
Artistic Detail Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The opening scene in Inglourious Basterds... everything about it, just the sweat down the dude's head. I mean, it was just painted perfectly."
"The detail on this is insane. It's so futuristic."
"Wet-on-dry adds detail, fine lines, and crisp hard lines."
"As you progress forward in a portrait painting, the smallest touches can make all the difference."
"The smallest touches can make all the difference."
"Character models are sculpted with a significant boost in detail."
"Give them little areas of interest and just make sure they're working well with the less detailed parts."
"The detailing for this is kind of, I get surprised."
"Whenever you go into a painting, you want to consider how much time you want to allocate to it and also how much detail you want in it."
"My favorite detail was how we got Liz's g1 makeup on point."
"The incredible level of detail and commitment to an artistic vision in Akira truly sets it apart."
"I like in that artwork how just blindingly brilliant his sword is."
"They really put a lot of pressure to compete... more detail and more frames."
"The book of life presented a passionate love story that's filled with beautifully detailed animation."
"Every single frame in the game is hand drawn."
"The more you focus on the details, the better your finished image is going to be."
"These details give a new layer of meaning. It's not always an easter egg pointed to some character's arrival or some big theory that's been confirmed, but it just shows you that this is art and there's a lot of craft that goes into it."
"Every centimeter of this tattoo shows that struggle."
"There's a lot of cool environmental details, a lot of just great artistic design."
"The attention to detail and the overall composition of these films is something that can't be overstated."
"Taylor Swift's love and skill for deploying Easter eggs and subtle symbolism are impressive."
"One of the most powerful lessons to me is the attention to detail to getting your art right."
"The feature that really makes this diorama pop is the waterfall."
"The environments steal the show... every inch of the world receives careful attention to detail."
"It's the little details that really start to stand out the most."
"The attention to detail in the tracks blew my mind."
"The details on these prints are just absolutely stunning."
"The coolest thing about this design... is the leaf inside of the E."
"Love the detail and the shading and the shine on all their art pieces."
"I think the actual look of the TVA was done very, very well."
"Creating a sense of scale through meticulous detail."
"Without those imperfections that are very specific handmade imperfections, it doesn't feel real."
"I hope that we get more awesome things like this cuz that's just really really cool to see all the detail there."
"There's so much attention to detail with this, you know, and when I say attention to detail, I mean they went back and studied like the animators from that classic '30s period."
"You can see just what a difference it makes, helping all those details really pop out."
"Focusing it more and more towards the base down here."
"The next thing to do is add the impression of some veins."
"The writing, the art style, the world design—everything in the game is super polished, including the fantastic soundtrack."
"Adding variation not only adds visual interest but also makes your scene feel more realistic."
"A tiny self-portrait of the painter himself hidden amongst the liquid."
"There's nothing arbitrary in a frame of a movie, there's nothing that hasn't been thought about."
"The movie benefits greatly from an art direction as spot-on as this one every small detail adding so much to the overall mood with an atmosphere that feels truly Fantastical."
"The attention to detail, the sheer intricacy, is absolutely breathtaking."
"Games are so much more than this now, but even still, it's easy to be charmed by the simple presentation, the attention to detail in the dungeon sprite work."
"Odyssey is simply oozing charm and care in every facet."
"It's definitely a challenge to give him all of his unique markings, and it's quite amazing what you can achieve in this new paint mode."
"It's impossible to deny the masterful craftsmanship of Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic setting."
"The way that scenes transition from one to the next, the meticulous detail in color and lighting."
"I think these look so cute, you can see how there's like some little water effects coming out of it as well."
"The technical expertise, all the details that just go into the animation."
"It's kind of nice to add a little bit of background texture."
"That intricate design that people are looking for."
"Attention to detail makes all the difference in creating realistic compositions."
"It really is amazing to see the level of detail in this theme park."
"Take your time, pay attention to your details and your edges that you want to keep clean."
"They wanted to make sure that every single region in the game had its own feel to it when it came to the color work, not only of the buildings but also the flora."
"Your knowledge around skin, I'm just... this glow, I just cannot get over the glow."
"I like that singular focus on one idea, one vision."
"So that way it looks like we're looking through the glass."
"All these little pieces of information... help you to describe the luminosity and the bright light that we see."
"I gotta paint all the hobbit holes, I gotta finish modeling some, they're not completely done being modeled yet."
"The attention to detail here is truly amazing."
"Elizabeth is one of the better successes of Infinite, even if her presence greatly differed from what was revealed prior to launch."
"Every detail every leaf of a paper hanging off up in the background is amazing."
"Look at the level of care that was put into sculpting the derriere of the orange marsupial."
"I'm going to make sure I have a very fine point."
"The subtle reflections make it look more natural and inviting."
"The small details like the perspective from the planet looking up into space are used very well."
"The amount of love and care that was clearly put into bringing every little last piece of this island to life... it really is something to be admired."
"This Kong looks absolutely incredible, I love that we have all this articulation."
"Little touches of detail like that are what make portraits really shine."
"The detailing and the paintwork on these figures looks absolutely sublime."
"And with that stage done with those white dots appearing you can see now we're really starting to get the impression."
"Can you guys see his little nose now? Oh yeah, for sure, little nose. Very cute little nose."
"All of those details you know those are the things that we just pour over as we're creating the cinematics and we have an awesome cinematics team Taran Gregory and his team just doing phenomenal work."
"Just the touches you know... all add for the big picture."
"I just love when you draw in the highlights, it really brings the life into the art."
"I love the detail in the clothing, the best in any game."
"...all this does is just gives it that little fun dimensional element."
"Devil in a New Dress, it's just, it's pure opulence, bro, it's one of those songs that you can listen to and be amazed by every sonic detail."
"It's crazy how adding just a simple tiny white dot of glaze to the eyes just makes it come to life."
"I love the detail on that guitar, how it's all on flames and everything, on fire, that's rad."
"As it comes forward, make it more and more detailed."
"The sharpness, the realism, the lighting even, to just create these brand new out of nothing, there is so much detail in this one, it's kind of hard to believe it isn't real."
"Cool art because you could see all the facial features still there."
"This figure has a great head sculpt."
"The detail on the lion, fantastic job."
"It's great fun doing this but try not to overdo it because it's these little marks that really give the definition to the painting."
"The detail is always subservient to the value and helps to portray the light."
"I love that little light hit that's right there."
"The wonderful detail of the veil over the head of the Virgin, which is that same blue mantle but reversed, showing this darker blue-blackish color with gold polka dots."
"These are just some very small touches, fine touches, but they add a lot to the realism of the scene."
"The amount of detail in these images is just out of this world."
"You can also add some highlights on the branch just to make it pop a little bit more."
"We're actually going to be able to add detail to this eye, which is really cool."
"This just gave our scene a little more tenacity."
"The level of detail is truly unmatched; it's going to look so beautiful on the shelf."
"Look at that, it is like a little tiny bit of magic, little white dots. I love it."
"The detail she puts into her work is just so incredible."
"I wanted to draw with enough details so that people knew what it was."
"This negative here, I'm down off the beach under the head back, that's really useful."
"I really do find faces to be one of the most rewarding parts of the miniature."
"True artist with very intricate detailing in the face paint pattern."
"He looks really fantastic, I love the paint applications and the sculpt is on point."
"You've got some beautiful skin texture, beautiful scale detail throughout the entire figure."
"Add some extra details; make the work more interesting."
"I love that weather detail, that is amazing."
"The space is more important; the details come later."
"These are beautifully detailed and you can edit these."
"I like how the glasses are kind of messed up here, they did a nice job with that."
"This is so good, look at the detail in this; this is crazy good."
"This dragon is beautiful, the scale patterns especially on the face are just so reminiscent of the actual koi fish."
"Skin is all about the detail that sells the realism."
"I'm glad they didn't just make it completely brown and smooth; it's textured, as mud should be."
"The beauty is in the details, the shading, the black Sharpie marker just everything just brings everything out to life."
"I especially love how the silk screen stencils really completed this transfer."
"Just brushing in like a brighter petal right there, and the rose is just coming up, isn't it?"