
Fear Impact Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"What fear does: Fear... takes your rights away. You willingly will give up your rights in order to protect."
"Just knowing that fear can impact your judgment is a good step in combating its manipulative effects."
"The fear that has been generated by this is the biggest problem of all."
"Fear drives us to doing stupid stuff... it's not love it's fear."
"Most of the time it's out of fear that you're not going bigger, it's out of worry about what other people will think of you."
"It pains me to see people making decisions based on fears..."
"This level of fear can actually choke your ability to find the unique thing that's interesting and exciting to you."
"Your fear of failure is what's going to hold you back."
"Fear is the greatest thief of dreams and of a fulfilling life."
"This is a Little Mermaid robbed of its voice, its choices ruled largely by fear rather than the thrill of creative risk."
"Fear makes a human body start protecting arteries."
"Fear is the invisible force that will make you ineffective."
"Fear makes you fail; it's a terrible thing that stunts our growth."
"Fear kills people much more than the story that I was gonna tell, Edgar Allan Poe, 'The Mask of the Red Death.'"
"It is very interesting that fear has kept you both apart in this way because you both have this mirrored energy."
"Fear is what gets us to make wrong choices about our future. Fear is what gets us to speak out against things or support evil people."
"Fear is the mind killer, but you know what's also driven by fear? Markets."
"Fear disables our capacity for critical thinking."
"Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will."
"Fear suppresses the immune system. We really need human touch and we really need to not live in fear." - Holistic Hilda
"I regret giving up this valuable opportunity all because of fear."
"Fear often cloud our judgment it fear is of the mind and it really prevents us from trusting in our heart trusting in that intuition."
"I am not afraid of an army led by sheep but I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."
"Fear stops you from doing things you enjoy because you're worried about what other people think."
"When faith gives way to fear, we get in awesome trouble."
"The worst things that have ever happened in any society or any civilization... has been done under the name of fear."
"Fear is the single biggest thief of people's dreams."
"Cancel culture makes social media weak. People are so afraid to say anything."
"Our focus of what we fear will happen is creating what is happening."
"Fear is going to make people rational people do irrational things and there's no stopping it."
"Fear holds everything down; it's micro and macro."
"Walking in fear and faithlessness will always keep you coming back to the same spot."
"Fear is the great divider that keeps us in a low state."
"People are crippled by fear and terrorized for different reasons, but they're still terrorized. They're still in fear, and people are still dying."
"Fear can do more harm than the virus itself."
"Because you cannot evolve in a state of fear and terror you know it in your personal lives when things are going rotten and you cannot be creative and if we're in a society of always war and terror we're not going to evolve to a higher level."
"Fear is spreading more rapidly than the virus."
"You shouldn't have to live in that kind of fear."
"Fear is a monster that will kill you one day at a time."
"Allowing fear to mute one's voice is the death of creativity."
"Fear is a hell of a drug. Fear is a big motivator."
"Fear of disappointing people is the single biggest factor for most people that robs them of success."
"Your fear caused you to forget what he already told you."
"Fear makes you a participant. You need to pay attention."
"The more afraid you are, the more power you give it."
"Fear really is the greatest penalty we pay for crime."
"Without that fear, think about what's possible, think about where your life can go, where your life can be now, moving forward, without this fear."
"Fear and censorship is what is harming everyone right now."