
Family Commitment Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"If a man has a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman, you don't leave the child."
"We're committed to our family, committed to our kids, committed to Jamie as a co-parent."
"Substituting ammo and emotional accusations for discourse that is reasoned an evidence-based is a huge mistake."
"I think I'm just going to be on paternity leave for the next 18 years."
"I would do anything for family, so if that means dressing up and looking like a clown to putting on a dress for a wedding, I will absolutely do it."
"I spent over two grand to take my son to Disney World. If I don't go it's over. I lose my money. I work hard for my money and I promise my son I don't want to let him down."
"I have children that need me and I'm here and they're my priority."
"There's some good men in Jamaica and if you find a good Jamaican man um you found a champion you found a warrior because they really go above and beyond and all out for their family."
"All I want is to take this restaurant over and let you relax. We is all we have and without each other we are nothing."
"I'm gonna do better, I'm gonna call more, I'm gonna come out there and see y'all. Ma, I'm serious."
"Jackson would do anything for his little princess."
"On Father's Day, let's celebrate every man who lays it on the line every single day for his family."
"Unless you are one of the ones who just can't leave because you don't want to leave your family or something, no one's going to want to play a CS:GO though in like an all-Asian league."
"He continued recording music and releasing albums all while being a devoted father."
"I adopted you and I did it on purpose. I wanted you then and I want you now."
"I can't wait to be there for my kid says Sebastian who works as a security guard at a distribution center."
"Two wholesome people are not gonna leave their three daughters at home."
"Suzanne loved her family. There was just no way that she was going to leave that behind for whatever reason."
"I will never leave my children the way I was left."
"A good father is mean be there for your kids a hundred percent. Give your kids whatever it needs to be better than you."
"I'm not going to bail on my kids... I'll always be there... always try to do my best."
"She would never, never miss his birthday. He's autistic and he doesn't understand why she's not here."
"You think about all the nights, all the mornings that had to hit up early, take the kids to school, and dream of this night..."
"To do it as a grown man, married with kid working and to do it out of choice, I would say that there is an achievement there."
"Who's going to treat her better than me? Who's going to be there for them kids better than me?"
"A real man understands obligations to family and community, even when it's not what you want to do."
"My kids are my top priority, and I want to be there for them."
"It's very surprising to me that this guy doesn't want to work even though both of you are engaged and you had a child together like that is a really bad sign."
"I won't go to Mars. I've got three kids and a wife, and I don't want to leave them."
"What a great mom. Can you imagine flying across the country just to buy a PlayStation?"
"What actually ended up making me happy was staying committed to my family." - Anonymous
"If it was Pops, Uncle Michael, how long would they be in here? For as long as it takes. Until they got it right."
"It is only to save his grandfather's Legacy."
"I needed to finish this from my mom's sake from my family's sake I needed to finish it it was important to me."
"I won't be leaving. I'm staying here with my wife and my kid."
"I'm ready to make all the changes I need to for myself and my two small children now. I love you, Dad. Love you."
"It's too early to give up on this family."
"If you think I'm ever going to give up on this family, you can forget about it."
"I looked at both my beloved daughter and son's faces and vowed in my heart to raise both of them well."
"I'll try a little harder, they're my precious family after all."
"I wanted to just pour into my wife, be faithful to my wife, commit to my wife and my family."
"I care about my family; I have strong family values."
"I'm about me and doing what I can do best, and that's what I have to do for my family and me."
"I am still here. I'm still married. I'm still a parent."
"I knew I had to do everything that I could to get out of there, get back to them, and be a dad."
"I'll take good care of my family, you have my word."
"He's so committed to his family that he is romantic in a different way."
"...committed to being a family no matter what that looked like."
"This is who I am. I've got a husband who's away. I've got two little babies. They are my priority."
"I'm committed to our family, I'm committed to you."
"I'm committed to feeding my family, and no work is too bad for me to do to earn an honest living to take care of my wife and my growing family."
"We made a pact together that we would adopt each other's children and love them as though they were our own."
"I want to be there for night feedings and runny noses, and his first step and first tooth, and your first gray hair."
"I don't want to drop the ball on my family, which is so important to me."
"I owe it to myself and I owe it to my kids."
"If you're a man, you're already saying that I'm 100 ready for a family, I'm 100 ready to prove to you that these children are going to be great, and I care about us."
"My dad left when I was 1 year old... I always vowed that I would never leave my kids like my dad left us."
"I am doing my best. I'm trying. I am doing what it is that I know that I need to do to be better and to be stronger and to be mentally healthy for my children."
"I would support my kids no matter what."
"I'm going to be a better father and grandfather; we're going to spend real time together."
"Pets are very important; it's a lifelong commitment. They're family members."
"If you really love your wife and your kids, you're not gonna do that; you're gonna try to figure out a way to work it out."