguous ideas much later as you grow your skill set.'"
"The Old Republic is at its core a story-driven game."
"Tommy is shown to have a strong passion for filmmaking, and I have to say that I really like this direction for his character."
"Bitterblue is much more focused on Bitterblue coming into her ability to rule."
"Karapika officially becomes our series protagonist."
"Fleabag is all about the importance of the little things."
"For us, it's not about happy endings; it's about happy beginnings."
"It stopped you being concerned with character."
"Despite its messaging, Tales from the Hood remains a horror movie first and foremost."
"‘Soma’ is a game about a handful of things, but at the center of it all is a man named Simon."
"Star Trek's about collaboration not individual superheroes doing stupid [__]."
"It's just nice to sit down with a game that's really story focused."
"It's nice to see that even with these Mandalorian asides, the show hasn't forgotten its main focus."
"Robert Pattinson is almost in every scene, telling a Batman point of view driven story."
"I thought they were gonna bounce around between Tony or Cap one, but in terms of screen time, the focus was on Thanos."
"I like short and sweet games with a good story and skill-based single-player games."
"But sometimes the most well-written characters are those that don't take up the spotlight."
"Hutchinson emphasizes the character-driven narrative amid the supernatural elements."
"As short as it can be but no shorter, make it about the story."
"You can mess up on story as long as you give me character moments that make sense."
"Unforgiven presents us with one overarching plot point that serves as the focal point of this story: the mutilation of a prostitute, Delilah."
"As a viewer, the more time we spend looking at any element in the story, the more importance it develops in our minds."
"Games Workshop had specifically chosen to highlight a battlefield story concerning a female custodian."
"Filmmakers have to put the story first, their first priority if they're good filmmakers is to tell a compelling story."
"We're not going to narrate the movie or simply point out every piece of dialogue that's in a different Avengers movie."
"It was more about building the tag match than it was the night two match."
"It's a show about family, that's the core of it."
"Our vision for Halo Infinite's spiritual reboot was to create a story and experience that's inviting to new players."
"The story is really not about plot twists or surprising developments."
"Even minor characters get a bit of the spotlight."
"Inside is a boat. That boat is where this story takes place."
"The second half of the series shifts focus away from Dahmer's perspective and onto the perspective of those impacted by him."
"Our story here is not about racism, it's about redemption."
"It's one of the best and most focused stories."
"Start with your story. It's a narrative piece. They're not gameplay beats these are narrative beats."
"The series is a must watch... It's better to forget the specifics regarding what the series is about and like the show does itself focus a bit more on how it tells its narrative."
"It's got everything to do with that little girl."
"Alternatively, the second half of the season will focus on Morty unpacking the time he spent with evil Morty."
"Subjectivity is the point; plot development isn't central."
"There's something really unique about these games which dare to put the story above the gameplay a lot of the time."
"This is one of Netflix's best. This is a story that's usually like the side plot in a lot of major networks but Netflix has taken it and given it its own voice."
"It's fun, but the star of this story which blows away the main game is the focus on character."
"Game Master moves usually aren't set. So when determining what Move to make, a Game Master's loyalty is more toward The Narrative of the fiction than with the Written Rules."
"If you can tell a story in an hour and do it justice, you should tell it in an hour instead of taking two, or three, or more."
"The main draw of Assassin's Creed Rogue is its story."
"If you got a great story idea and it doesn't need that other character, then you don't do it."
"Make the world feel like it exists without you by focusing on recognition news and events happening inside and outside of your control."
"I love this kind of balance of Ed and Al giving so much of themselves in pursuit of this goal, this ambition."
"That's all I've ever done, it's all I've ever cared about is narrative and story in 40k so I'm really happy that they've gone down this route."
"Nothing matters more than the survival of Atreus."
"Tabata believes that what's unique about Final Fantasy 15 is that the whole group and their relationship is the main character."
"Finina is the most important character in genin."
"Character, character, character. That's all I care about."
"The Hobbit isn't meant to be Lord of the Rings; The Hobbit is meant to be The Hobbit."
"Unlike many others in the genre, the story took center stage, detailing the disturbing horrors of war and the unsettling effects it could have on the mind."
"It's a game that is so surprisingly good and narratively focused that it's still hard for me to believe that it came from EA."
"Literally just turned into a soap opera with zombies, like the zombies were barely there."
"I find they're less dependent on online play and more focused on story driven games."
"Final Fantasy 10-3: Square has put the narrative back on the freaking table!"
"So I've been obsessed with finding Tatiana, it's pretty much what this comes down to. Help me find Tatiana from the exclusion zone, that's what the story is."
"Putting the focus back on Gohan was a very smart idea."
"Half of the emotional moments in the series focus on the realization of sentimentality."
"Silent Hill Ascension is not about the story..."
"This was truly one of those games that put a lot more emphasis on the journey rather than the destination."
"It's less about hunting monsters and more about navigating human conflicts."
"The movie felt much more foregrounded despite the multitude of characters."
"I think an opportunity to tell a tighter story that's a little different than what we've seen for 10 years."
"Keeping the narrative in focus might help imply how your monsters or NPCs respond to the way the battle unfolds."
"They are more deserving of peace and happiness than any other characters in the franchise."
"The game's straight focus on narrative that isn't bloated, 25 to 35-hour gameplay time, 25 to 30 dollar entry fee, and gameplay that it offers more than offsets those issues."
"The fact that they focused it on Mirio so much is good because if they had tried to distribute it amongst all three, that wouldn't have had the same punch."
"Just treat people with respect and don't use their race, gender, or identity to push anything other than a good story."
"Your responsibility is your PC. However, to the degree that your empathy allows you to, try to keep a bird's eye view on the overall story."
"Anthem is going to have more of an emphasis on story than your traditional looter shooter."
"It's not meant to look good, the story is what sells it."
"The best part of the game is the story, so if you can get through it in 30-35 hours, that's great."
"I just want a third person single player narrative."
"Scarecrow could have been the main villain of the entire game."
"Some stories have more than one main character; pay attention to whose point of view the reader is getting."
"It's pretty apparent that this game is going to have a lot more focus on having a wide cast of characters."
"It's about human relationships and this being the most important one in this story."
"A heartfelt story about the real heroes of the Clone Wars: the clones themselves."
"Is there a chance we all got so caught up in the story that we forgot the point?"
"The story has been Rocket’s all along."
"The heels didn't suffer too because the story wasn't them losing. It was what will Roman Reigns's reaction be to them losing."
"Though How I Met Your Mother included several other stories, like Barney’s slow maturation, Marshall and Lily’s evolving marriage, and Robin’s commitment to her career, Ted’s romantic life was always the center of the show and the narrative’s driving force."
"He may have whittled the rest of One Piece down to just its most necessary arcs and plot points."
"This story, it's his story, it's his script, he's the a-lister, it's about him."
"Let's actually have meaningful storylines without championship belts on the line."
"This is all about this character."
"This has got absolutely nothing to do with the main character all this storytelling greatness has nothing to do with the main character."
"Marinette's ultimate character arc should revolve around Kwamis, not her love for Adrien."
"The intricacies of television production often prioritize certain narratives or characters for various reasons."
"The show is much more about human drama."
"It's all about the story that's happening here."
"All that mattered to Briar was that he was safe at Discipline."
"It's team narrative, I'm doing it for all people that care about the narrative."
"Children of Dune focuses squarely on the characters and their relationships."
"The best part of One Piece isn't the fights, it's the characters."
"This movie did what it was supposed to do and that was telling Howleen's story."
"Publishers are very focused on the story itself, the concept behind it, and your storytelling skills."
"We have to lean harder into the narrative and be character-focused because the world that we have is already pre-established."
"Thorin Oakenshield, while Bilbo may be the narrator, Thorin is ultimately the leader of the quest."
"If a villain in the story has a redemption arc, I'm probably going to be more invested in that arc than our actual main character."
"They spent too much time on this girl, so I feel like she's going to be important."
"The main focus of their videos is on the story rather than the visuals."
"The most intriguing and unique thing about this story to me is the character focus put on our main protagonist."
"I really wanted to take the stories away from the violent men who were at their center and give them to the people who suffered and endured that violence."
"I actually really liked how you put it together with the first chapters actually focusing at different stages of life."
"Alice is the real main character."
"Revolution feels like the characters look like themselves, characters act like themselves, it's a very focused story."
"I hope there's way more focus on the characters."
"...events pertinent to the story don't always have to revolve around Asta or Yuno."
"When I watch Attack on Titan, the last thing I'm looking at is the action."
"When a story is so inexorably emotionally driven that portraying how the characters are feeling takes priority over portraying what's literally happening to them."
"It's time for some serious relationship development."
"I focused very heavily on the story."
"She's the one who's really interesting."