
Cultural Memory Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Whatever happens to the big gold dome in the corner of Future World, I think for a lot of people it will always be known as the Wonders of Life."
"The greatest weapon in the hands of our oppressor is our memory of who we were before we were oppressed."
"The fight itself is largely forgotten in mainstream Western media."
"Why do we remember some stories over centuries? Well, why?"
"It is something that people in Ukraine today talk about and remember and it is part of the reason or this is part of the argument that you hear from Ukrainians about what has distanced them from Russia."
"It's about who gets to rewrite history and who gets to vanish from it."
"Forgotten civilizations from the hauntingly captivating faces of Forgotten Empires to the electrifying scenes of revolutions That Shook the world..."
"Classic anime are still making their way into our cultural memory."
"The conservative party rely on... a whitewashed and positive view of Britain's past."
"Each race had its own unique set of memories that came with it that are embedded in all of us forever."
"Wakanda is a cellular memory where we came from before our worst nightmare happened."
"The blood that stained America's Old West still pulses through its decaying towns."
"Hundreds of people over the years have come to Aokigahara to take their own life leading to its Infamous and dark distinction..."
"A collective memory of a movie called Shazam which was starred actor comedian Sinbad in the 90s I thought that he it I really thought that that Sinbed was in Shazam and he wasn't it was Shaq's movie right?"
"In my world, just like yours, Nelson Mandela did not die in prison."
"The tenets of the Lost Cause consolidated themselves into a coherent mythology."
"Do you remember a red scarf? For some reason, dozens of people online seem to remember Frosty the Snowman wearing a scarf, and most remember it being red."
"We've forgotten the wisdom of the womb we've forgotten the wisdom of the woman."
"Holloway was always going to have a place in the British psyche..."
"This book is definitely a trigger to a history that was erased from our memories."
"I remember this one vividly: E.T. points to the sky and says 'E.T. phone home,' right?"
"None are more special than Gettysburg, Lincoln called Gettysburg hallowed ground consecrated in the blood of the soldiers who struggled there."
"It's amazing how much gets lost in just a couple generations."
"We can show you millions of people who have memorized the Quran from the first letter to the last letter."
"The true story of America has been a forgotten one, hidden deep in the portage of time, existing under the notion that it would never be uncovered and revealed."
"The next time you find yourself wondering how did we lose track of those people where did they go remind yourself, they didn't go anywhere we're still here."
"Never forget we turn the lights on that's what I'm saying never forget it's important."
"Forgetting a name and history being erased is really the ultimate form of death."
"The world thanks to these films will never forget the tremendous effort put forth by all people included in the big battles."
"This extraordinarily strange and nostalgic group of tracks is keeping the memory of this extraordinarily strange and nostalgic console alive."
"Do you remember the Monopoly man wearing a monocle? Well, you're not the only one. However, if you look at him carefully, you'll realize he's not wearing a monocle. He never has."
"And most people remember the Evil Queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves going up to her mirror and saying 'mirror mirror on the wall.' But the real phrase is actually 'magic mirror on the wall.'"
"Is it possible that everyone is wrong and this is just a mistake that keeps being repeated, or is this another example of the Mandela effect?"
"Americans think about the wars their own country has fought in, they often think of just the big ones: World War two, Vietnam, the Civil War... But there's so much more."
"The most significant thinker the world somehow forgot."
"I love these games with a passion and I still love them for all their 2000s DeviantArt charm."
"True Irish remember the tale of William Wallace, the first alpha male."
"We're so lucky to have Lee because if he didn't share what he has, people would just say, 'Well, it was here in the '80s and '90s and it's not here anymore.'"
"Everyone has already forgotten about Slender Man and that's why he's so sad."
"History can be rewritten by not writing about it, erasing cultural memory within generations."
"The battle of Red Cliffs deserves to be remembered."
"We are not obligated to simply roll over and forget that all this history happened."
"The forgotten holiday of Evacuation Day is history that deserves to be remembered."
"It's a very terrifying food for thought that one day your kamiyoshi the V shiver you love so much will one day be forgotten themselves."
"We talk about people like this now so we don't forget what they've done for us." - Narrator
"People remember where they were when Crash got announced."
"Remember the 5th of November, the day leaving 56 days left in the year."
"Americans have lost the American story. We've forgotten our own history."
"The history of what the Soviets did is pretty brutal."
"These are the narratives that have echoed through the corridors of time shaping the collective memory of Nations."
"The second death is something everyone wants to avoid, and it's just as important for the living as it is the dead. Remembering our loved ones allows them to live on, so that we can learn from their successes as well as their mistakes."
"This series has been remembered incorrectly."
"Tearing down statues and monuments is not erasing history."
"Some of my most favorite episodes are the ones where I talk about titles unjustly overlooked, that should have had a more prominent place in the cultural memory than they do."
"One of the beautiful things about restoring your African memory is that once that memory has been restored, you now can look anywhere in the world and find traces of your ancestry that have literally been hidden in plain sight."
"Hauntology: evoking cultural memories utilizing the aesthetics of the past."
"We never said even when our era nobody was cold. We never said that. That word didn't even exist in the nineties."
"That's been a recurrent theme in the stories that we have told each other and that we have remembered for thousands and thousands of years."
"It's truly just a period piece and something that's going to be deeply ingrained into the memories of millions."
"If memory serves me right, many Japanese artists and novelists used to flock to an area called Atami."
"You forgot where you've come from, and folks, we have forgotten where we've come from."
"This was just normal and particularly in places like Poland, the Pegasus there is really fondly remembered."
"The citizens of Americana continued to celebrate Confederate Memorial days and exhibit reverence for 19th century Southern culture."
"The name of Markandeya will be remembered for as long as the sun and moon exist."
"We need to connect back to the sacred... to help people remember the magic."
"After all, our principal function at the Ramsey Center is to point out that the past is alive in us."
"Listen up, I always remember the stories of the people."
"People forget Sag Harbor actually is in the center of it all."
"The truth is that Jews never forgot the temple."
"It's a memory of him and to me, it's a memory of colliery bands, was the nearly a thing of the past."
"Korean Americans have come to refer to the 1992 uprising as Saigu, which translates to April 29th, a day Koreans will never forget."
"By the three Gods, the sand people will never forget your grace."
"The African eagle can only fly with its remembered wings."
"This document is like a bridge to the time when the walls had not yet collapsed, the windows were unbroken, when life was in full swing here, and everything around was full of beauty and cosiness."
"Every culture has its own version of the flood myth, very similar, which could have been stories passed down because of that particular event where you had solar flares."