
Personal Freedoms Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"What fear does: Fear... takes your rights away. You willingly will give up your rights in order to protect."
"You can't strip that right away from me, that's what I'm trying to tell you."
"Look, I really love my liberties and I'm very fierce about defending them."
"Rights are freedoms of action, a recognition that you are free."
"We're not too far off from the abject violation of what are your rights."
"There's very few things I think that you should be restricted from doing as an individual."
"I want freedom of speech to return. I want privacy to return. I want people's savings to have value. I want people to become richer while they sleep."
"Each generation faces new temptations to trade personal freedoms for promised benefits—benefits are abstractions, and usually abstractions that turn out to be passing fantasies."
"I'm just trying to exercise my rights peacefully."
"We need someone who's going to stand up to these people and give me back my freedom. I'm scared."
"It protects us from that. It also ensures that our life, liberty, and property still can move."
"People are not virtuous enough to be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. That's why laws exist."
"It's never been like this before. I don't remember the government forcing people to do certain things like this."
"No papers please. Period. That's my hard line. Yeah, I agree with you. There's no reason that you need a permission slip from the government to go to the supermarket or to get a haircut."
"I'm not gonna comply with unlawful orders, and that's just my right as a citizen."
"Every single individual has the private right to contract."
"You have to be willing to afford other people their freedom."
"Safeguards personal liberties and property rights in court."
"Society runs the risk of trading hard-won personal freedoms for High-Tech entertainment and enhancement that can be turned against us."
"It's a fundamental difference between the folks that believe in Sovereign and Free Will and those that only believe in control."
"We believe in the freedom of individual Canadians."
"The bigger picture here is they're fighting for all of our rights, our personal freedoms."
"As long as you're not breaking the law or destroying property, you have a right to do that."
"It's about empathy and if you're empa if you have empathy and sympathy you want to respect other people's freedoms and right to live their lives."
"If anyone values free speech, it's us. But that doesn't mean you're free of consequence."
"Body autonomy is one of the most important things in personal freedoms."
"We speak the truth in love but we're not going to be denied our freedoms, that freedom of choice of what goes into our bodies."
"Freedom is not this illusion that you just get to sail on the beach and live the ig lifestyle."
"Balancing personal freedoms with a healthy respect for Collective rights. According to the Canadian government, a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian."
"I highly prized individual rights and freedoms but I'm not an ideologue because I don't go around shoehorning that into every conversation."
"Personal freedoms are going to have to be taken away on a legislated level."
"You don't need to make something illegal to still violate someone's rights."
"It's his right to create it, it is not your right to destroy it."
"They don't care about your natural born rights."
"The rules don't supersede my rights under the Constitution."
"You do not have the right to infringe upon somebody's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness."
"The freedom to choose among consenting adults... We want the government out of our bedrooms."
"That is the opposite of personal rights and freedoms. That is injustice."
"I'm all in favor of people having the right to keep and bear arms."
"I have never given up my freedom, I don't plan on giving up my freedom."
"The personal freedoms of my constituents and all Americans are disappearing."
"My First Amendment right doesn't stop cuz you say it does or cuz he says it does, period."
"Them feeling uncomfortable does not trump my rights."
"We happen to believe very sincerely in personal liberty and not collective authoritarianism."
"The real enemy of you and I is the government."
"The right to go outside or the right to choose whether to send your children to school or the right to choose what drugs go into your body or the right to choose."
"I don't lose my rights just because I have a badge."
"There's a difference between personal piety and public order. We need to balance individual freedoms with societal well-being."
"Everyone's born with life, liberty, and property, okay, and nobody can take that away from you."