
Leadership Style Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"My dad ran the restaurant with an iron fist, and we were the best that you could be."
"Indeed, many European rulers subsequently adopted benevolent despotism over the coming decades, including Frederick the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Catherine the Great herself."
"He needs to come out with an Iron Fist and crack some skulls"
"I predict my man Ron DeSantis will be the big winner. He treated the population like adults, he let them make their own decisions."
"She has really done it in her way, that really important sense of duty."
"He's a man of the people and he doesn't like all the luxuries or the gold."
"We've had a president who loves chaos and loves division."
"I will take that further than Trump ever did, that's just my distinction from Trump."
"Joe Biden appears to be at least in his rhetoric going full dictator on us, complete with the Optics of dictatorship and all."
"When you lead out of love, people protect you."
"Trump runs this White House, by extension, like some sort of feudal lord."
"Bullying and intimidation actually produces worse results."
"I'm the boss so I can do whatever the hell I want."
"I'm not much of a leader. I've always gone with my gut, and my gut is stating that we need to go now and kick these galactic butts." - Rogue
"Stan was never ever ever liked that I've never ever heard stan say that's not the way it's done he was so open and just it just instilled in me I never want to be that get out of my you know hey you kids get off my lawn guys."
"Donald Trump has shown conservatives you can fight back."
"Tim Duncan is the best human being in the world, but he was tense as a coach, you know."
"Some lead with an open palm, I lead with a fist."
"He just can't do the thing where he's so dominant that he drowns out everyone else."
"Strong leaders don't have to say they're strong; they don't have to always be in that sort of figurehead role."
"Sigmas are reluctant leaders; they don't do things to get power."
"Elon Musk is wired differently than most CEOs... Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy."
"Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia's a positive not a negative. If that doesn't work out, I'll be the worst enemy he's ever had."
"Bottom-up organization rather than top down."
"That's kind of how I lead, is go with the flow."
"Alpha males are focused on the process not on the outcome."
"Structured leadership over cult-like worship; lead by committee, not by one." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"James Dolan runs the franchise like a taker, not like a giver."
"I don't really care about pissing people off, I care about getting stuff done."
"The goal of a platform team is to enable stream aligned teams to deliver work with substantial autonomy."
"I respect people that blaze their own trail, you know, and that's why I became such a fan of Trump because he literally broke the mold for how you become the president."
"Homelander wants either people in the Seven that he can control through fear or he doesn't want them at all."
"After taking the reign of JP Morgan, he starts reshaping JPM in his usual style - cutting costs, reforming incentive structure, and most importantly, creating a fortress balance sheet."
"Brian Clough would have called him probably Edward, and that's different."
"His unconventional style, controversial actions, and divisive rhetoric further polarized the nation."
"It's amazing how popular he is though isn't it? And the more that he insults people and makes a semi-sad or something the more successful he gets because people are tired of the way things have gone."
"Jenny Yellen speaks to calm; she isn't a big fan of clamping down excessively and hawkishly, but she's also not a pushover."
"Ross is brilliant at letting his artists be themselves. He's just so good, as cool as the other side of the pillow."
"Leading is not a place of dominance but a place of gentle submission."
"The best leaders are those the people hardly know exist."
"Steve Jobs would have laughed in their face and sent them back to the drawing board."
"Sid Barrett wasn't trying to be a control freak and have everything delineated as it should be."
"Tyrannical ruler with either option being viable for success and the difference between them sometimes unclear. Your moral compass will pair."
"Trump was the most transparent president we've ever had because he just tweets his thoughts."
"Yo my man, Biden does exactly what I want to do in most meetings."
"Putin's central insight is that he doesn't care if he's caught lying or breaking the rules. He's a shameless thug."
"I think this is a good idea, but do it in a way that makes you look a bit less egotistical."
"He's the master, but here's a question: are you enjoying doing things your way all the time?"
"I ain't nobody's boss, okay? That's what I meant when I said 'the rebuke.'"
"Stop tearing yourselves apart. You may not like the style, but the people doing this are doing God bless you genocide."
"The vast majority of great leaders are not micromanagers... they're courageous Visionaries."
"I'll take a Bidenism any day over a half a second of Trump pushing people out of the way."
"Boseman's Black Panther leads through trust and encouragement."
"He really believed this step on somebody's neck you can't let them up you have to motivate people you have to drive them."
"Donald Trump is so good at ritualistically humiliating his interlocutors."
"I'm not really their boss. I'm their friend, and I just happen to be their boss."
"I kind of like the idea of having you as a vassal. I'm gonna do it. You may thrive under me, you may not."
"I don't want to be a megachurch, I don't want to be a maggot"
"He uses all of his experiences to inform how he governs."
"Jerome Powell, no longer Dove for good this time around, 100% sure. He's becoming a Maverick Wall Street kind of Hawk."
"He may have almost bankrupted the place but what he also did was to give it a kind of style and grandeur."
"Ron DeSantis understands that if you articulate why you believe what you believe in a way that is calm, collected, and cool, that more people can actually come into your category."
"I think KD is a leader just because he's always going to do what he wants to do and he doesn't care about what nobody has to say."
"Overall whether you like the style or not, I think he's done pretty well."
"Kim jong-un's leadership style, personal preferences, and the Dynamics of the governing Elite are all important factors."
"Our first impression of Alonzo is that of a man who's his own boss and who doesn't take any bowl from anyone, clearly showing himself from his first scene to be a 'my way or the highway' kind of guy."
"Trump is basically reviving the same spirit he did back in 2016."
"Jabba ruled with fear, I intend to rule with respect."
"They're planning on not really saying much...sitting in their authoritative power."
"President Donald Trump represents a worldview to protect the United States of America."
"President Donald Trump is a disrupter to a bipartisan cartel that was destroying our country for 40 years."
"That's been the key to my success, I let artists do whatever they want."
"Don't let them lead you. Let them inspire you to do something different."
"You make your own rules. You're not a leader. You're not a follower. You're just trying to survive."
"The only way to run this company well is if you empower the hell out of your people."
"She's gonna be the partying vice president. Don't make any enemies, tell everybody everything is great."
"It's gonna be her job to be the partying vice president, don't make any enemies, tell everybody everything is great."
"Jobs was known for constantly pushing the design team."
"Watching Donald Trump interact with the people in his party is like watching one of those time traveler movies."
"Russia wants to be more than just some communist leader; Putin wants to be the czar of everything."
"Being a leader is more like hosting a party: invite people, make introductions, and occasionally throw out the drunks."
"Amy Semple McPherson was seeker sensitive. She was the Joel Osteen of her day."
"Okay, small thing here but I love the fact that the Emperor isn't just physically piloting the ship. He's just, you know, 'I'm not gonna bother with it, I'm just gonna use my psychic power to do that.'"
"Stephanie McMahon could do whatever the [ __ ] she wants as CEO."
"The best way to get a task done is to define the broad parameters of that task and then trust your subordinates to get on with it and get it done."
"So he started on a path of leadership with commander's guidance and intent and said let's take make sure that doesn't happen and it didn't happen here because of his leadership."
"If you tell people what to do, they will not do it. If you show people what to do and they do it, then they'll do it again."
"Positivity reigns, run a football club like a football club."
"Narendra Modi has adopted the policy of confidentiality, trust, and likeness."
"Darth's like the relatable boss, he cares about the troops."
"He hired the best people that he could find and then let them do their thing within reason."
"He's selling all the fun employee toys to assert his dominance over the company."
"Imagine Indira Gandhi in that place; would she tolerate this nonsense?"
"Clearly Joe Biden can't be around anyone who doesn't completely fall in line with his fear-mongering authoritarian one-size-fits-all COVID handling."
"I don't feel the need to dominate anymore. And besides, when I try to force it... I wasn't happy."
"Sigma males are the alpha males that don't want to conquer they want to be on their own some alpha males Thrive off the conquerorship but then you have strong individuals which are Sigma Mills."
"Putin fancies himself the Russian emperor and behaves accordingly."
"Football has become a kind of a happy place to be rather than a manager ruling with an iron fist."
"Releasing the reins a little bit and actually allowing the people you've hired to run the club."
"Every leader should approach leadership as a mother." - Angelina Jolie
"You don't always have to be a shouter and a bawler to be a captain... Raheem leads by example."
"Virat Kohli's team culture is creating a positive culture of a team that wants to win every contest."
"ENTJs... leading by example and expecting people to match their high and sometimes exacting standards."
"I didn't start the fight, but I will finish it." - Elon Musk
"Vladimir Putin's functioning is a little bit different, and he is most definitely riding a very protective train in terms of getting out in public."
"Leading by example is the best way to do it."
"Donald Trump is a disrupter to all these power systems."
"We need somebody willing to fight like Donald Trump did."
"Lead pastor means you're leading not hovering."
"The abuse of power is that I get everything done."
"You had the surroundings Ferguson dressing down, that'd be number one."
"He's a straight shooter, he does what he says he's gonna do."
"He controlled everything; it's a fantastic way to do it."
"Trump is aggressive... his aggressive instinct is the reason that he is popular."
"President Biden was direct and straightforward with President Putin as he always is."
"Who do you think you are giving me instructions like that? We're here to do everything I say, correct?"
"My advice to donald trump would be keep doing what you're doing."
"We need fear and respect; Biden's no fear, no respect, Trump was all fear, no respect."
"Leadership is praising in public, punishing in private."
"...it's outcome Focus so I don't tell anybody on my team what to do I tell them what it looks like when it is done at the highest level and my team's here you can talk to them this is just how I am."
"The opposite of transactional leadership is transformational leadership."
"If you rule by fear like Richard, the moment you leave the country, what is there for your enemies to be afraid of?"
"The visionary leadership style works best when a long-term plan is needed and motivation needs a push."
"I was glad to get away from it because I could, you know, if a guy did something wrong, he was beaten up or shot. And that's not my type of leadership. No, no."
"His leadership style was unique to his personality."
"From the beginning, we were pretty relaxed... Lampard, yeah."
"Coaching is more than a skill set it's really a leadership style."
"He was the one that was doubted. He was the one that was drafted 199th. So that helped. And then when he comes in and becomes the starter, he actually deferred leadership to guys on the offense, the guys on the defense."
"Tony Khan's a strict boss as we learned this week."
"Your leadership style has to reflect who you are."
"Be yourself and make the leadership style you have conform to who you are."
"Michael goes in and Michael's personality is that he makes everybody King for a Day."
"Weak leaders lead sheep. Strong leaders lead lions. I only want lions around me."
"Ethel fled had always preferred a diplomatic approach."
"You do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership."
"I refuse to be a boss. I have great guys; they take great care of me."
"He was a tough, no-nonsense coach and his attitude and strict expectations would be the blueprint for what is now known as Heat culture."
"There's a big difference between being in control and being controlling."
"Find your own leadership style, be comfortable with that, and don't try to be somebody you're not."
"It's not putting on a false jacket of what you think a leader should sound like; it's about revealing your own authentic leadership style."
"Servant leaders allow project teams to self-organize when possible and increase levels of autonomy."
"A real leader would not grab you and jump off the diving board with you, a real leader would really push you off."
"A Democratic leader consults others in problem-solving and decision-making."
"Are you more dictator or team player? Team player."
"You already have the style of a wise ruler."
"Coach Stefanski's got his own way of going about it, and it works."
"There are ways of leading where you're not just authoritarian; you try to be a bridge and a connecting point between people."