
Family Secrets Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Breaking the family silence, I feel like I've been living in this secret bubble for a very long time."
"The West Family appeared to everyone as a strong, happy, and well-off unit... until they weren't."
"The reason Stan got so upset was because he actually had a long-lost twin..."
"Ike knows that Gerald is the troll, but they can't tell their mom."
"Spies’ Families Often Don’t Know Their Real Identities."
"Bill is Bobby's real father: 'Bobby and Hank aren't anything alike because Hank isn't actually Bobby's father, Bill is.'"
"The secrets hidden throughout the Soma family really delivered and fully expanded throughout season 3."
"When there's too many family secrets that are put in the vault and they're buried alive eventually they're going to come back and haunt you."
"This mother knows the secret issues of their child. She wants to give you insight to make sure that you're prepared."
"Peter Quill realizes that his real father Ego gave his mother cancer."
"We only have each other it's just you and me your sister locked you away and you never knew why as toddlers you were the best of friends but now you have dreams when Anna is a child this story begins."
"This delves into the question of if parents should hide their past and mistakes from their children out of protection."
"Families have secrets, if you think your family doesn't have secrets then you're naive. They're keeping it from you because probably you the one with the big mouth or the secrets about you or I could keep going."
"Gao receives a call from Ziana, she tells him about his father's connection to Chen's box."
"Over the course of the night, she comes to learn that her father had some kind of psychic connection to the clown."
"Eventually, Melo confesses that she is Kesler's biological daughter, seeking vengeance against Henry."
"Some people who've partaken in at-home DNA testing have discovered more than they bargained for."
"Every family has its secrets, but the summer Joan Chang goes to stay with her grand in London, she learns hers is bigger than most."
"Imagine reading your father's obituary and stumbling upon a dark family secret which had been kept hushed for more than 37 years."
"Surprise, plot twist, your dad, your uncle, your relative is a piece of shit."
"Bob could no longer ignore the fact that his father was not the man he thought he knew."
"Grandpa and Grandma often spoke in hushed tones about odd happenings in the area."
"Underneath the carpet lay a large piece of white metal in the floor..."
"They certainly had no idea their parents were Russian spies."
"A profoundly meaningful story of secrets and longing which is both a gripping page-turner and a sensitive family portrait about love, lies, and race."
"Jane's disappearance occurs when she is told the woman she believed was her mother isn't actually her mother."
"Unlocking the town's secrets and the origins of her adopted daughter along the way."
"She found out her uncle was actually her dad and vice versa, and now they're getting a divorce."
"Let me tell you about my dad's letters from the president, money little black books, and the secrets of Freemasonry is kept in his diary."
"Son, you must have a lot of questions. I will tell you everything."
"Grandmama was messing around down with the man down the way we assumed that grandma grandmama was like straight on the straight and straight and narrow but grandmama wasn't."
"Obi-Wan told Luke the truth about Leia being his sister."
"Some people, they go missing, they just don't want to be contacted. Family secrets."
"Who knows, maybe they have a black sheep in the family, a secret supervillain with the power of creation."
"Secrets and mysteries span across generations, affecting lives in unforeseen ways."
"For 61 years she hadn't let on to him that they were related."
"Oh, he's like, by the way, you have a secret sister."
"When my grandfather passed away we discovered that he did not exist his name was not in any government registry and he was a normal citizen paid taxes had a license and everything normal still to now no one knows we really was and why he had a false name."
"Every family has a secret, every family has a mystery, and that's where we come in."
"A harrowing tale of family secrets and ancient evils, destined for horror cult status, says Scream Magazine."
"The night your father died... there's no question that he died by his own hand."
"Nora threatens her grandmother that if she doesn't tell her everything that happened a long time ago."
"Every family has their secrets, and there's no doubt the Kennedy’s had a few, but perhaps one of their darkest secrets was that they had their eldest daughter, Rosemary Kennedy, lobotomized and institutionalized for decades."
"One day I heard my dad admit to having an affair years ago."
"June Parker is trying to solve the murder of her sister, but as she digs deeper, she discovers that her family has a lot of secrets that many family members don't want exposed."
"Your comic family lied to you, your whole [__] life was a lie."
"Mother, why didn't you ever tell me this? Why didn't you warn me? Why didn't you think that talking in my sleep might put me and my secrets in danger?"
"What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of? My oldest brother is actually my biological father. It just makes no sense to me otherwise."
"I'll never be able to look at my parents the same way after finding out what they did."
"Have you ever learned like a family secret... and you just get pissed off about why did you hide this from me?"
"I finally unearthed the secrets that family has been hiding from me."
"Finding out that my parents are half brother and sister, I understand our family history, why we were never close to our family."
"But in their revealing, as in their keeping, secrets can tear a family apart."
"What do you think you would do if you found out you were the son of a serial killer?"
"I love that this family secret was spilled, and that we were able to welcome my brother into our family and have him in our lives."
"There are things about your family that you don't know, things that were so dangerous that most of your relatives were killed in order to prevent chaos," Nagato croaked.
"The Jamison family seemed to be living a decent life, but that was all just a facade."
"Other families have skeletons in the closet, right?"
"It's equally a family drama and a mystery."
"A mysterious Outsider torments two Haitian-American sisters, forcing them to confront dark secrets from their family's past."
"Every family has secrets, some are better left buried back in the past, while others, once they're discovered, can bring a family closer."
"The only thing that I'm going to be learning is all the secrets that my kids will never tell me."
"I love family curses, family trauma. I love when there are like generational trauma and you go through each generation's trauma."
"That's where Grandma hides the cookies."
"She tells him that they are a family of spies and feels relieved after finally telling him the truth after hiding it for 10 years."
"The Star-Cross Sisters of Tuscany... traveling through Italy, uncovering familial secrets of the past and finding love along the way."
"The mystery of our family had caused a great curiosity."
"Suddenly it all made sense; his father hadn't vanished, starting a new life somewhere, having gotten away with his crimes."
"Romance blooms, destinies are found, and family secrets are unearthed."