
Non-competitive Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Practice with no goal, no competition, not with yourself, not with anyone else."
"One of the great things I think and strengths of commander is that it's not focused around tournaments it's not focused around winning."
"Remember that the art you like best is best because it's not a competition."
"It's not a race, Peppa. It's just a gentle bicycle ride."
"Overwatch 2 was built for those who loved Overwatch but didn't want to play a competitive FPS game."
"She's not into competing, but she's a very, very well-known famous fitness model with very ambitious goals."
"I'm not playing to beat you, I'm playing to build a beautiful pattern."
"One of my favorites is Anna and Leslie and Parks and Recreation I think that's such a wonderful portrayal of a friendship between two ladies who are supportive of one another and they're not caddy to each other or in competition with each other."
"It's not about breaking records, it's about enjoying some training on our bikes."
"It shows a female respect without rivalry and without fetishized intimacy."
"A puzzle is a challenge but it's not a competitive challenge it's the players stopping and thinking about a challenge that you as the designer have given them."
"Worship is about God, not us. It's not about turning worship into a competition event between individuals."
"It's a personal relationship, correct, not a competitive sport of who knows more."
"Life is not an Olympic sport; it's not a competition with only one winner."
"Parkour isn't Avenue rules. You go out and you train. There's no specific obstacles, there's no arbitrary goals, there's not even competition by Nature."
"It's not about competition, it's about improvement."
"This game is just so relaxing that I don't even play to win, just to play."
"I think since I had therapy, I've got no competition really in me at all. Now all I genuinely want is to be happy because I didn't know that that was a thing."
"You don't have to step on nobody to get up that ladder."
"It's not a competition, everybody. Everybody is good at certain things."
"It wasn't a race that counted for points or Championship or money or anything like that."
"Remember that reading isn't a competition."
"I am not an expert African violet grower and I do not grow African violets for show. I grow them for my own collection and my own pleasure."
"Just remember, one thing, this is not a competition, it's an exercise for you to feel better."
"Remember, this is not a competition. This is a workout designed to make you look and feel better."
"I'm not a competitive person, I'm more competitive with myself."
"This is not a competition, it's an exercise for you to feel better."
"It was not competitive; it was always cooperative."
"I like being able to talk about the things that go on in my life outside of food challenges."
"There's no quiz at the end; you don't get graded."
"It's not competitive; it really is a communion of persons into which we are called."
"It's not about winning; it's about doing your job."
"They do truly love each other; it's not this competitive rivalry."
"It's not like a competitive sport, it's something that everyone should be doing for their own satisfaction and their own enjoyment."
"It's not a competition, we're here to have fun, we're here to get better."
"We're not there to compete with anyone; we're there to stir, add a little bit of spice to what's already going on."
"The goal of this is restorative, so we're not trying to achieve any new personal best; my goal is just to help your body recover."
"Being within the art community, it's not a competition; it's not a race."
"Life doesn't have to be a competition."
"Yoga's about you and your mat; it's not a competition."
"I don't compete with my colleagues; it's just not something that that's not the way I think."
"You're not out here trying to grow and elevate and do these things because you're competing with others."
"We're not playing to be paid or playing to win a trophy, but merely for fun."
"Playing this game just relaxes me; it doesn't give me anxiety because it's not rushing me on a clock to finish."
"Power building is a Training Method almost always used by people who don't compete in bodybuilding or powerlifting who just really want to enjoy training and get a really good amount of muscle growth and strength gains."
"A player who isn't driven by grinding and leveling up is a contentment player."
"The most important thing is not competition but that you be enjoying what you're doing."
"Guitar music, all this stuff, it's not a competition."
"There's no competition in your yoga practice, you just want to find a way to work your body wherever your body is for today."
"Nobody's in competition with anybody here for grades or anything."
"It's not competitive, it's not timed, it's really for each girl to set her own personal goal and find her happy pace."
"Remember when you're decorating your home, you don't have to play keeping up with the Joneses."
"I want everybody to win. I'm not like that. I ain't never been a hater."
"Minimalism is not a competition; it's not a game that you win by having fewer possessions than everybody else."
"We don't really focus on results... we're focused more on progress."
"We're not competitive at all; that's what I like about this hobby."
"Girls, this is a parade, not a competition. It's supposed to be fun."
"The grades just sort of put the focus more on doing your best rather than doing better than others."
"This is not a competition; we're out here to have fun."
"We really aren't competitive with each other; we want the other to do well."
"You can't make sexiness a race; it's not a competition."
"It's a fun game; it doesn't have to be all that competitive."
"It's all about the journey and I do like that I'm not a racer."
"My success does not equate to your failure."
"The whole point is of celebrating charity, not saying who did better than who."
"It's not about trying to outdo the next person or stun on the next person, man. I just live life."
"There's no competition with each other; we're here to support each other, to push ourselves the way we need in this moment."
"It isn't about results, not at all for me, it never has been, it's about just having fun with my friends and with my boy."
"This is an expedition, not a competition; we just want to enjoy ourselves."
"Yoga's not a competition. There are no Olympic judges... it's not a performance at all, it's a practice."
"There's no competition in yoga; you're not competing with anyone else."
"Music is a mission, it's not a competition."
"There's no prizes; the prize is the knitting and the community."
"Painting at this level should be fun and enjoyable, really stressing, and yes, it's not a competition."
"We're all here because we love books and I'm trying to remember that this isn't a numbers game."