
Soundstage Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Soundstage width is epic; depth is equally impressive."
"It is an example of how a costlier or better DAC will give you a different soundstage performance."
"...they have great clarity and don't smear timing cues which allows them to Sound Stage an image without hindrance..."
"I really like how KEF creates the 3D Sound Stage as more of an oval shape."
"The soundstage on this album is absolutely astounding. It is just incredible. You hear tons of bass, hi-hat, symbols. It feels like you're in the room with Bottom."
"One of the hallmarks of PS Audio is definitely their soundstage."
"Forget the one thousand pound category, in the sub two thousand pound category I don't think I've come across another amplifier that has a sound stage as wide and as deep as this."
"...it provided more depth in The Sound Stage whereas the D3 is quite flat, a good width in The Sound Stage but not much layering in depth..."
"I still feel like the Sony's take the high end because when I flip to the YAMO's, I get some oh, you know, they have a good soundstage."
"The crossfeed on the TT2 is excellent. It really pushes the sound stage from being kind of like this to being more out there."
"The Dagastinos certainly, to me, throw a bigger, wider, and deeper soundstage."
"There's really good clarity to the sound which helps with the instrument separation, it helps building that impression of a wider sound stage."
"...the 806 cast a soundstage that is so vast that these speakers orally disappear from view."
"The center image is just locked on and it's got a very wide sound stage."
"They also help extend your soundstage."
"The sound doesn't seem to be coming from the speakers. The sound seems to be coming from what we call a sound stage."
"Ultimately, I guess what I'm saying here is the Aryas do a better job of defining everything in space, providing a greater sense of space, and producing a better overall audio landscape."
"Soundstage and imaging is very excellent... seamless center imaging is also locked in."
"The sound stage is pretty wide and expansive."
"The soundstage from the susvaras is excellent."
"The Sound Stage and the resolution on these is fantastic, on par with the orchestra lights."
"The structure of the soundstage is impeccable; it places each instrument really beautifully within the stage."
"The soundstage on these extended far beyond where the speakers were actually placed."
"It sounded wider, and I could pinpoint where things were, so the imaging was better."
"You're getting to hear those spatial cues, so your imaging and your sound stage opens up instead of it being so congested and so smeared."
"The sound stage on the Doge10 Mark III drastically improved after playing around with different tunings."
"It's best to think of exactly how a film crew works; frequently they're on sound stages where all the equipment they need is exactly where they need it."
"It's clear and in better focus, and what that results in is a soundstage that's clearer and better defined."
"It really does present a huge image, very tall sound stage."
"It's got an outstanding amount of resolution, a huge sound stage."
"If you're in the sound stage and you want to hear a musical performance in the room, you can certainly expect that out of these guys."
"Good sound stage, good imaging, good sense of air, sounds great, detail control on the bass."
"Soundstage and imaging, quite good."
"I like a sound that envelops you in the music where you could get up from your seat and kind of walk into the Sound Stage."
"These speakers lay down a very wide soundstage; it's very spacious, very airy sounding."
"It also had a very expansive sound stage with pretty good imaging and separation."
"The Sony's have a broader soundstage, very wide soundstage."
"You have a really nice soundstage as well."
"The Sony is capable of recreating a fairly expansive sound stage, one that is equal parts width to depth."
"It produces a fantastic sound stage with good width and good depth and really it's just an absolute joy to listen to."
"The soundstage was deep and airy, surprisingly the singer did not feel oversized."
"The sound quality has a very good presence, very open soundstage, it's very crisp, it's very clean, it's punchy, it's very well balanced with the highs, the mids, and the bass."
"So I think why I love the sound of these so much is because they balance the sound quality with bass, the mids, and the highs, and you still get exceptional sound stage."
"Just from the very get-go, when 'Refugee' kicks in, we've got a huge sound stage; it's well balanced, it's killer."
"The soundstage is so much more open and enveloping."
"The sound stage width... was much wider than the Omnia's physical size."
"Stereo imaging is what KEF do very well."
"The ef-400 sounds enormous, really big sound stage, pretty good depth to it too."
"The instrument positioning and placement is very filled in somehow."
"Both headphones have open, airy, spacious soundstage."
"This Tonmeister is an absolute masterpiece in musicality because it does sound stage perfectly."
"Soundstage went well outside the speakers."
"Imaging and soundstage, they're fantastic, nothing short of remarkable."
"It images incredibly fantastic soundstage."
"It creates a 3D holographic soundstage."
"The sound stage is going to image wide as hell."
"Sound Stage of the FH9 really took me by surprise because it has a very accurate reproduction of a stage."
"From a soundstage and imaging standpoint, they're absolutely wonderful."
"They can deliver a fantastic combination of a three-dimensional soundstage, one that starts well behind the speakers."
"If you want a wide mix, you have to pan wide."
"The focus Mystique has the most kind of like typical AB two-dimensional soundstage out of all the units here."
"The soundstage was just phenomenal."
"The center image is rock solid, positioning of everyone in the soundstage is precise."
"The sound stage that it throws out is decent, and within that sound stage, the images that it creates are nicely etched out."
"This fills the gap perfectly for a headphone I can recommend to people that has a very big stage, is very comfortable, just a spacious, airy, resolving good planar to budget."
"The vocal sounded right, drums had enough presence and power to them, sound stage was big and open and spacious."
"The soundstage here is narrow and accurate."
"I've always heard that open back headphones have this amazing sound stage and sound just wonderful."
"It definitely produces a slightly greater sense of space in the sound."
"Wider soundstage, look at the pads."
"The soundstage on these is better than most planars I've listened to."
"It throws an enormous sound stage that actually stretches out of my room."
"The s1000 Ws do provide a more impressive bass response, a larger and wider soundstage."
"From all the closed-back headphones that I've listened to, this one undoubtedly has the best soundstage out of all."
"The Sound Stage from the tops is quite good; it's got a really nice sense of width to the sound."
"Open-back headphones give you a wider soundstage."
"The entire soundstage opens up, air and space infuses it, and drags delicate details along with it."
"There's something about this style of speaker, the vintage style with the larger front baffle, that can do some really special things when it comes to soundstage and imaging."
"You can put both speakers facing in the same direction for increased loudness and stereo soundtracks, place them at 90 degrees, and you increase the width of its Sound Stage, or back to back for when you're placing the speaker in the middle of a group of friends."
"They do a remarkable job on everything, and they have the sound stage that I'm looking for."
"B's soundstage on the edge of the sound is much more present."
"The soundstage has single-handedly the best imaging I have ever heard on a closed back headphone."
"The sound stage should be behind the speaker, that way the speakers disappear easier."
"The DX320 is going to deliver you that wide sound stage, really strong imaging."
"What Sony has been able to achieve in terms of the soundstage and overall sound signature with these closed-back headphones is to me nothing short of amazing."