
Visual Description Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The opening scene in Inglourious Basterds... everything about it, just the sweat down the dude's head. I mean, it was just painted perfectly."
"This building kind of comes to life at night when it all turns blue, a little bit like those fancy blue blazes doing their fancy blue enchanting."
"People still get those really awful looking pox pustules all over their body."
"Their body went from the ground up to the clouds, and their jaw swung at right angles. There were these gaps, as well, black gaps in space around its body, like wings."
"That armor plates flying off all over the place, that's funny."
"That fateful day fedorov hauled up this fearsome fish its fleshy pink mouth scaly body lizard-like tail and grotesquely protruding eyes make this pure nightmare fuel"
"It looks sort of like slightly I don't know almost buttery because of the light that's passing through it."
"The level of detail, the fire and smoke on the horizon, every individual little brick and piece of plank."
"The manticore: a lion's body, blood red, with the face of a man and a scorpion tail."
"I think we all know who I'll be interacting with. It's gonna be the cute little swirly green haired girl whose age I will figure out at some point."
"It's like we're seeing orange waves coming through, and it's really quite fascinating."
"When you hover, it's going to work. Beauty. Beautiful."
"Wolverine needs to be burly and mad looking and just look a little scary." - Joe Star
"His eyes were large with jet black pupils, and his lashes were long."
"The grayness of this game. It feels so gray and so blue, so sad and so empty."
"It looked like a giant firework coming out from all different directions."
"Very nice, I like the snow... That's a lot different from the other ones, he looks like he's been out in the cold for a long time!"
"Making them vibrant against the darker purple armor."
"It's so dense, it's so dark and mysterious and just looks amazing."
"He has like night-vision goggles or glasses on his lip is right there very fine lip ah but he does have hair looks could almost look human not quite but similar to a human and very very highly intelligent."
"Like a waterfall and look how it goes from thick down to thin and then just evaporates like a drop of water out here in Moab."
"The shiny orb has been painted in matte paints, it's not just metal, that looks insane."
"She had this light... it was almost like she had a little light in her dress or something that's shown on her face."
"I might even strip a couple of the logs at the base of this tower as though stuff that the miners have been holding has like scraped against the sides of the blocks."
"That's the ugliest swarm I've seen in a really long time."
"I leaned forward, still staring at me, her eyeballs frozen in their sockets. There was something intensely pleading in the way she was looking at me."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"Oh my gosh, that's the ugliest looking fish I've ever seen in my life."
"These tiny mummies are an incredibly rare discovery."
"These Myconids look grey and brown, and they've got all kinds of spores growing on them."
"He looks like a lost little boy at an amusement park right now."
"Their aspect in the loose black silk robes of bompa priests which he chose to give them was grotesque in the highest degree."
"This takes meat, you can see the meat on the left."
"Seattle though is like gorgeous, holy crap, it's like the Emerald City."
"The sight does not paint a pretty picture. However, this to me is home again."
"The magic is stunning in this and has so many different forms."
"Everything's dark and breathable. This tattoo is absolutely gorgeous."
"An object burst from the sea, engulfing the ship in a bright blue light."
"The wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave."
"So yeah, still quite a bit of height to this, although look how thin the wave has got. There's like nothing left of it, it's just like a vertical wall."
"He was bare-chested, no clothes on the upper half of his body, and he had a neatly folded coat pressed against his chest."
"It looked like it was straight out of a Father of the Bride type movie."
"Penguins are super cool. They look like they're wearing tuxedos."
"During re-entry you may see what looks like flames or a red-orange glow around the booster."
"Wow! There's still a pop of pink in that girl. I still see that pop of pink."
"Chilling outside and all Frosty and cool on an iceberg the size of an Olympic pool."
"The demons are invisible where one of them stands the most one sees is the air shimmering like sunlight on water."
"It is pristine, the thing looks like it just came off the showroom floor."
"Are you imagining the pirates that were here? Very unique looking tree that is raining down ice melted ice from its branches."
"Wow, look at the guy on the front of this helicopter, he's like falling off!"
"As Howard leaves with Jarvis from the base, there is one dude sitting in the background, pale skin, long black hair. Could this be Loki?"
"Poor kid, it's all pumpkin-colored sweater down."
"Hundreds of thousands of emaciated humanoid corpses are seen sprawled out across the slope, all of whom were apparently crawling away from something at the bottom of the slope."
"We're literally looking at a masterpiece guys, I can't describe this anymore."
"This right here is a gold coin and on the front, there's a hog and on the back, there's a nice delicious warm beverage."
"Nobody hates it. Doesn't look like a koala either for sure."
"You're not looking so much at a ship sinking now you're looking at just a black mass illuminated only by the stars behind it."
"It looked like a flying saucer with two very bright lights along the edges."
"There she lay as blue around the mouth as if she'd been eating bluing and saying nothing."
"If you didn't know any better, you'd likely believe that the up-close picture was of dragon scales."
"Eyewitnesses described the unidentified object as a glowing sphere of light emitting a soft glow that stood out against the backdrop of Darkness."
"Look at them, they're silky and smooth, those are their attributes."
"It just looks as though the blood has just kind of rushed in your lips."
"Oh, this is so cool! I can't tell if these are freckles or still like lines of aging, but her skin just looks a little bit dry, that's really it. Stop, does she have hairs on her nose? This is so [ __ ] realistic!"
"That's my first, describe that one for people who haven't seen it."
"Leaving only their eyeballs and the tops of the head."
"Canine turned to the chosen one, muzzle still wet and snarling."
"For Daniel, he's back in his weird castle, looking kinda pissed. The lights flicker over his face, catching glimpses of his true form, which takes over permanently."
"This is what they look like when they're baked."
"Looks somehow murthy, a little bit cooler for sure."
"This monumental nugget is likely what many of you picture when you think of a nugget: rounded and thick."
"It's galactus...the big purple dude with the weird hat."
"This is what our sweater looks like right now."
"This is outrageous like are you kidding me right now are you kidding me like this is one of the most foiled pieces of foil looking foil Shadows I have ever seen like what that is aluminum foil right there."
"Oh, it's like getting tiny, it looks like a ladybug."
"Give your bunny time to grow the fur. He's got some ghostly eyes there. He does a weird nose right now."
"It just looked like some kind of whimsical alien landscape."
"He's red in the face, but because he's so orange, you can't tell."
"Another great touch in 1052 was the scene at the dock."
"This one's pretty sweet she looks like she could be on new capena to be honest but she does she doesn't definitely has like the the uh cool cool party Vibe she definitely yeah she's golden too and look at that hat that Hat's so cool."
"I couldn't believe it, yet there it was, its clean metallic surface gleaming beneath the harsh lighting."
"Can you see it? I created these different lines that shaded this, that sort of make it more pumpkiny."
"That chewed up looking spot is the break right here."
"The stairs had colored lines again, this time black lines painted on them."
"That's what the envelopes look like. It's kind of like a kind of like a shiny paper."
"It just looks like it's dripping every which way."
"That's nice. What? Oh, that's almost like a bullet. It's iridescent too."
"They do just port into the top and when you actually do remove this top weapon it does leave a huge gaping hole there which is rather unfortunate."
"Even the face was really dark. I couldn't tell what was hair or what was skin because the color of its whole face was so dark."
"I love this color, it's like a mint."
"Literally everything, look at that like, matte pillowy, texture of it like, it's unreal, it's truly unreal, I love it so much."
"A thin white line like a can's width appears on the right, it moves gracefully then exits left, curving like a snake or a fast train transparent over 10 feet long."
"Sarah now has a content smile on her porcelain face."
"SM's pictures looked like Barbie had puked all over Hello Kitty's birthday party."
"It's a circle but a donut has a donut hole, really tiny circle and it's polka-dotted, covered in little circles."
"Absolutely gorgeous, absolutely stunning."
"As you can see, it is incredibly beautiful."
"It just looks like a giant marshmallow or a big pillow, and it definitely has that beautiful texture."
"It's a beautiful rich dark bronze, just like you got back from Bermuda tan."
"It looks absolutely stunning with its green-tinted window in blue cabin, bright red chassis, and yellow wheels."
"A brilliant cut looks like that, a crushed ice cut by comparison looks like you're looking at crushed ice."
"These wonderful rich details and colors."
"It's burning bright blue exactly as we would like to see it."
"It's like this golden tinge to it, which is just amazing."
"It looks like wavy watery magicalness happening."
"The tall and thin figure was almost featureless with its yellow eyes depicting almost a joy in them."
"It almost looks like his face is made of sand."
"Her hair was a deep shade of gold, like sunlight filtered through honey."
"The wonderful detail of the veil over the head of the Virgin, which is that same blue mantle but reversed, showing this darker blue-blackish color with gold polka dots."
"I definitely love this darker red, like velvety red hand that it's got going on there."
"Glowing fungi covered the walls in patches, illuminating the faces of three small men with skin as gray as stone."
"If you've got a great espresso shot pulling, it's going to look like caramel sauce."
"That beautiful brick rich red, that is gorgeous."
"This hairstyle is so cute, and I don't know if you guys can see it, this is what it looks like, and it is absolutely adorable."
"They put him in the coziest looking bed I've ever seen."
"I love the colors, sort of an aqua or like stream is this kind of, and aqua's the term that comes to mind for me, sort of a teal type color."
"Edge along the bottom like there's snow kind of piling up and starting to fall over."
"Describe images in depth and detail to maximize your marks."
"The green banners were being waved from side to side, so that the silk trailed snaked over the warriors' heads."
"Check out those yellow eyes, all those gorgeous colors."
"In this mess of gray, he's slowly appearing; it's a very exciting painting."
"The colors here are formidable, dusky, dusty, evocative, and mysterious."
"So it goes like blue, purple, pink, and that coral color, so very, very pretty."
"Look how beautiful these are, can you see the little shimmer, how they look like little droplets of water that are illuminated from the inside?"
"The splendor of the Mochi bazaar is all set, the yellow light of the shops merges with the illusive whiteness of the day to show the map of the bazaar of a fairy tale."
"You cannot see through the camera how beautiful it is in person, but I hope that you can at least imagine it."
"It's California red, isn't it a beauty?"
"It's beautiful, I call them the tropical waters, Windex colored waters because it has that really nice Windex color, aqua blue-green color to it, and it's just absolutely beautiful."
"The center of our star looks sort of like a flower."
"It's a nice sense of movement going here with like the wake behind the boat."
"My wife described the Zed set as sunlit, and I think that's a pretty accurate description."
"The deep purple of twilight was fast approaching, the leafy canopy above his head was a muddle of rusty orange and deep brown, with a few sprinkles of yellow leaves like stars."
"It's just such a pretty, beautiful, foiled, amazing glow."
"That right there is rare, black and blue, right?"
"It almost looks like kind of a coppery color, and the first thing that comes to mind is it looks like the color of a sunset."
"Breathless is described as a metallic blue with a golden shift and a light hue of silver, like summer waves."
"It looks purple! Guys, it looks purple! Oh wow!"
"It straight up looks like chocolate pudding."
"The frame rendered is the component view, and the photo is the content."
"Where the waves come in, that's where you're going to have the breaks and the white foam."