
Sustainable Agriculture Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Maybe we can revert to more traditional agricultural practices where local farmers are grazing animals in an integrated fashion, and that actually can improve the soil quality."
"Supporting local, sustainable agriculture with our dollar and trying to spend money on high-quality foods is crucial."
"They carved rice paddies out of mountainsides and truly lived off the land."
"Animals not only provide meat, they perform a variety of other functions, creating an apiary and keeping bees is going to help off the ecosystem, will pollinate your crops, and provide you with honey."
"Our vision behind this industry is trying to set up an alternate paradigm to meat production in this land."
"Care for the Earth rebuilding soils through the way that we Harvest it's before we plant so that like what we plant and how we plant is part of how we build the soils."
"Vertical farming: the future of food according to Bill Gates."
"We're looking at a future in which organic food and clean energy are cultivated with levels of abundance never before seen."
"Regenerative agriculture is scalable and sustainable."
"We should push for sustainable, well-pastured animals where it can be done."
"So he's using chickens to do, he's letting birds do what birds naturally do, he's letting cows do what cows naturally do, he's letting pigs do, he calls it respecting the pigness of the pig."
"Regenerative agriculture is one of the great stories of hope."
"If we can convert around 30 percent of our cattle ranches to rotationally grazed high-dense cattle, we can offset all of the carbon emissions in the United States."
"Their agriculture is much more intensive and therefore sustainable than we thought and they were cultivating every inch of the land."
"Moringa: the vitamin tree, a miracle food. Easy to grow, nutrient-dense, changing the game."
"Mushroom production is otherwise a really sustainable way to produce food from waste organic material and really rich nutritious food as well."
"Aquaponics simulates a natural ecosystem, creating a self-contained, sustainable system."
"If we were to convert even a fraction of our current agricultural land use into agrivoltaics, a large portion of our energy needs can be met … easily."
"By changing those methods and simply using no-till farming and multi-species cover crops we're able to put the carbon dioxide back in the ground as carbon."
"We're very passionate about what we do when it comes to raising healthy food and taking care of our land."
"Agriculture done right is part of the solution for mitigating climate change."
"What regenerative agriculture is, is restarting those cycles of nature."
"What truly sets them apart is their unwavering commitment to regenerative agriculture by sourcing 100% grass-finished beef they not only deliver the highest quality meat but also contribute to a sustainable future."
"This farm layout is all about foraging, and that means your farm naturally produces things you can forage and harvest."
"Major changes in how food is produced are needed."
"Algae farming could become the world's biggest cropping industry."
"Our food systems work incredibly well, but as the weather shifts and climate changes, we've got to keep looking at the forefront of how we feed the next billion human beings."
"This is the antithesis to monoculture farming that we see everywhere else in the world."
"The Earth can produce enough food for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed."
"Aquaponics is the fusion of aquaculture or the culturing of fish or aquatic organisms with a combination integrating that with hydroponics."
"Organic farming is part of the solution to climate change."
"This is some Jurassic Park level science fiction nonsense all for the purposes of a radical transformation of the food system."
"Regenerative agriculture looks at how soil functions and attempts to engage with the science behind it in a given context."
"I'm definitely stoked on what you guys are doing with all of your sustainable farming and and uh harvesting of meat with love."
"Forest gardens can increase the amount of food that we produce."
"I just want to thank you for the work you're doing with farm to table it's truly incredible."
"What you consider food is not food, we have to come up with some type of non-profit and we have to get into our own agriculture."
"It's about finding the right balance, connecting farming with nature rather than just exploiting soil."
"I wish there was some way to funnel some of that money to the people who raise healthy animals and raise healthy food."
"We're so proud to be supporting regenerative agriculture and helping you all eat nose to tail"
"You could instead take it out of production for a season and grow a series of cover crops to naturally build up the health of the soil."
"One of the more recent experiments by Michael Reynolds' company Earthship Biotecture is the use of interior gray water botanical cells for food production."
"Biochar has a greater greenhouse gas reduction potential than grazing, conservation agriculture, or wetland restoration."
"We produce a wide array of vegetables in a no-till cropping system and we run heritage chickens on pasture for eggs. We also run heritage reed hogs for pork and we produce a variety of flowers and herbs as well."
"Avoiding salt fertilizers and limestone applications can help maintain a reduced soil environment."
"Boycott destructive factory farming and support regenerative farming practices."
"We're learning that by plowing under vegetation containing natural fertilizers we can enrich the soil without the use of chemicals."
"Adding legumes... veg peas beans clovers."
"To protect the forest, we have to end fires and find ways for agriculture to continue without new deforestation."
"We can't feed the world, but we can teach the world how to feed itself."
"We now know with multi-species cover cropping and some of the good biological innovations... we can replace the industrial inputs with biology."
"Do away with that inorganic fertilizer, do away with those pesticides, do away with any of the chemical treatments not needed if you get the biology back."
"Regenerative ag will be the big step to clean up the communities."
"Sustainable agriculture is agriculture that strives to promote good quality food with minimal impact on the environment around it."
"We're really learning the importance of adding that biology back to the soil to bring overall health."
"The cubic farm system allows for efficient and sustainable year-round growing of a variety of crops in a controlled environment."
"These plants are in fact a biofilter, they are removing the nutrients from that water so that water can be recirculated back into the fish tank."
"Because organic farmers don't use conventional fertilizers, they often end up making their own out of natural ingredients they find on the farm."
"We can restore our grasslands and improve our soils; conventional agriculture cannot."
"A carbon that was laid down thousands of years ago is still there and has a long-lasting sustainable effect on soil productivity."
"We cannot solve the climate crisis if we don't figure out how to grow healthy foods here in California using less water and creating less pollution in our communities."
"I wrote a book, Restoration Agriculture, and I chose the words on purpose because as Agri foresters we have the ability to do two things at the same time: ecological restoration simultaneous with agricultural production."
"It's about supporting crop production in an environmentally friendly way."
"The use of biofertilizers combined with chemical ones at a suitable rate is a potential trend for sustainable agricultural development over the world."
"We may discover that only sustainable agriculture can feed the world."
"It's not just about the absence of chemicals or the absence of synthetic fertilizer, it's really about what are you doing to improve biodiversity, improve the soil, and actually protect the natural resources."
"It's really exciting to be part of that, to be part of this national kind of realization of just how productive and sustainable small farms can be."