
Social Sensitivity Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"There's a group of people out there who self-identify themselves as the autistics and they get very resentful or hurt when they're called a disease or disorder."
"My problem is when sensitive people then think 'ah well because I'm sensitive it's morally necessary for me to drag and harangue everyone back until they meet my standards of behavior.'"
"If you're easily offended, this is probably where you should leave."
"I think that it's capitulating to White fragility and white identity politics."
"Let me just start by saying how hurtful for so many people in Canada and around the world."
"Some words can be offensive because they are dehumanizing or worse."
"It's bad comedy writing to make fun of people with Down syndrome." - Bobby Lee
"We got to just stop a second and breathe before we just slit everyone's throat on the first possible offense. Oh my god, we're an offended people. It's ridiculous."
"Clapping triggers people, so they've banned it."
"Surprisingly tight and not cringy or racist."
"Just because I state an opinion doesn't make me a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, anything. It's [ __ ], and it's frustrating to watch people get so offended."
"Stop worrying about being offended all the time."
"People getting offended on behalf of people's hypothetical children, I find bizarre."
"Making fun of people with medical conditions that make them lose their hair is incredibly bad taste."
"It was very refreshing to see a person not give a [__] about how sensitive everyone was feeling and just stick to their script and their ideals."
"In 2019 some people actually do get offended over things."
"Ticks are involuntary, making a big deal about catching them is not okay."
"I agree with both of you. The world is so soft now. You can't say anything without hurting somebody's feelings."
"It isn't even about saying something tone deaf or insensitive, a mere difference in opinion might get you fired from your job if enough people raise a stink about it."
"Stop any invasive questions about people's bodies."
"Yes, all slurs have history and yes, they're all offensive to somebody but they cannot be held to the same standard."
"Intent is what matters, you know. If I dress up in blackface, I'm in trouble."
"We should be mindful of the way we make fun of people."
"Political correctness is avoiding words that offend groups of people who are socially disadvantaged."
"Everyone is so offended and triggered nowadays, and that's not okay."
"The touchiest, most oversensitive easily upset must not set the standards for the rest of us."
"It's really not hard to be funny without like, being really offensive."
"Two things can be true at the same time: Maddie Healy can have his heart in the right place but... also do things that are really insensitive and rip through the hearts of our most marginalized communities."
"It was tone-deaf, it was wrong, and for that I'm truly sorry."
"It's never my intentions to offend anybody, even when I'm offended."
"Historical facts can be offensive, and if the parallels are real and tangible and obvious to point them out is not being offensive."
"None of these things are worth getting offended by and I was just making a joke about our ability to take the most absurd offence if one is minded to do so."
"Hell, you can't even say 'all lives matter' as a politician without having to apologize to a group of sensitive pricks."
"Don't make assumptions. You don't need to figure out everything about this person's sex life or whatever it is."
"Yesterday's medical term is today's hate speech."
"The truth is not black and white always, a terrible way to phrase that in 2020."
"You're getting pushback because you are looking as hard as you can for something to be offended by."
"Is Maurice Jones-Drew a homophobe? Are we such children that we can no longer say 'ride the D' without sex perverts misconstruing the meaning?"
"I think that the challenge is that too often it swings to the other side where topics don't get talked about at all because we're afraid of hurting people's feelings."
"We hurt ourselves when we make everything about race."
"People just get so sensitive, but the thing is, I know. What can you do?"
"You never know who you're gonna offend or what belief system you're gonna offend."
"Car fragility: when disagreement is met with accusations of complicity."
"He's invalidating marginalized people's feelings."
"Stop using the words racist and anti-semitic to cover up something that you're emotionally uh you know I would say triggered by or snowflake by because it's not genuine."
"There is no such thing as a cognitively sound, psychologically healthy person who walks by a rock that got called something one time almost 100 years ago and feels discriminated against."
"I've seen a lot of [ __ ] change in a relatively short time it's sad that words like scary disturbing and gross are now being replaced with the word triggering."
"Getting a dog's pronoun right matters that much. Getting your friends and coworkers right means a lot more."
"The lesson is to avoid words and actions that may offend others, whether intentionally or unintentionally."
"Humor is worth more than all this problem about people being sensitive."
"This just sounds like more people being offended for a group of people rather than that group being offended."
"People find that upsetting even though the books have been around for like 30 years. It's not right because you shouldn't tell people that aren't disabled that magic can heal them."
"Flaunting wealth is just not a great thing to do during the pandemic."
"If you make a funny joke about any group... that group should be able to laugh at it."
"Laughter is the medicine for the soul, not at the expense of somebody else."
"I hope I've not offended anyone, that's not my intentions."
"Don't be offended if you find yourself offended because a person is talking about their experience."
"I see how terrified my colleagues are of uttering a single word out of place lest someone will be offended. That's wrong and we should stop it."
"It's just pointless to kick a guy when he's down like this."
"There's nothing worse than people telling you look tired when you already feel like sh*t."
"...I've not experienced it I've not gone through it so you know to say if it's offensive or not is really not my place..."
"It's the skill of a leader to bring that social sensitivity so that you can capitalize on this incredible power."