
Foreboding Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"With God's help, he can do it, but I see death and destruction here."
"I was filled with this massive sense of impending doom."
"You will find Misty's body sooner or later; she has been murdered."
"The echoes of his words: a sense of foreboding engulfs the collective consciousness."
"She was literally saying these things like she knew her death was right around the corner."
"Something wicked this way comes." - Cletus Cassidy
"By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes."
"In this place, there is no Sun, and nightmares do come true."
"He weeks leading up or prior to his death, he felt like somebody was going to kill him."
"I don't like this at all... I have a bad feeling this is where we're headed."
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was very, very wrong."
"The Michigan descent into darkness has begun."
"You're an omen, a warning. The darkness is already here."
"I feel like there's a bunch of shit coming up... like bats."
"There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."
"The symphony of Stalingrad spoke of incoming doom."
"The storm is getting closer, dark clouds already hang over the shore. Just wait until they start building the guillotine."
"He would put out these mysterious messages like 'The day of death shall come upon Keen.'"
"I always remembered having the dreams about fires and explosions."
"Grinning and telling us of the doom that waits for us all."
"There was an undeniable aura of I guess you'd say evil around it."
"A sense of foreboding overcame him, prompting him to flee in terror."
"This legit looks like security footage right before someone gets killed."
"As you sleep you dream, but this dream is not like any other you've had. There is a sense of dread, foreboding."
"I think I'm going away soon... The man was in my hallway last night."
"What do you see, my lady? The boy asked softly. 'Skulls, a thousand skulls.'"
"That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach..."
"There was just kind of this sense of impending doom that followed her the whole way throughout the book."
"Welcome to Elsewhere, where great Darkness lies ahead."
"I don't want to jinx it but this time I feel like Clyde's not going to live to see next week."
"Just when you think it can't get much worse..."
"Shit's about to go down, I'm feeling something in my spirit."
"And for the first time in my life, I finally feel an inner stillness and peace in myself."
"The woman turned and looked at me and gave what I could only describe as the most sinister smile that I've ever seen."
"Guys, I have a really bad feeling about tonight."
"The night before his death, I was being chased by that man in the dream."
"I've got a bad feeling about something, and I don't know if I'm right."
"We carry the prophecy of the coming of the Antichrist in our wallets."
"The calm before the storm. Tomorrow will bring new terrible things, but for now, we're just going to drink and sit around a fire."
"When the woods go silent, you know something's wrong."
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
"The terrors they had unleashed would soon cast a shadow over their glorious victory."
"It's the deep breath before the plunge."
"For winter was coming and it would not be merciful."
"...he seemed to find the loss of the box a portentous and menacing fulfillment of inevitable tendencies..."
"It got eerily quiet all of a sudden."
"It's become evident that something is most definitely very wrong."
"Here comes the Banshee soon you'll see when the bell rings as soon she'll bring your last breath."
"There was something wrong with that place. I could feel it, a radiant heat, a palpable aura of hatred."
"It was as if the entire ocean had become an invisible hand dragging us back towards the malevolent town."
"The smell that arose was maddening."
"I can feel the energy of like a bomb is gonna drop. Like I can feel it. It's happening. I don't know when, I don't know what, but something's gonna happen."
"Anybody else feel like shit's about to hit the fan?"
"a time of brutality approaches of which we ourselves have absolutely no conception"
"It's a passage full of foreboding but no more so than many other passages you'll find in the Bible."
"I remember thinking as I drove away God help whomever was moving into that house."
"Every creek of the house becomes a harbinger of dread"
"The air felt heavy, like it does before a thunderstorm."
"I shivered at the mysteries the past may conceal and trembled at the menaces the future may bring forth."
"A strange electricity shot through the air; something was terribly wrong, and I could feel it."
"...the landscape felt hostile and suspicious as if it were waiting for something to happen."
"The gut feeling was getting stronger and stronger that something serious had happened."
"Before the storm, there's an eerie calm, a menacing, ominous stillness, like in a horror movie."
"In the early days of the haunt, ghost town was well-known as the most foreboding area of the park."
"I felt the darkness, there's a disturbance, something is terribly wrong."
"Dreams of what's to come, the rift in the sky spreading and growing large enough to consume the entire world."
"That sense of unease... every sense I had told me that this is unnatural stillness, this unthinkable emptiness."
"There was something coming, something I could not fight."
"He was complete in his confidence but his self-assuredness did not relieve me of that foreboding which was now almost a part of my mind"
"Some unknown dread blooming in my belly like a dark and toxic flower that was nourished by her words."
"Such inactivity could be the calm before a great storm."
"A drumming turkey to me is almost like the final step before something's fixing to happen."
"Something dark and evil had happened here."
"In each level, you can see Minos somewhere in the background, getting closer and closer."
"...you know something terrible is going to happen."
"Something's coming, something awful."
"She has this endless pervasive feeling that something is going to go terribly, terribly wrong."
"...they felt more like prophecies premonitions of the Glorious Horrors took to come great a red sky billions dead and billions more enslaved a dark silhouette on the horizon their tentacled God holding dominion over all."
"The church bells rang as if to say something was coming for me."
"There's a shadow hanging over us."
"I couldn't shake the feeling that something even worse was coming."
"I felt a chill run down my spine, something was terribly wrong."
"I just had this nasty ominous intuitive feeling I could not Shake."
"We retraced our steps and found everything as it had been when we passed through earlier, but even with everything being perfectly in place, I had a feeling deep down like something was wrong, like something horrible was about to happen."
"I realized what it could be, and the hair on the back of our neck stood up immediately."
"The moment a dream set in, I knew it was going to turn out ill."
"When she walked off, something was telling me, like, she's gonna die."
"and as Yoda drifted off he saw War clones fighting droids then clones fighting a person without saber but then he saw Anakin leading a group of clones the Jedi Temple in all its Glory then the temple on fire a fiery planet with Obi-Wan crying fighting a dark blur red blades"
"So it's gotta be some crazy stuff that's about to happen you know I'm very very glad you're coming oh I bet you are look at the way he's looking at her she's gonna die they're all gonna die."
"Little did I know this was just the calm before the storm."
"Harry waking up and then you see someone it's the dark mark Harry it's his Mark those people tonight in The Masks there is twoo aren't they Death Eaters."
"It felt evil, like it was preparing for some dark purpose."
"Something bad is definitely about to happen."
"Whis never told him what he plans on doing, and for the moment, he has to go check something… there is an ominous feeling in the air."
"Not only are the words themselves foreboding, but during the parts the animations where the words show up there's a shadow of what seems to be a little boy if you look closely."
"I sort of feel today like I am on the beach. Sunny, nice out but I have read there is a tsunami coming or some sort of a major storm. I don't see it but it is coming."
"It feels like there's something darker."
"I fear we ride before the storm, uncle."
"This ain't going to go well at all."
"Photos taken moments before disaster."
"Dark ominous foreboding, these are the fitting words to describe Pendle Hill."
"Quoting Virgil, Powell said he was filled with foreboding, and like the Roman, he saw the river Tiber foaming with much blood."
"I'm gonna cry madness, I'm gonna cry because I can feel myself, you know you just know it's going to happen."
"The woods had always been a sanctuary for me, but now every rustling leaf and creaking branch seemed like a harbinger of something sinister."
"The forest seemed different as we set out, more forboding."
"I finally reached the entrance to my driveway and god did it look ominous."
"You know there's going to be a storm or a flood, and we're just waiting for it."
"We all had this lingering feeling like something really bad was going to happen."
"...it's almost the same. I didn't know what will happen, but the force, the power, that terrible SS troops and what was coming slowly, slowly on our way very much reminded me of that historical novel."
"The noble gives him a haunted look and says his people will soon be dead."
"A sense of foreboding washed over us as the atmosphere grew heavier."
"I felt a chill pass through me as I read that. It sounded horribly familiar."
"Suddenly, the nightly sounds ceased - all the animals, the insects, chirping, walking, raising a racket in the forest went silent."
"It seemed like something evil hung in the air."
"This odor was pervasive. It wasn't just the strength of the smell that was alarming, it was its ominous undercurrent that unsettled me."
"You know what I'm saying? It's about to get ugly."
"The outside of the house is beautiful, but as soon as I walked onto the property, a feeling of dread and sorrow overwhelmed me."
"It felt like that weird calm you get before a storm."
"There is a night coming in which there will be no songs of Joy."
"Just looking at those delicate three-fingered hands made the priest feel a strange sense of foreboding."
"There's something bad was going to happen."
"I see jail bars. I feel there's like she's going to jail."
"Something in the air, something in the cards, Something Wicked This Way comes."
"The night grew colder and the days grow brief. Doors are locked and barred, windows are closed."
"He had a presentiment that his father was dead."
"Man I can already tell these two are gonna be in for some ish I'm just getting this Vibe man these two are damn they're gonna regret living there"
"The calm before the storm, well guys, it's real. It's a real thing."
"We knew that we had awoken something ancient and sinister."
"I feel like you're screwed, buddy. I don't know why, I just do."
"Frank Steitz's premonition: 'I guess I'll be the next one.'"
"I knew in my mind that that last little bit was going to be a disaster."
"Remember, you are back by nightfall. The sky looks bright but there is a shiver in the north wind that says that there may be a sudden storm."
"This week is going to be a good week. I feel like this is the calm before the storm."
"This world will bring destruction."
"The earth's shaking, the brooms stirring, and finally, the shadows of the horsemen arrive."
"You have come to a terrible end and will be no more."
"Well, that's an ominous sign alright."
"It's getting so dark out here, and you can see something is coming over there."
"What you bore witness to was the end of a foolish king and the beginning of a dead man stalking the endless night."
"I feel like something bad is going to happen."
"Damn, I just know shit's about to go down."
"The mother had this eerie feeling that something was gonna happen."
"This is how horror movies start, exactly like this."
"Do you smell smoke? Do you smell the creeping ruin of a life?"
"That's what's coming and that's not even all."
"Something's coming... Something's out there."
"I left Baxter State Park that day with a deep sense of unease. The peaceful, familiar trails now seemed shrouded in something darker."
"But there was something portentous in his face which made me speak."
"Bro, it's like the calm before the storm."
"What makes yours so special?" Even as I asked, a cold foreboding prickled through me.
"This should have been impossible, outside the sky darkened ominously, the yellow-green hue swallowed by a mass of angry gray clouds."
"Something's coming, something's coming, something's coming, and you don't know where it's going to come next."
"He knew this would end tragically."
"No story that begins with those five words is going to end well."
"Damn, damn, damn, I muttered as I trailed across the green. I had a nasty feeling that a little tragedy was building up here."
"This is the first overt communication between them referencing the pending deaths of JJ and Tyler."
"Certain places, you just get bad vibes, and this... I ain't even there and I feel it in my soul."
"They will provide a warning to you, and if you don't listen and back out, then, you know, God only knows what'll happen to you."
"It hadn't been the first time Max had saved Becca's life not by a long shot but she was getting a nasty feeling it might be the last."
"An omen of poor fortune and impending death."
"In the darkness you are never alone. There is always someone who awaits your fall."
"A sense of foreboding seeped through, as though the forest itself was warning me."
"Alcatraz: don't nothing good like it's gonna come when you go to that."
"The taste of death is upon my lips."
"I had a sinking feeling I was looking at it for the last time."
"It was a dark and stormy night, Trent thought fatalistically as he took his seat."
"I'm not entirely sure why, but my mood shifted from annoyance to a growing sense of dread."
"...there's an eerie final shot we see the infected running towards the city."
"The screaming comes across the sky. It is too late."
"In the end, we couldn't trust each other. Before long, all the world's might will fall upon this island. You could never comprehend what that means."
"Before the night is dark and full of Terrors."
"This land is sick. There's been blood magic practiced here."
"Scarwall Castle stands as a foreboding masterpiece of Gothic architecture."
"The woods weren't peaceful; they looked gnarled and wrong, as though the land itself held some sort of grudge."
"The nightmare was about to become real; war with Germany seemed unavoidable."
"If Morib does an eclipse where it is in front of something and it blocks all of the natural light so that it is the only source of light, that is really bad, something horrible is about to happen."
"It's a terrible thing, Mr. Holmes, to see a dreadful event, an atrocious situation, preparing itself before your eyes, to clearly understand whither it will lead, and yet to be utterly unable to avert it."
"They knew that they were drawing near to the end of their journey, and that it might be a very horrible end."
"Winter is coming, the nights are dark and full of terrors."
"You ever get the feeling something really, really bad is going to happen?"
"One fateful summer, our town fell prey to a darkness that descended upon us like a shroud."
"A night is dark and full of terrors."
"The forest gave off a really bad vibe... it seemed somehow devoid of light."
"Winter is almost upon us, my friends, and many of us here shall not live to see the spring."
"The Earth is pregnant with plagues and pestilence."
"My mind misgives; there is a consequence hanging in the stars."
"Something festers in the heart of Middle-earth."
"Someone's coming," she whispered. "Someone with dark thoughts."
"Nature rejects this place so that birds fall from the sky dead."
"I have a feeling the real nightmare is only just beginning."
"The gates of hell," Stokes said softly.
"The sky was as black as the walls of Harrenhal behind them, and the rain fell soft and steady."
"The night is dark and full of terrors, Davos."
"A horror of great darkness fell upon him."
"The morning's silence was ominous."
"The ground was soft beneath her horse's hooves, and the track she left behind filled up with blood."
"The notion made him shiver, a feeling of dread sliding slowly down his spine; he could not help but feel that he was coming to a place where the ghosts of the dead walked side by side with the living."
"You can tell that bad things have happened here, and that someone or something hostile is aware of your presence."
"I think something terrible is coming. The apocalypse."