
Religious Motivation Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Let them compete in that good, rushing, racing to Allah."
"Stay in the harness and keep pulling. You are entitled to eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days."
"The last push is to push against everything that keeps us from your presence."
"God imparts to you the energy to do his will, and as you do his will, your acts become his acts."
"Work diligently at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord."
"Do it for the glory of God and give a good testimony."
"Are we fearing the Lord because he deserves it or as an excuse to get something out of it?"
"The church needs to see that as a four-year respite for us to now get active."
"Ultimately my battle is for the church my mother."
"A lot of people say, 'What are your dreams and aspirations?' And we just want to keep glorifying God with our music."
"God wants us to be history makers in this generation."
"Do it for Jesus if you don't do it for yourself, at least do it for Jesus."
"Rise up, O men of God, have done with lesser things. Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of Kings."
"We're motivated like never before by our desire to tell the world that Jesus is the only answer for these troubling times."
"What kind of move of God would happen if everybody listening to our voices today said whatever that little thing is you went and did it right wow, well it would be a different world and the body of Christ would be so much more empowered."
"You can be on the winning side. You can choose to follow Jesus."
"Speak up because you know somebody might not like it, but we have to swing the bat for Jesus."
"Am I willing to jump in and say, 'Lord just hold off, let me and my friends who love thee, let's go out in the world and let's try to build thy kingdom and bring good to the world because there's still more to be done?'"
"God will make a way, start going back to your chair, that denotes a campaign."
"I don't care if you dislike me and I don't care if you don't watch my videos because like I said I don't do this for the sake of anyone except for our Creator."
"We go around doing good, pointing them to Jesus."
"God's got a destiny for you and if you want to reach it, you're gonna do it God's way. You gonna do it God's way." - Bill Winston
"All we do in our ministry is motivated by love for Jehovah and the people in the territory..."
"We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and meet a need with a happy heart."
"Be strong and courageous because the Lord God is with you wherever you go."
"Victory is assured for those who trust in the Lord."
"They fed their wealth out of love for Allah and desire for Jenna."
"They sacrificed their lusts and their temptations also in love for paradise."
"They loved each other to that extent because they loved paradise."
"The motive to give is to honor God, but the reward is that your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine."
"Many risked everything in the name of protecting the Holy Land."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest cause in the world." - President Ezra Taft Benson
"You want to go to heaven? Well, if you don't get the book 'Heaven' by Randy Alcorn, you're going to want to go lickety-split."
"Jesus says, 'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and then you will be my witnesses.'"
"This platform is given you by God. So use it for God's work."
"We're so excited that during this pandemic Jehovah has given us something to energize our ministry."
"The believer primarily obeys Allah because of gratitude."
"Difficult choices are made easier when we do things for God."
"God wants to bring a Revival to America again."
"Jesus is the whole reason I'm on this platform."
"If this can serve the kingdom of God and reach millions of people I'm going to just devote my life to it and I'm going to push it forward as much as I can."
"We need your help if we're going to tear down the high places, give God a reason to show America mercy and rebuild a culture of life in America."
"Christ for the world, for the world needs Christ!"
"Actually, the demons are really boring. It's the same stuff over and over again. It's the stuff that you hear about the saints or about God or about our Lady that just motivates you."
"You will live a life of criticism but none of that will matter because you are doing what God told you to do."
"All you need is one new man, and you got him, his name is Jesus."
"But I can do all things through Christ who gives me? - Strength."
"This is a rallying call to God's people and as we read even though they were listening to the bleating of the sheep they were many that was searching their hearts and I pray that there will be many today that search their hearts."
"Let's not wait for something to strike us for us to return back to Allah."
"Take refuge in the sacred and immaculate hearts and engage more zealously in the mission than ever before. Now is not the time to retreat; it is the time to charge forward."
"God wants you rich and also have a good time."
"Then a battle cry by Philip of Artois was heard as he seized a banner of the Virgin Mary: 'Forward in the name of God and St. George, today you shall see me a valorous knight.'"
"I'm just trying to please God, to do what my gift is and then ultimately to use my talents at the highest level."
"Allah subhana wa tala created us to give us paradise, that is our goal."
"This land is our land, and God has called us in this moment to stand. And stand we shall." - Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
"I'm just excited about really being all that God has called us to be. I think sometimes we kind of just cut it short and limit God, but we're all about preaching about the fullness of God and all that he has."
"God wills it and we'll take Jerusalem, take back the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and start building our own stuff."
"I just want people to know Him and to love Him."
"Live right, not to impress people, but to honor God."
"God came in the flesh to this earth and gave his life for us. Let's stand up for the truth."
"Revival takes place when revived people take action."
"Boldly exercise the authority given to you by Jesus."
"This is biblical. This is good. This is something we should feel challenged to do as believers."
"We can't do everything, but together we can do something amazing for the glory of God."
"Removing Constantine as a scapegoat allows us to bring salvation to the lost with truth, knowledge, and love."
"The call to crusade suddenly became a call for a collective act of penance, a panacea for the needs and woes of an entire generation."
"We cannot let them get away with this... We need to rise up and have ourselves believe in Jesus Christ."
"If I give to Ryan because of the Lord, and he has to give to me because of the Lord, that means we're all balancing one another out."
"When you love God, whatever you have to do for God is but a small thing because you love him."
"Move upon people to give greatly... for the gospel to be preached to the world."
"We'll compete without cheating, mindful that it's all from Him and for Him."
"The abolition of slavery was almost entirely the work of people who believed they were taking orders from something higher."
"This is true revival, love is all they need, everlasting love. Rise up and go and show them."
"Evangelicals support Israel because it's the right thing to do, not because of some end-times prophecy."
"The church was designed to win earth back to God."
"The most significant change that needs to happen in this nation is for the apathetic complacent sleeping Christians in this nation to wake up from their deadly slumber."
"It is time for us to wake up, wake up church, and recognize that we are not here to whine, we're here to win."
"With God's help, we need to keep working for less government, more responsibilities, and a better world."
"The struggle is real on a daily basis for us to fight. It's you versus you, and we know that Allah wants the best for you."
"Don't be a victim when God has called you to be a victor."
"There is no greater cause than winning the lost."
"Do it for the gospel, do it for Jesus, do it for the expansion of His kingdom." Wow, what a great message!
"It was from the power of the gospel that William Wilberforce and other abolitionists fought to end slavery."
"Accelerated healing is bringing God's yesterday into your today."
"We're gonna make history one way or the other; we get to determine the history we're making for Him."
"God loves me so the reason why I love God because He first loved me."
"Release miracles, boldness, and victory in your life."
"Someone, you are coming out from a place of receiving and you're about to step into a place of giving. You're about to step into a place of giving in the name of Jesus."
"Get involved today and let's make a difference for the kingdom of God."
"Keep your eyes on the prize. The prize is Jesus Christ."
"Jesus Christ came down not for you and I to fail or just survive, he came to give us life and life abundantly."
"God didn't save you to put you on a shelf. He saved you for his purposes of good works." - Ephesians 2:8-10
"I knew that they were leaving to go be a light into the Hollywood world for Jesus Christ."
"If there is a race that race is in who can gain the most good deeds that's the competition."
"God just needed somebody in Hollywood to build an ark in the structure of a movie that can change the lives of people."
"Christianity largely motivates through shaming and guilting which is ineffective."
"You have value. Don't let anybody tell you that you're not valuable. You matter. God is going to use you." - Pastor
"There's nothing more inspirational or satisfying than to make God smile."
"We're living in tumultuous times. You're living in the best time to ever serve the Lord."
"Do you not know that you are supposed to be the greatest upsetter in your community? That some of you all have prayed for your neighbors to have an experience with Jesus and Jesus's response to you is, 'Then go over there.'"
"Knowing that our Savior will be returning soon, consider how you can utilize all of the great technologies that God has given us to evangelize the world for Jesus Christ."
"The proclamation of the kingship of Christ is not some pious devotion. It is the call of crusade."
"You're not going to get out of here alive unless you come to Jesus."
"It is time to start making waves in Satan's Kingdom because we are about to flush him out."
"If you want to experience a move of God, you've got to realize that it starts with you and your own personal revival."
"We came here to the city four years ago with one purpose: to seek His face and to pray for His will."
"Life is short so please make the most of it because this journey is purely about seeking the pleasure of Allah."
"You want to go all in, you want to win, God's goal is to make you a saint."
"The gospel should compel you to be more merciful because God is merciful."
"I'm about to win prime, you get at them about God."
"I live the Christian life because I love God; the fact that His Son is coming for me is an added benefit."
"Bless to be a blessing. Just spreading the Lord's work, this is the Ramsey show." - Spreading positivity and gratitude.
"Muslims respect the Quran; they're motivated by the Quran."
"Fuelled by the revelations, the Muslims spent eight years fighting the Meccans... until victory was achieved."
"Please donate for the sake of Allah and build for yourself a house in Jannah."
"He definitely seems like he's motivated by God and because of that, his morals seem to be way in a better place than like 95 percent of politicians."
"Do what's right because it's right and because you love God."
"We want them to serve just because they enjoy it and it glorifies God."
"No soldier at second Timothy, it's pretty powerful."
"In giving our best in everything that we do, we spend our lives for the glory of God."
"The cathedral was founded as a response to the insidious intentions of hell, seeking to sway humanity against the heavens."
"The same way that Paul did it because of his love for Christ, he didn't do it because he was angry, he didn't do it for glory, he didn't do it to prove a point, he did it because it was the right thing to do, and he did it for the love of Christ."
"I see trying to do something great for God because you know what I believe he's tugging at my heart about this homelessness situation."
"Mary was determined to reunite the country under the true religion by any means necessary."
"Change it for Allah, not for other people's comments."
"God is still looking for a man, a woman who's going to stand in the gap and be fed up, not tolerate the form of godliness that religion brings."
"We're fighting for good and for God, and God wins here."
"I cannot wait till we rise up and build up a generation of more Kingdom millionaires in the name of Jesus."
"If the creator of the universe can use a broken like me to do Mighty meaningful things in his name, what are you waiting for?"
"For such a time as this, you were born. Open your mouth, call on God, exact and execute the plan."
"How long will you be slack to go in and possess what the Lord your God has given you? The land is your inheritance, it's waiting for you to go in and possess it."
"In that case, let's get out there and make the world a better place, just as God intended."
"Advance for God's glory in Jesus' name."
"She's driven by ambition but she's also driven by religious zeal."
"Live with an urgency to do everything Jesus Christ has set out for us to do."
"Those that know their God do great exploits."
"For the glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith, and honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia."
"Do it because it would get you closer to Allah the Almighty."
"The great reform movements that expanded rights and reformed society were infused by religious people driven by their religious motivations."
"Whatever you do, work hard, as for the Lord."
"Fear is a very bad reason to turn to God."
"Allah loves those who do their very best, the excellent ones."
"Those who know God will do mighty exploits."