
Infant Care Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The support Act...includes the crib act where there is more money and more action for those neonatal abstinence syndrome babies."
"How many times per day does a newborn need to eat? A) Three meals per day, B) Every four hours, C) 8 to 10 times per day, D) On the hour every hour."
"Let's try to guess what he wants. He can't talk. Let's do that."
"We may not realize it because we as babies, we can't talk, but you know what that means for that baby not to experience a diaper rash."
"Thanks to Katie, the child arrived at the hospital safely, if it weren't for her keeping him warm there's no telling what horrors could have unfolded."
"Sleep training doesn't mean that you're sixteen week old baby has to stop eating overnight."
"The best moment when they lay on your chest and try to open their eye to look up at you."
"Just feed your baby, feed them formula, feed them breast milk, feed them breast milk out of a bottle, feed them other people's breast milk, feed them formula out of a bottle, just feed your baby, that's good, you're a good mom."
"A mother's touch makes the baby feel safe and secure."
"Breastfed babies never get diaper rashes at least in my experience until they start eating food."
"The baby only wants to be with the mom. That is their food supply."
"Another symptom of having a poor latch is if baby unlatches from your breast and you notice kind of like a lipstick-shaped nipple."
"Breastfeeding is the healthiest thing for our babies."
"Formula shortage: more than 40 percent of baby formula products out of stock across the country."
"It's perfectly fine to inject [infants] with all of these chemicals and other things they're putting into an infant's body."
"Feeding on demand is really essential especially for babies in the first three months of their life."
"My philosophy is like if the newborn is sleeping, they don't need to be sleeping in your arms."
"If there is actually no let down or no milk, please and please give that baby some formula."
"Keep the child comfortable while you decide whether or not to kill them."
"You want to put the best quality baby formula in your little little loved one's body."
"If one baby wants to start sleeping through the night, rock on, sister."
"Your baby should be focused on connecting with you, not with other people."
"Using a swaddle is a great way to help your newborn achieve good quality sleep."
"When an infant cries, they have a need and if we respond, this helps them develop trust that their need will be met."
"A trainload of more than 70,000 pounds of baby formula has arrived in the U.S."
"Tummy time helps with increasing the neck, back, and arm muscle strength, improving head control, and decreasing the risk of SIDS."
"It's better to get smaller bursts of tummy time throughout the day than to have one long session."
"Safe sleep practices: back to sleep, firm mattress, no pillows or blankets. These simple steps can reduce the risk of SIDS and promote safer sleep."
"Pacifiers are good to have because it helps with SIDS."
"Nothing in the crib but the child. Absolutely nothing in the crib but the child. Keep it cooler rather than too warm. Make sure they sleep on their back until they can turn themselves over."
"I secure my eight-month-old in a rear-facing car seat in the back seat."
"The trick that we're using, which has been working really well for us, is from day one we'd have him in the living room."
"The orbit G5 travel system is infant Cary with stroller but many other accessories can be added in the future to your G5 frame."
"Babies are so confusing, every time they cry you don't know if it's because they're tired or they're hungry."
"Infants Tylenol: always good to have on hand."
"It is almost always very peaceful, this passing of the babies."
"This innocent little baby deserves nothing less than our love and our support and we welcome her into our family."
"Breast milk is great nutrition for the baby; it decreases the risk of SIDS and optimizes development."
"When a baby is crying, it's usually because of things like needing their diaper to be changed or they're hungry. Crying is their only way to communicate with us that something's wrong."
"The key take-home message about SIDS is that the child is supposed to sleep on their back."
"We should encourage moms to breastfeed every two to three hours while she's awake."
"Art resin... is non-BOC and non-toxic, so for someone who has an infant or a baby at home, that is a very, very important aspect."
"Swaddling is one of those essential parent skills that's going to be really important for you to know how to do."
"Babies who do not receive that one dose of vitamin K at birth are 81 times more likely to develop deficiency bleeding."
"Don't let them on their stomach; lay them on their back, immunize them, breastfeed."
"He slept from 11:30 to 7 and then went back to bed for two hours after that."
"Why does a baby become comforted by a pacifier? It tricks the baby into thinking they're being fed."
"Breast milk has all the nutritional factors that a baby needs except vitamin D."
"We place infants on their back to prevent sudden infant death syndrome."
"Avoid excess bedding, that's one of the reasons we do avoid putting stuffed animals in the bed and so forth, to prevent suffocation."
"Once they're tight in the swaddle, they really sleep so much better."
"NICU babies are some of the most resilient babies I know."
"With a baby, the conditions can change instantly; one minute they're absolutely fine, then they go quiet, the next thing that you know, they are critically ill."
"It's very common to the point where we have a specific name for it called cradle cap."
"White noise for newborns is like magic."
"The club was actually set up specifically in order to combat that infant mortality rate; it was to feed children who couldn't be fed."
"She's loving being with us, you know, not crying, nothing."
"Keep using it because getting rid of that milk actually helps get rid of the infection and it's not going to hurt the baby at all."
"Never ever ever ever give honey or corn syrup to infants."
"Skin to skin time, and literally just spending time, talk to your baby or read to your baby."
"Life-saving creation for babies who, for whatever reason, can't breastfeed from their mothers."
"Infants... can't move, they can't talk, so when we're talking about attachment, we're talking about how well the caregiver responds to their cries, responds to their needs."
"I get them up and they're just so happy, and I feed them their bottle and then hold them so they can burp and they're just, like, so happy."
"Sudden infant death syndrome... was due to a deficiency of the trace mineral selenium."
"When you put the baby in the Snuggle Me, it does snuggle them."
"Inconsolable crying typically means that the baby is uncomfortable or there's some kind of pain."
"Even as a baby, if we didn't get touched and we didn't get love, there's a syndrome out there called failure to thrive syndrome. And if you're not touched enough, you'll actually die as an infant."
"Breastfeeding offers baby immunologic and antimicrobial benefits, as well as cellular and protein components that reduce the risk of GI infections and upper respiratory tract infections."
"Newborn screening is really important; it's done in the hospital before the baby leaves."
"IV dextrose is critical; it's a lifesaver, and you will never go wrong giving IV dextrose to any infant or newborn with suspected metabolic disorders."
"...in the first few hours of life after birth for these pre-term infants we need to ensure we've recruited the lungs properly..."
"...for a sick term infant, particularly those with PPHN or meconium aspiration, SIMV is probably better..."
"Nobody ever is [offended], because they know that you're there to teach them about their baby and that you have the baby's best interests at heart."
"A happy baby is good, a breathing baby's good, a non-crying baby's good."
"If you're going to be exposing the baby to passive smoke anyway, it's best to give the baby breast milk so that the baby's immune system can get that boost and fight the toxins from the passive smoke."
"Everything a baby can do or cannot do is explicable by the adaptation of the baby's systems to what the mother's body and her behavior and care extends to that baby."
"Protective factors for early weight gain include breastfeeding, later introduction of first foods, and not feeding to calm or soothe but feeding the baby based on hunger cues."
"Babies really, really, really need to be touched; they die if you don't touch them."
"The baby wakes up every two to three hours, gets fed, pretty much goes right back to sleep."
"Lucy C. was as close to a perfect baby as we'd ever cared for."
"This is an infant, you cannot spoil them."
"I was firm and told her no holding the baby at all unless she agrees to no kissing."
"The best way to determine if your baby is getting enough is to monitor their weight gain and diaper output."
"Babies don't care where they are as long as they're warm, fed, and loved."
"Put them on their back to sleep, don't have anything that could cover their face in their cot, make sure that they're at a comfortable temperature and they're nice and secure."
"At all points, do you believe that Angela Hawk cared about your baby's well-being? Yes."
"A baby swaddle... it's definitely a lifesaver."
"The Fisher Price swing... has been a lifesaver."
"It's beautiful from birth up until eight months, suitable for co-sleeping, breathable material, it's lightweight and portable, washable."