
Technology Skepticism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I personally didn't always agree with the Genie's recommendations. The Genie is very, very smart, but the Genie is a machine, and I am a human."
"Ask why there is so much evil in this country. That's the question. I don't have the answer but I know God is the solution."
"There's no confidence whatsoever in VAR at the moment, none whatsoever."
"Computers will ever do this AI will never do that, and as soon as they do they're almost immediately proved wrong in most cases."
"It's about keeping them docile. When Neuralink becomes public, these cultists are going to be lining up screaming and begging for it."
"I applaud those with the energy to continue asking the hard questions and applying the lens of rigorous skepticism. All technologies should be subject to it."
"Until there's actually utility to the technology of NFTs, I wouldn't really put my stock into it."
"These are literally the kinds of events that just slow down the adoption of autopilot because people are idiots."
"You can patent anything you want, you can make research papers all you want with AI. But it doesn't mean it's real."
"His victory is a profound reminder that no matter how good deep learning data-driven AI looks when it is trained on an immense amount of data, we can never be sure that systems of this sort really can extend what they know to novel circumstances."
"I fundamentally don't think people want to look at AI output... Humanity is what people want from all media."
"We don't need it. We are so much more powerful than AI."
"I don't think it's a good idea to place all our hopes in technology to fix all of our problems. The human condition is always going to be messy."
"Elon Musk thinks that the largest, most advanced particle accelerator is demonic and evil technology."
"Life and business are about human connections and computers are about trying to murder you in a lake."
"Most of you actually believe that they do 2fa for your security, but folks, that is the fake news. Big Tech has found an excuse to spy on us using 2fa, and we are buying it."
"I hate that idea, I don't want Twitter to do more things."
"There's a huge group of us that don't have to have AI, and we won't have it."
"I'm recognizing there's a whole lot of benefit, but show, the machines might turn against us."
"I think this will be gimmicky for the first generation."
"Naive view that if we create slightly different cryptography, we'll take over."
"Only a madman would think that artificial intelligence could replace human intuition and experience."
"Yeah, I am a part of a group of people who believe that one day all technology will be gone and everybody will be forced to live in the wilderness."
"We've been sold a lie called future proofing." - "There's no such thing as future proofing anymore."
"The entertainment industry's attempts at selling mainstream crypto and NFT adoption to a generation of people who clearly want nothing to do with it."
"FSD is vaporware, it does not exist, there is no such thing as full self-drive."
"I just want my refrigerator to be a refrigerator, I want my bathroom mirror to be a bathroom mirror, I don't need for it to be a smart and internet connected device."
"About a year ago everyone was saying AI and crypto have no use cases."
"Throw away the microwaves, they're very, very deadly and dangerous."
"The more that these new technologies come out, the less faith I have in people not to be horribly greedy."
"Cars shouldn't be allowed to be updated over the air. Windows experience has shown that."
"Lots of skeptics had written off self-driving cars as a fool's errand."
"I've been very outspoken that I have concerns about the Steam Deck 1's ability to run even modest AAA games long term."
"That's more dangerous than the robot if you ask me."
"Technology is not going to save us. Our computers, our tools, our machines are not enough. We have to rely on our intuition, our true being." - Joseph Campbell
"But is it a gimmick? I think you could probably argue that the voice command is a gimmick."
"Until it's actually can be used in a lot of games like I don't think vr's ever overtake I mean half-life alex is almost enough though not not enough for me to spend a thousand but it is enough for me to spend like 400 I will say that."
"It's just so empowering not to have fed your hard-earned data into the black box."
"I'm one of those people who's like a little pessimistic about technology."
"Anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed, doomed. Expensive sensors that are unnecessary."
"You're buying a serial number loosely related to a JPEG which may or may not still be hosted on the internet."
"If you're one of those people that are really concerned that the government is monitoring all of your cell phone calls then you would definitely not be on board with full dive VR."
"I don't think that there are techno fixes to this... I would trust nature for solutions."
"There's no value in the technology and that we need to look back at what historically has worked, just you can't have it both ways."
"We presume... the technology...is an important actually it's just the opposite."
"But there's still one thing that I think AI will not be able to do as well as a human."
"I don't trust machines. I've seen Terminator, I know how that goes."
"I think the tech is impressive, I don't think people want it as much as people say they do."
"I don't want you to listen to marketing, I don't want you to listen to all the other stuff. Like, yeah, technology is cool, but like if the boots don't fit, don't buy them."