
Controversial Figure Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Cadillac itself is kind of an interesting cat... a complete fraud... a scoundrel, which is a polite way of saying a liar, a cheat, and a fraud."
"We made the decision that we have to do more than just fight individual tickets and fines."
"I felt like I hit the [jackpot] when I tell you I gasped."
"Total biscuit's passing... I'm glad he's no longer around to keep doing harm."
"There is madness loose in the land, and no one fuels that madness more than Donald Trump."
"Trump was the apotheosis of all evil on earth."
"Ted Cruz is an absurdly well connected hyper-conservative Evangelical Zealot."
"At the end of the day, there's no doubt that John McAfee's life and even his demise was absolutely wild."
"None quite like Kenneth Copeland, the founder of the Eagle Mountain International Church and my favorite demon."
"Fauci, public enemy number one, or public savior number one, you be the judge."
"The reason why Andrew Tate blew up is because he's saying what a silent majority of men can't say, he is leading by example."
"Mr. Trump is a racist, he is a con man, and he is a cheat."
"Trump is the biggest obstacle to American fascism."
"I think Jordan Peterson is a lunatic, and I think his perspective on women is just twisted."
"Her life is incredible and it's it would be an incredible film is that legal can you talk to her they call her a fugitive what's what's what's the woods our yeah I don't know freedom fighters."
"Moon held a coronation ceremony in an office building of the U.S Senate in which he was crowned king of peace."
"Martin Shkreli. He's been named the most hated man in America."
"Andrew Tate isn't the solution to men's problems. He's a grifter. Massive grifter."
"Donald Trump partly won because he's a dick."
"Matt Walsh is an idiot and dangerous to people."
"Sebi was viewed as a huckster and a fraud to others, his family says his sole purpose was to bring self-love and wellness to the world."
"We're tired of being sold out... so yeah we're gonna send in President Cheeto just as a middle finger to the Washington establishment."
"Elon Musk is like Godzilla but he's not attacking Tokyo he's attacking the capitals of the tyrants their lies."
"Controversial not just for the statements that he's made which have alienated a large percentage of his audience."
"Love him or hate him, Zucchiniberg continues to deliver for his investors."
"Edge was a piece of trash human being, but it just worked, bro."
"He's absolutely gangster and I think he's pissed a lot of people off."
"No one believes you, Amber, that's true, that's absolutely true."
"America sets the tone for the world... the world needs Donald Trump."
"There's a lot of people who are hated in this town, but by every measurement, I don't know of a single person who likes Dan Snyder."
"Two things are true of Michael Jackson: immensely talented human being, evil pedophile."
"He's been getting edgier as time goes on, and a lot of far-right people think, 'Ah, PewDiePie is one of us.'"
"Donald Trump is a rough individual, but he loves America more than any president in my lifetime."
"Kanye West is the worst person Donald Trump has ever had at his dinner table."
"The best way to describe Andrew Tate is this is the kind of guy that goes on pole and he's like, 'You know these I feel this these people are on to something.'"
"He lived a pretty good life for somebody who murdered thousands of people."
"Elon Musk is a divisive figure, people either love him or hate him."
"Ramon Mercader died in 1978 at the age of 65."
"You cannot choose somebody where there are people in the crowd shouting, 'She's demonic, she's demonic, lock her up, she's the devil.'"
"Nadia turned the shit out of y'all and you guys are falling for it."
"Dream's legacy: controversy, scrutiny, and enduring fandom."
"Elon Musk is a force of nature and nonsense."
"Elon Musk is a madman and he may be crazy but he's crazy like a fox."
"Hunter Biden is one of the worst people I've ever heard of. I mean truly, Hunter Biden is a terrible human being."
"If Hitler’s goal was to make something that everyone would recognize and connect with him, he succeeded."
"That just goes to show you that cace Owens is very necessary and that maybe there's something deeper that than just trying to sell books."
"Donald Trump wasn't gonna play that game because he is actually America first."
"Alt hero... the alt of course stands for all right."
"I've always told the truth, I still tell the truth, and in no way need any type of enhancement type drugs." - Liver King
"Trump is what you get when you combine a sociopath with a conman."
"That's what a hallmark of Soros everything Soros does is about creating chaos."
"He's like me, he's a polarizing figure people are always going to talk [__] about him."
"Everyone gets so mad at Donald Trump for mean tweets or some mean thing he said. I have so much more respect for someone that's going to open their mouth and tell me what they really think."
"This is a person who is, if you don't want to use the F word, a massive authoritarian in waiting."
"Trump's attitude, his politics, the Breitbart support, the right-wing outrage, the memes, the tweets... it was a perfect combination."
"We are now going to get into talking about Andrew Tate."
"He's the problem child who's never short on Solutions."
"Instead of saying 'oh we were wrong,' you've got this lunatic Taylor Lorenz who writes for the Washington Post. Don't believe a single word he writes about covid."
"Mary Kay Letourneau's story shocked the nation in the late 90s."
"This story makes so much more sense when you realize that Henry Ford was a [ __ ] fascist."
"The people with whom David Koresh had sex range from very, very young, 13 or so, up through substantially older than that."
"The reason why they're going after Alex Jones is because he's effective."
"Vince McMahon is a genius for all that people say about him."
"It's ideal, you know the history of Marine Le Pen's political party, it's just literally as Neo-Nazi."
"It took a secular real estate tycoon to be the most pro-life, pro-religious liberty, pro-Israel president."
"Trump was a double-edged sword... he was a very polarizing figure but I also think that he was an existential threat to the D.C. swamp."
"Undoubtedly the best quarterback in Buccaneers history and yet likely the single most divisive player in their entire history as well."
"Amber Heard is a terrible poster child for protecting abuse victims."
"Perhaps it's low tier God, one of the most notorious and hated streamers of all time."
"This is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment our 9/11 moment only it's not going to be localized it's going to be happening all over the country and I want America to understand that."
"Moi's legacy is a contested issue with proponents arguing that he stabilized and united the nation."
"Sidney Powell is a relentless warrior whose shaking voice warned the Deep State recently alongside Trump's litigation team's press conference that she would release the Kraken on them for what they had done to her country."
"Love him or loathe him, he is a force shaping the road to 2024."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is undeniably being treated worse due to his race and due to the fact that he has a conservative ideology."
"Everybody one thing about Donald Trump is not just all of the bad things that come with him."
"Kanye West is taking a blowtorch to the Maga movement."
"I'm polarizing because I know stuff nobody else knows and I speak the truth."
"I think the only way to crush a Takashi 6ix9ine is to kill him or get him to stop talking."
"though perhaps a bit of an ass in real life the hulkster belongs on wrestling's Mount Rushmore"
"Everything I know about George Floyd, even though he certainly died in an awful way, the man was no saint."
"He's the most loved and the most hated skateboarder."
"It's a virus it will spread but here is the thing that you want to notice first Donald Trump has done a lot of good things."
"Jake Paul, he's an absolute plunker but I actually like him."
"Thank you, Julian Assange, for what you have done."
"Since that day, people have continued to debate whether Borden really was innocent after all."
"People used to tell you that Donald Trump was stupid. Remember that. He's an idiot."
"Trump's message is becoming the central debate for the country."
"Jeffrey bloody Epstein by the way who did not kill himself for the record."
"Steve Bannon's so-called populism is a form of white nationalism."
"The message that Trump could definitely win in 2024 is an accurate message."
"Alexander Dugan is one of the biggest supporters of the invasion of Ukraine."
"Love or hate Rudy Giuliani, he did a hell of a job in New York."
"The Jeffrey Epstein story is one of the most extraordinary, hard to believe yet most covered up stories of the last 30 or 40 years."
"This is a dangerous violent assault against black people from a black white supremacist and his name is Kanye West."
"Q is the number two most attacked entity behind POTUS within the US."
"In some people's eyes, Anatoly Moskvin is a vile monster."
"Billy Martin was baseball's bad boy."
"Escobar uses his drug money in part to build hospitals, social housing, and schools. He's considered a kind of Good Samaritan."
"People either consider him a brilliant poet who pushed the boundaries and how we perceive rock music, or he's a drunken buffoon posing as a poet."
"Love it or hate him, he is a fascinating character with an incredible life."
"I'm starting to come around on Jake Paul. I don't know, he's pretty unlikable, but it is insane that he's good at boxing, he's put in the time."
"Nikki Pedersen, the man that everyone wanted to hate, but is pure box office."
"You may not like him, but you gotta respect him."
"I'm willing to be the villain to make tens and tens and millions more people around the world really like me for what I stand for and what I represent."
"Some say he was a brutal tyrant who made his way to the top before falling in disgrace, others describe a man who cared deeply about people, his players, his school, his community, and his country."
"Love her or hate her, Jan Paulo could play this game."
"Love him or hate him, you cannot deny his success."
"Interesting guy for sure, interesting guy, and then he creates a lot of debate and a lot of controversy."