
Fitness Routine Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"I remind myself of how accomplished I feel afterwards... sometimes 12-3-30 is honestly my only accomplishment of the day, and it'd be like that."
"If you see me in three months I'll be doing shitload of sets of 20 to 30 and still doing some sets of 5 to 10."
"We squat, we press, we deadlift, we bench press."
"Don't forget to breathe and well good, we're up on our feet now doing a one leg quarter squat plus half raise opposite leg comes up."
"Thirty minutes of exercise is enough to see improvements and keep you fit and healthy."
"I swear between drinking this smoothie and doing 10 to 15 minute workouts every morning, I am slowly getting back into shape after just having a baby."
"Train 5 times per week and follow a structured program that covers a variety of rep ranges."
"The PPL split: Push, Pull, Legs – a proven formula for muscle growth."
"I definitely do a lot of weight training but cardio, not a lot."
"Buff bless you... the week has come to an end."
"Rest, recover, repair, and then hit your session tomorrow; there's always tomorrow."
"What can I expect from your workouts? At least two hours of weight training, preferably in the morning."
"Your workouts should be something you almost crave."
"If working out during your downtime isn't beneath Hugh Jackman."
"I'm proud of myself that I've gone this many days in a row because it's been a while since why Jim routine has been as OnPoint as it has been."
"I just decided that I'm going to do Whitney Simmons' ab one workout."
"I train seven days a week. I'm on day 52 today in a row that I've trained with weights."
"Push-ups are always part of every professional athlete's workout regimen for a good reason."
"Your workout looks like this: you have nine full body exercises and you're gonna work through all nine exercises three times."
"If I had five exercises... Deadlift, squat, bench, some kind of a farmer's carry, and pull-ups."
"devin nash actually the type of guy to do like a ceo 4am workout routine where he goes on a peloton for 45 minutes"
"Lift hard, hit your macros, go to sleep, you can expect some muscle over time."
"How many times a day are you doing cardio and stuff right now? Are your days really really busy?"
"Oh, okay. Pull-ups done, dips done, so now all we have left is six sets of 25 squats and six sets of 25 push-ups."
"Sticking with it is the key, and push through those hard days and stick with your routine."
"We've made it through our HIIT cardio and deep stretch workout."
"So, Adele's three workouts a day starts off with weight training in the morning."
"Finish this circuit strong because you've got a rest coming up right after this exercise."
"We started going to the gym in the morning...it really, it does something differently."
"This is what I actually wear to get myself to Pilates."
"The key is being continuous with your training but doing it in a way that you enjoy."
"Less is more, especially when we're going for volume routine."
"Regular pull-ups are useful for building a balanced physique."
"It's Sunday morning fit fam, you know what that means, it means it's time for some base hunting."
"I'm very happy with my current Fitness routine."
"I have been working out 6 days a week."
"I work out almost every day. I do aerobics, I warm up with aerobics and then I lift weights."
"I had an absolute blast and I really appreciate the training routine regime that I'm now a part of in that kind of environment."
"Finding the motivation to work out is really hard sometimes but doing it as a routine is best."
"Welcome to your 45 minute hit full body strong workout."
"We're stacking with minimal breaks, a few breaks here and there but of course listen to your body."
"Stretching and the recovery day letting your muscles heal repair from the work that we've done this week it's so important."
"This should be a lot more fun than just the nice slow weight driven upper-body strength training routine."
"Every third move we do today, we're going to put our weights down and have it be a little more cardio-based."
"You don't have to work out seven days a week, with five it's enough."
"We're going to start standing, we'll have a seat, we'll transition to standing, and we'll end our workout back in our chair for a nice stretch."
"We've got an amazing workout here for you."
"This is a strength workout with an amazing glute activation series."
"Done consistently in combination with a healthy diet and a balanced exercise program, this video routine will help you in your weight loss journey."
"I find going to the gym early sets me up for the day."
"Reach it up, stretch and bend, working into those obliques, this one's so good for the abs."
"I'm about to get back in the gym from my routine, I have an hour of the gym every morning."
"Most of my days now start here at my gym for functional fitness."
"Walking is one of my favorite workouts; it's really the basis of what I do personally."
"You did it. That was your active recovery Mobility Fusion workout. Great job everybody!"
"Love this one, this is the most I've used a small ball."
"This is a seven-minute full-body workout."
"I like doing a dedicated arm day, so that was perfect."
"We're doing a hit style workout, alternating between a high intensity move and a strength move."
"We're doing a total body 20-minute workout you can do anywhere, anytime using no equipment but our body weight."
"You want to be training each muscle for at least twice per week."
"By the time we get done, we'll have hit the upper body, the lower body, and also some core work involved in there as well."
"Fantastic job everybody, as always we just have completed our 15 minute pilates circle workout."
"Push-ups, planks, Pilates, and power yoga, a little chilly out today, but we have the Sun so it makes it all worthwhile."
"Create some kind of exercise routine, even if it's something small, it's really good for you."
"I'm really sore today, working on the core at my gym two days in a row."
"I really like that we go to the gym for an hour 5 days of the week and we do three 20-minute walks every single day."
"I do three full body workouts per week, stay active in between, split my time between gym and home training depending on how my schedule is looking and how I'm feeling."
"It feels nice to work out here again."
"Just march in place, give me an inhale up, everybody exhale."
"Well, stretching, oh some squats, and some tequila. What more do you need? Tacos."
"This is just a good warm-up to get our lats ready, to get our arms ready before we get into our full workout."
"Happy Sunday, I just finished a workout this morning, I just did a 30-minute hit full body workout."
"This is your single weight sweat workout."
"We're getting that cardio in, we have six exercises going to go through non-stop circuits before having a rest."
"I'm feeling proud of myself, feeling good, I'm gonna come back on Wednesday, I'm doing two classes a week right now."
"I'm gonna show you guys my current favorite glute workout that includes every single movement that you need to grow your glutes."
"The workouts, the weight training workouts, are always 10 minutes or so of warm-up and then no more than 40 to 50 minutes of really hard work."
"I actually kind of like the split; you're training everything twice per week."
"Every time they crunch down, they're tightening that core."
"For optimum results, perform the workouts three to four times a week. See you next time."
"I did the P60 for a while... it was working and I just fell out of it, but it was working."
"Keep it up one more time. Love our top turn, hop turn, walk walk, step knee straddle."
"Start an exercise routine... something light like yoga, some water aerobics, going swimming."
"You always have to mix up your cardio routine."