
Gaming Market Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Nintendo managed to separate themselves from Sony and Xbox with the Wii by targeting a completely new type of gamer."
"Steam World Dig... was an instant must-buy for so many 3DS owners."
"Wisdom would have you believe that immersive Sims don't sell well...this one's about to sell 30 million copies."
"Once again proves that there is still plenty of appetite for a multiplayer zombie survival game."
"The age of MMORPGs has long since passed but that doesn't mean we don't still have a market left for anime."
"Nintendo had no faith in Fire Emblem succeeding outside of Japan."
"Avowed could be positioned as a competitor to Skyrim."
"While all this 360 and PS3 drama was cute, the facts remained that the Wii accounted for over HALF of the games market at that point."
"The PC Engine outpaced the Mega Drive in Japan."
"The success of PlayStation is aligned with the success of the industry."
"Outriders will struggle to be remembered due to how similar it was to everything else at the time."
"The game had sold and shipped and digitally sold three million copies of Final Fantasy 16 on PlayStation 5."
"You could sell this as a Switch game, and no one would know."
"Gamers play games, and you want to have games on your service that attract people."
"Why wasn't there a My Little Pony browser MMO? That would have been huge."
"The general rule of thumb is you want to buy your players on Saturday, Sunday, and Friday, that's generally when the market's going to be the cheapest."
"The Indian gaming audience is one of the world's biggest gaming markets."
"People need to play that stinking trilogy. Put it on switch. It's going to sell millions just being on the switch alone."
"The Quest 2 has outsold the Xbox series X and S put together."
"A single hot potato book goes for 31.4 million."
"There is clearly a market desire for games that are fun. There is also clearly a market and desire for games that don't hide that they have a political message."
"It's good for the consumer and more options, less reason to buy a console."
"If you don't like the game, please don't buy it. They'll stop making it if you don't buy it."
"Sly 3 was not originally released in Japan, Eastern fans had to wait one year."
"It's nice to see that Sony's exclusives are picking up some slack."
"The concept of a high-performance console market that excludes the Nintendo Switch is patently ridiculous."
"Gladius would do incredibly in the current market as well of balls hard gaming experiences."
"I never in my wildest dreams thought that Ambernic would have better pricing than Retroid."
"The Super Nintendo version hasn't even gone on sale yet."
"We've all seen random PVC bootleg games on Google Play."
"The PS5 launch lineup... has a lot of exclusives that aren't on Xbox at launch."
"Battlefield 2042 knew what kind of game it wanted to be."
"There's hunger to be a publisher because people are kind of noticing, 'Oh, there's so many games that are going unpublished.'"
"Shadowlands sold through 3.7 million units as of the end of day one."
"Idle games have some of the best retention in the single-player market."
"When the gaming community is more unified, I think it makes for a better market overall."
"Oh, but I think so. I bought my own voice Nick. Oh, really? Which is bad for us because, so this guy sells for 500k and somebody bought mine for 600."
"Once these are gone off the market, I am kind of afraid of what happens to 1440p gaming."
"27.5 million Xboxes out there... even if you shipped your game on the Xbox and you got a 5% Buy rate... that's still 1,375,000 copies of your game sold."
"It's an interesting hybrid market of like, well, a little bit of mobile gaming maybe skewing a little bit older, having a console quality game on the go."
"Defenders Quest, ladies and gentlemen, available on Steam currently for $15."
"Battlefield could have conquered the FPS market."
"I would buy the pre-con just to get... the reprint value is obviously really high."
"I think it's the closest that the industry has gotten to a true competitor to Grand Theft Auto."
"Nintendo retained their dominant position as leaders of the gaming industry."
"Console exclusives are why you buy a console."
"There's a massive market that is willing to pay for single player quality AAA experiences, and that market is not shrinking." - Hermann Holst
"The game was good... On the very first day it hit the PlayStation store they made their money back."
"Our vision is to present a clear choice to the gamer."
"The Switch is hot right now, it keeps selling, blew past the 3DS no problem."
"Understanding the gaming market, game pricing models, growth in the user base of your genre, and others are all really important aspects when it comes to marketing and releasing an indie game."
"Indie developers are working around the clock to produce more stuff that they can compete with in this crowded market."
"The gaming industry is set to absolutely explode and by 2026, it's anticipated that blockchain gaming will reach a market cap of 67.4 billion dollars."
"PlayStation 4 was very easily the best-selling console of the month."