
Diverse Interests Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Ultimately, I was pretty surprised by quite a few on this list, including some of the classics... I don't really think any attraction is overrated, I think every attraction has a purpose and a targeted audience."
"Just because you are most effective at one thing and that's what you're putting the work in on, it doesn't mean that you don't care about the other stuff."
"There's so much to do for everybody. You want to go sport fishing? You can do that."
"There's nothing quite like this that I've seen because it's doing like all the things that I love."
"It's strange, you know, a lot of people will say, 'Well, I really hate firemaking skill,' but there are a lot of people that really, really enjoy firemaking."
"What next? Wine, colosseum, acting, business, motherhood."
"From health to happiness, relationships to wealth - there's a niche for everyone on YouTube."
"There's just so much to appreciate. That's why when I say my favorite, I'm like, now there's just so much."
"His passion for physical pursuits continued with interests ranging from wakeboarding to rock climbing."
"I likes that it just combines a bunch of interests that I have."
"The obscure ones are sometimes the interesting ones."
"I have a four pillar system... I want to grow in the Combat Sports scene, the pro wrestling scene, the live stream scene and the football scene."
"I had always been drawn to both the subject matter and not just in math but you know I've always been curious about a lot of things."
"I'm hype, I don't care if it's firefighting, I'm hype."
"Remember the theme: hatchling of space with some other stuff like that Chinese retailer and Netflix and Google and stuff like that."
"You can usually find something to like in every single one of them."
"For every one person who wants exclusive coverage of GameStop or AMC, there's a thousand who are like, 'Hey, I also like learning about other things.'"
"I've definitely loved learning about a wide variety of things."
"There's just so many people that can fall in love with that game for so many different reasons."
"I wanna be a pilot. Or a stockbroker. I'm like... knowledge-thirsty."
"Polymothy is because I'm interested in so many different things. I made the channel to be a place where I could then talk about all the things I'm interested in."
"We just didn't want to do basketball. We just don't want to be in this one lane."
"I've dabbled in different things from business to wrestling growing up playing football to doing YouTube."
"Your fungus lunch, ask a question, do your thing, follow your passion, you know, read the encyclopedia, it's all fine."
"I like talking about a lot of different stuff... I'm gonna hit up all topics if it's interesting to me."
"I want to carve out my little corner where you can bring a whole lot of different things to the table and everybody's welcome."
"Builders plus cave miners plus people who like doing minecart stuff, it sounds like the dream."
"Micro Center, literally like Tech Heaven, doesn't matter if you're into computers or console gaming or Sim racing or even Apple products."
"This is a collision of Internet culture, politics, fashion, and conspiracy theories."
"There's a lot of stuff man and I appreciate you guys giving a damn about any of it."
"I'm an opportunist so I don't really have a plan, I just know that I want to touch bases on everything."
"If you like ICP or you don't, if you like the hardcore brawls or you don't, if you like shot and freud or you don't, there's probably something for you to enjoy."
"Just be open-minded too like sometimes you're going to meet people that don't necessarily like the things that you like."
"...so like if you're ever like hey I want to learn about uh Heracles here you go Hercules whatever you want to call them and then lastly really exciting I have an engineering design textbook which I refuse to get rid of because I annotated it a lot and it's really satisfying..."
"We are going to talk running, cancer, sex, aging, boobs, the Olympics, and of course, food."
"Doing other things that interests you is important to do and it helps build your brand as a candidate."
"I have very eclectic taste. I like a lot of different things."
"I'd like her to make sure that she explores a wealth of activities, arts, creativity, music, sport."
"He's a board member of a charity, really active, and has a lot of different interests."
"I wanted to be a lawyer, or a surfer, or the president of the United States."
"I think it's equally important for a kid her age to have a range of interests and experiences."
"He seemed to enjoy books of all kinds, including dime novels and the Police Gazette, and it was said he had another quality that set him apart from his friends."
"I am a world traveler, a twitch streamer, a cat mom, a former volleyball player, and I love learning new things."
"Do you like adventure, activity, thunder, danger, pain, angel food cake?"
"I have many different interests like I still do now; that's why I love drag so much."
"We like to do different things because we have tons of people that don't like just one style."
"I'm just doing like a nerd, and I just love diving into this vast array of both regular items and then these parts that are like not part of the standard product catalog."
"He has other interests outside of football that he's passionate about."
"This 17-year-old has a passion for welding and played outside linebacker for her high school's tackle football team."
"Leeds is a great, great option no matter what you're interested in."
"She loved books, music, Taekwondo, and playing piano."
"I don't want YouTube to be the only thing that I care about."
"She wanted something more; she had dreams of becoming a computer programmer, a model, and an actress."
"I can't limit myself down to one interest."
"It's crazy, you can get things from stickers to plants to gardening stuff to things for your home."