
Weapon Effectiveness Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Izanagi’s burden is still one of the top options for DPS in Destiny and even being a part of the most recent world's first raid clear, it isn’t going anywhere!"
"The akimbo wsp swarms are probably the single best weapon in the entire game."
"These howitzers have proved to be inappropriate, wrong weapons for this war."
"The shotgun is extremely powerful and great for clearing enemies."
"The Praetorian Foil: it makes this thing pack a punch."
"Do not sleep on this weapon it is powerful it hits and it's better than it ever was that's why it's sitting in this a tier because somehow this thing has climbed the charts slowly and."
"It's an amazing weapon, no question. It sits here on the top of the list."
"Strong shotgun but the reason why the mastiff is so strong is because you're able to get 100 plus damage shots just peaking for a second, really powerful to win your fights."
"Flatline ST a very strong assault rifle, so versatile in so many situations, good hip fire, really strong long range potential."
"It's just, it's not doing what even like government agencies would be considered acceptable damage at a hundred yards."
"It's the skin that turns the flatline from, in my opinion, a grid gun with terrible iron sights to the best gun in the game."
"This thing looks to be quite the treat in PvP."
"In order to really close the chapter you have to get out what's still stuck in you."
"Colonel Autumn's laser pistol... ignores damage resistance, making it ideal for use against heavily armored foes."
"Hawkmoon in its base form is already an amazing hand cannon."
"This gun is very very strong now in the hands of any vault hunter it doesn't have to be flack but in the hands of any vault hunter this gun can absolutely shred dude."
"After years of lagging behind in PvE, Bungie overnight turned Wishender into a default option for your kinetic slots."
"Wishender is a One-Shot stun against all barrier Champions on perfect and full draw shots."
"Everyone deep inside their hearts knows this is indeed a top five best weapon."
"The Judge is the highest damage shotgun in the game and can quickly fire off five shots to wipe nearly any living thing."
"The BAR is probably one of the fastest time to killing weapons in the game right now."
"Sniper rifles: incredibly lethal over range."
"The super shotgun, a powerful boomstick that will tear through just about anything at point-blank range."
"Absolutely no Russian weapon can compare to the impact that only a handful of American HIMARS have had in the conflict."
"Tax shooter is absolutely like insane, like absolutely crazy good."
"My god, we have a freaking mythical weapon, holy moly, it's epic!"
"That mini gun absolutely shreds those guys, jeez."
"The assault machine gun is an extremely powerful gun... how easy it is to take people out... even people with Ruby armor."
"This is the ultimate primary weapon, it's just so cool."
"It's one of the most powerful primary weapons currently available in pixel gun 3d."
"For melee characters using fast weapons, this is practically overpowered."
"Sleep is the key to life. It's before anything."
"Every weapon is only as good as the person using it."
"Touch of malice: the final round now does 20 additional damage in PVE." - Enhancing the effectiveness of a beloved weapon.
"These are crazy weapons for weapon effectiveness in 40k."
"This weapon is amazing. It's 100% worth the grind."
"This thing puts out some pure damage, it's amazing."
"Raw MG: melts people, S tier option for season two."
"The Craber is essentially the best weapon in the game."
"An absolute god tier weapon in pretty much any piece of pve content."
"The shrimp imp is so good and I love love love his primary weapon."
"Personally, I think this gun is very weak in core game modes."
"Age receptor is one of the coolest Exotics in the game no pun intended it's a really powerful stasis Trace rifle."
"And the reiki and raygun will both do a great job of doing things like taking down a tempest which can be a really pesky enemy to try and take down if you're using a regular weapon."
"The most useful weapon hilariously actually ended up being the silver sword of all things."
"The 88 was one of the exceptional weapons of the war."
"Risk Runner is a massive slayer in the crowd control department."
"The Falling Guillotine sword can single-handedly make a mockery out of almost every raid or dungeon boss."
"The Gnawing Hunger is an absolute monster in pvp and pretty damn good in pve too."
"The Last Word is a menacing S-tier cannon in the Crucible."
"The Jade Rabbit basically gives away headshots for free."
"They'll kill you just as dead as the bigger calibers will."
"You now got a good enough rate of fire and alpha damage to be able to lock down the tracks of your opponent and really go to town on them."
"The charge rifle might be one of the best guns in the game for leveling up your Evo shields."
"The Spitfire LMG is crazy just how much overall damage you can do with this gun."
"The Volt SMG is my preferred SMG of choice this season."
"The default weapons available to all factions are incredibly competent and remain to be some of the favorite weapons available."
"The strategy to defeat this flying beast was to launch these explosive pouches."
"The number one weapon in the war, incredibly effective."
"This thing definitely has punch for punch, one of the better guns."
"The Super Shotgun is everything a double-barreled shotgun should be in a video game."
"It's an instant kill on pretty much everything."
"It's the lightsaber - to be fair, it does quite a bit of damage."
"So due to these weapons and armor there's actually allowed Iron Man and the other Avengers to not only actually the old damage too but also defeat the enchanted warriors many of them who were possibly a Thor level not even higher."
"The hammer is a beast when it comes to staggering, flinching, and stunning monsters."
"You know what might make me stupidly overpowered? Bombs detonating on a single hit."
"The fully modded scars, they just become such a good weapon."
"The number one weapon in Apex Legends is the wingman pistol, it's just so powerful."
"That's right, the reason why sacrificial dagger is so good is it just melts bosses."
"Literally does hk 416 in mid damage." - Impressive damage output.
"The English longbow was a terrifying weapon, and under these specific conditions, turned what would normally be a major strategic vulnerability in force composition into a deadly advantage."
"Deathbringer has quickly become my top pick for favorite PvP exotic heavy; watching the mini nova bombs chase enemies to get 2-3 kills is just so funny to me."
"The ASM 10 is still hyper deadly up to 20 meters, but the slow fire rate means you need to be hitting these shots to make the most of this weapon."
"This gun is extremely extremely good, do not underestimate it."
"Birdshot is lame it could be a distance but now at moderate distances you don't want to be hit by it see what I mean."
"The MOG 12 is one of the best shotguns that we have ever had in Call of Duty zombies."
"It's the only weapon that can one-shot kill the opponent with an instant headshot."
"The numbers on paper and the feel of the Chaperone is so good it's almost like you're firing watermelons and not bullets."
"Dragonfly now works on heavy shanks as well as servitors and occurs even faster than after the season the chosen fix."
"What a weapon. I don't know why they've never brought it back, it's such a fun, silly weapon and actually quite strong."
"This weapon is good. It is a very, very good weapon."
"I actually like admire homing bombs now for their ability to stick to enemies when I shoot them at them."
"The helion Salvo simply exists, man. Amazing guns."
"The AK-47 is one of the greatest guns in Rust and is great at close, medium, and long range."
"The ray gun deals a colossal amount of damage per hit at 145. That is a ludicrous amount of damage."
"The OG even despite being a burst fire weapon is still unbelievably dangerous."
"The Mauser 1893 proved to be just about the most hellish thing the Americans would encounter."
"This weapon is absolutely amazing and you could see me slay with it."
"It is devastating if you need to kill an enemy. If they need to be dead five minutes ago, they were dead ten minutes ago."
"The Glade beam is one of the best weapons in the game, no question about it."
"It has one of the most insane PvP perk combinations of any hand cannon in Destiny 2."
"Falling guillotine remains king regardless of what class or setup that you're using."
"The Crossbow... makes your healing output way better."
"Phantasma deals a colossal amount of status which is a thing that mesa is not particularly good at."
"I knew it was a good stealth weapon but I never knew it was this good."
"I just like the AK-74 a little bit more... really effective in combat as well."
"I don't like this flamethrower with this guy shoots out so I hit it with a water-based weapon and look at that now he can't do it anymore that's pretty cool that's rewarding."
"The rocket launcher is good, like really good."
"The Hauer shotgun... its damage output is unreal."
"One of the lessons we've learned this afternoon watching this firing is how effective this weapon would have been."