
Aesthetic Judgment Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"So far, she's the prettiest Inazuma character to me, but that's just me."
"Visually, I think this is easily the best-looking card game that's ever been made on any platform ever. The game is just beautiful."
"This is an ugly film in every sense of that word."
"As for looks, I'm actually giving this a thumbs up."
"In terms of design, it's slightly different but still really awesome."
"I mean honestly look at that plate... it's disgusting pinwheel."
"That for me is the best away shirt we're gonna see."
"Arguably the best design in the game, he stays."
"I think what the movie does really well is, I mean, it's the best movie sets I've ever seen in my life."
"When we compare just the look you get out of each camera, we all thought the Blackmagic looked the most cinematic."
"The bunny all like bundled up like that it's s tier I'm so sorry it's so good all right astronaut oh [Music] this is pretty cool I'm giving this a low a."
"Which of these is gonna go down more as a timeless classic? Look in your heart, what do you think it is? It's the first Blade Runner."
"Forli, only fine, but better than not by much."
"It's about taste level. It's not nearly enough to just have 35 mods. It's about installing the right mods and setting the right settings."
"Art style shouldn't determine the quality of the show: judge the content, not the cover."
"It was actually one of the ugliest things I've ever seen."
"It looks quite good. I'm not going to lie to you, it looks quite good."
"This palette is not one of the most beautiful palettes you've ever seen in your life."
"Oh my gosh, that's the ugliest looking fish I've ever seen in my life."
"In our opinion, it's definitely the weakest out of the dungeons when it comes to the theming."
"I never said it was gonna look good, at least not yet."
"Even if something aesthetically is not really my taste, I always love when something feels very intentional and it feels like it really serves a purpose."
"Even if you don't like what you're looking at, you couldn't say it's not interesting."
"Looks great, you know why? Because nothing's out of whack."
"It's crazy how similar they look to each other... they're all just the same thing ugly blocks of a little mob spawner in the middle."
"Symmetrical faces were judged most attractive."
"I'm just taking in the sheer Beauty but also like a kind of gross Beauty of this environment."
"The lack of blemishes within its loop is what makes me give it a second look. It's like the love for these games shining brightly beneath, attempting to find a balance."
"It may not be the prettiest door, but it's our door."
"Do I agree with the symbolism? Yes, no, maybe? Do I find that it is aesthetically pleasing? And does that outweigh my disagreement with the symbolism? Okay, well let's have that conversation."
"Blows pretty much everything out of the water for my personal taste."
"I give Gru a 9 out of 10. I think he looks really good."
"It looks way better than the Tesla in my opinion."
"It's bold, it's heavy. And it looks like it belongs exactly where it sits and it has a density and a weight to it."
"It's completely polarizing; you either love it or you hate it."
"I absolutely love this, I think the design is fantastic."
"Hopefully you can still appreciate how beautiful that is and how just weird. It's just a weird thing."
"It looks period, it looks proportional, it looks correct."
"I think it's cute but it's like it's not good but it's cute."
"That is the most atrocious thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"Isn't everything better in threes?"
"The thing we're talking about today is one of these ineffable things that's completely beyond human description. It's become known to history and the generations of people who have tried to come into contact with it as the sublime."
"The sublime - Burke is a much more real, much more important type of aesthetic judgment than Beauty."
"For whatever reason, they decided it was important to paint these things over with this ugly white block."
"The lines are just as good as the original. Although inherently it is not a beautiful thing, it is a classic."
"Well, I think it looks pretty cool."
"I think it looks amazing and it looks so classy, so expensive, and so high-end."
"Is it one of the best candles I've ever seen? Yes, this is so cute."
"I'm sticking to my opinion here, I really do think this is one of the best looking SUVs on the market."
"I think they look great, they're cute."
"DC probably got the finest black men I have ever seen."
"Beauty in our life and of aesthetic judgment is to bring the end of your activity forward into the present so that you sense its being with you in the moment where you are."
"I think this looks way better than the freeing figure."
"The shade is very nice; it's very underrated."
"Personally, I'm a huge fan of this design; it looks tougher and it means business."
"Aesthetics wise, 1,000 out of ten."
"I think this turned out beautifully for fall, what do you think?"
"To me, this new incarnation looks so much better."
"I personally think it looks good; I think it's worth the time."
"It doesn't stand out and make me like, 'Oh, I don't like the way that looks.' I actually think it looks pretty good."
"I think this is one of the best looking shoujo series to be honest."
"When it comes to exterior style, I give this 8 out of 10 points."
"I think it looks absolutely menacing."
"I was really iffy on the white, but I gotta say, I freaking love it."
"When a purple is done well, I am on that."
"But I think it is gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous."