
River Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"It's impossible to convey the feelings you get as you flow along the river."
"No river on earth has as much influence over its people as the Ganges."
"The Gallo cristales River in Colombia is regarded by many as the most beautiful river in the world."
"Welcome to the highest river in the world, and not because it's a popular place to visit. The river is actually boiling."
"The river provides so much for this community."
"Where the river meets the sea, stories unfold."
"The river is negating itself at every moment because it's ever in the state of flow."
"If the river didn't flow, if it always held still, it wouldn't be a river."
"Bratislava gracefully straddles the banks of the Danube River with a blend of medieval charm and modern vibrancy."
"The delight is in wandering and exploring the river ahead."
"You're to be a river, not a reservoir."
"I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding."
"Marveled at the beauty of this Mighty River."
"There's just so much history along this river."
"You've got the river there, you're quite taken with it, aren't you? I love it!"
"Who could have imagined that this monument is a river into the sky, that it was once a source of life and danger for dinosaurs living in lush forests along its banks?"
"Like the wind blows, like the grass grows, as the river flows, like a mother knows."
"Who knew River travel would be quite so scenic."
"There's nothing so unpredictable as a river."
"The river deserves all the Acclaim that it gets."
"There's so much trash in this river here, it's loaded with cans and stuff, unbelievable."
"Working on the river, I don't think you'll ever see it all. There's something new to learn every day, there's something new to see every day."
"A river is more than an amenity, it is a treasure."
"You can't beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own."
"The river is the cruel ten of diamonds."
"I could spend an endless amount of time just floating around this river."
"It really makes you wonder how the heck does that thing end up in the river."
"The River Avon runs like an artery through England."
"Among those magical creatures, there was a mermaid possessing a wonderfully beautiful iridescent tail, living in the river."
"This river is known for prehistoric finds."
"The Mersey gave Liverpool its industrial heartbeat and its soundtrack, the Merseybeat."
"Nothing in your life experience really encapsulates the unique cultural bandwidth of River."
"Running the river looks deceptively easy but it takes years of experience in all kinds of weather."
"The river offered us Nature's perfect white noise to calm our nerves and settle us down."
"The river wide, mutable, always different. There could be no monotony on this river."
"Beautiful open river in front of us, peaceful and majestic."
"Married to the river, we always keep it real."
"And the Lyre River back at camp was much louder than we expected."
"When Reese tried to rescue Michaela, she slipped from his grip and both were swept downstream by the river."
"The river has shaped life in Los Angeles."
"The muscle shell river is the long one only in Montana at almost 342 Mi long."
"This is the Mississippi River via Marine Traffic, that light blue thread you see coming up here, that is the Mississippi River all the way from the Gulf of Mexico up to around Minneapolis-St Paul in Minnesota."
"Trying to find a spot on the river with some deeper holes, because salmon like hanging out in the low deep spots."
"Researchers discovered a massive flowing river at the bottom of the Black Sea."
"There's always been a romance about the river."
"The river that sustained the Klamath tribes for thousands of years has changed in just a century."
"Loving it loving the solitude loving the splendor loving how the river changes almost around every bend."
"Just watching a river turn from a small stream to a giant powerful deep and wide body of water is quite a moving experience."
"Everything you pull out of the river has some kind of story to go with it."
"This river is kind of known as being a technical River."
"For millennia, this great waterway has sustained around a tenth of the world's population with food, water, and fish, and has provided a highway for people and trade to pass up and down the river."
"America's largest river gave us the music to all this."
"The river's always central to the story. It's what drew people there. It's what carried them there. It's what fed their dreams."
"The river crouch is a truly great river, a really romantic river, a river of stories."
"I love the idea, but the giant turtles are connected with River Roy, rather than being ocean-going turtles."
"The river in Turner Falls rises how many feet?"
"These are migrating fish. They're not holding fish. They'll stop for a rest. They may stop for a break, but they're gonna continue on in their migration, to all the legendary tributaries of the Skeena River."
"'You can't cross the same river twice,' I always say."
"The territory from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river the river Euphrates."
"I was honestly relieved to hear a Bigfoot story so close to my area, not to mention the experience took place near the Merrimack River, close to where I live."
"This is where the river should be. It's half the size it should be."
"The river Wharf embodies all that's beautiful and wholesome in mother nature."
"Bolton strid is widely regarded as the most dangerous stretch of river anywhere in the world."
"He showed me a pure river of water of life."
"Iceland's longest river is thoro checking in at 230 km long this river is glacially sourced emerging from hofu in the heart of the country and cascading through the Southwest Countryside its name translates to Bulls River 100% CG approved."
"Of course this leaves Russia in first place with the vulga at an incredible 3,531 km it's the longest river in all of Europe."
"Something special about knowing that there's this river that flows right through some of the busiest parts of the city."
"With the confluence of the Mississippi and the Des Moines Rivers, the strong current pushes past Iowa, but not before creating one of the largest watersheds on the planet."
"As the Sun started dropping it was hard to peel off from the river but one of the benefits is staying at a full-service launch like Weatherbys was the first class dinner that follows a full day of fishing."
"It's a cool little vibe, you get to get these little tubies, you ride through the river."
"The darling River behind me and rivers like the darling River are the lifeblood of Inland Australia."
"The river's been pulled in three different directions."
"When we think of river inhabitants, our minds often go to fish, maybe a few amphibians, or even some aquatic mammals, but there's another, perhaps more surprising resident of these watery realms: the green anaconda."
"A very peaceful atmosphere around the river."
"So now we're walking beside the river Lee from Waltham Abbey to who knows where as far as our legs will carry us."
"The Petraway River, home to thousands of anadromous salmon and resident trout."
"River Zion okay as it empties out into the Indian Ocean."
"...the river Tana and it used to be called The River Zion."
"What I love about South Llano State Park is the swimming and tubing. The water doesn't move too fast, it's a slow-moving river."
"The river is wide and lazy all the way from its confluence at Wati to its marshy delta north of Sothis."
"Mississippi follows the trend of being named after the local River."
"The Danube river flows into the Black Sea."
"In 1824 John Oxley and Alan Cunningham discovered and named the Bremer River while exploring the Brisbane River."
"We were camped on the banks of the river that night. There were campfires as far as your eye could see."
"Remarkably, the river didn't hit the sea; it's some sort of miracle."
"You sit by a river and watch a river, how it flows in its flow downstream, always around and over the boulder, never resisting it, always finding a way, the path of least resistance."
"The direction of a river is determined by the small streams that enter the river."
"The mighty Mississippi and her many tributaries, an absolute unit of a river system."
"The river was essential because it was the main artery of transportation."
"The most impressive landmarks in Prague seem to collect along the banks of the river Vltava."
"People who live next to a river that doesn't flow really come to understand what it means to lose something."
"The River Shannon has been the lifeblood of Ireland for millennia."
"The voice of the river beside them suddenly awoke; there was a rush of water roaring down among the stones."
"Let's go up the river. We'll have fresh air and quiet on the river."
"Just being surrounded by tall massive mountains on both sides, the beautiful river in the center."
"Listen to the sound of the river and the sound of the crackling fire."
"When a river has been underground and then suddenly you see it in a culvert, you feel grateful, don't you?"
"Wow, what a cracking walk that was. You can't beat a bit of East London river hunting."
"That 9000 years of Irish history can be traced along its banks."
"There's nothing like being on the river."
"The Yellow River, the mother river of China, now flows at one-tenth of what it did in the 1940s."
"The once mighty Colorado that at one time flowed freely into the Gulf of California now peters out somewhere in this field over here."
"Despite all these indignities, the Colorado River still runs proud, even down into Arizona."
"So yep, that's how this once mighty river ends up sort of petering out here in this lonely patch of desert."
"If only it could speak, what grand stories this river could tell of the emergence of two cities, two nations, along the border."
"When you really talk about the founding of Wausau, it is above all else about the river."
"The longest river in Africa is the Nile."
"The river is almost 900 feet below us and started carving this massive Gorge at least 3 million years ago."
"The Arkansas River, a major tributary of the Mississippi, begins all the way in Colorado."
"This fountain marks a renewed interest in reclaiming the river as an important urban amenity."
"Did you know that the Mekong flows down all the way from the Himalayas?"
"The restoration of the LA River begins with a simple idea: that the river is of value."
"How can you get a river to go up and over the ridge? Well, that means the ridge hasn't always been there."
"The Mississippi River is living, breathing history."
"It's just alive, and it's so much nicer to sit on a live river."
"It's going to be an absolute ball once you get up there, get up on the dunes and check out the Panic by the river."
"Everything that touches that river comes alive, it has nothing but life in that river."
"Paddling through the mountain valley of the Tishigami, we'll face numerous rapids as the river tumbles downstream through waters which few have traveled before."
"The Mississippi River is maybe the most important economic driver for not only this area but the entire nation."
"The Mississippi River is part of our lives here in south Louisiana."
"Very impressive platform for down river."
"This is definitely one of the best river fishing kind of platforms I've ever used."
"Paddling down the mighty Brazos River in West Texas."
"The Susquehanna River is the longest river system on the East Coast of the United States and the 16th largest by volume in the entire nation."
"The Niger River is exceptionally fertile."
"This is the American River which flows down from the Sierras."
"It's a really good learning river."
"The Moselle flowing freely through the parkland here is such a glorious sight."
"Nothing more beautiful than crossing the Dnipro River."
"Why did the river have problems remembering things? Because she was becoming... senile."
"Everything was all right on the river, deep enough to bring a steamboat through, and that's why it means everything."
"Just a perfect day for messing about on the river."
"The Yellowstone flowed swiftly and noisily over its pebbly bed, the longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 states."
"An ordinary looking river in Colombia transforms into a liquid rainbow."
"Here we are, the very beginning of the mighty Mississippi."
"We are crossing the mighty Mississippi River here on this wooden plank."
"That is just a stunning little river."
"This is a river which has changed the course of history; it has both united and divided Europe's people."
"As global warming takes its toll, the future of Europe's busiest and most important river is endangered like never before."
"This place is nice, we are right here on the Colorado River."
"It gives us a little bit of sense of pride that I'm helping to make the river the way it is."
"The river Guadiana lay beneath the South Essex's light company like a misted streak of molten silver."
"The river really hoists you swiftly into the current right as you start."
"It’s as if the building formed a sort of island or ship moored in the rapidly running Cher River."
"Our river is only as healthy as our springs, and so if we are going to restore the St. Johns River, we have to restore the more than 100 springs that provide more than 30 percent of its flow."
"Stone marked with E by the river's edge."
"The river was up; it roared with a ferociousness he'd never heard from it before."
"Just floating down the river. That's a big Texas thing."
"The boiling water forms for entirely different reasons; there's molten magma beneath the water which heats the river to these record temperatures."
"The world's most breathtaking river, Caño Cristales, undergoes an astonishing transformation between September and November."
"The name Ohio comes from the Seneca word 'ohi:yo’, which translates to 'beautiful great river'."
"You can see the sunlight glistening off the surface of the river."
"The Mekong River is currently dying for the nations of Southeast Asia."
"The natural rhythm of the river that has been in place for thousands of years has now been almost completely interrupted."
"Now we're going to head down towards the river because the river is really the reason for Cambridge's existence as you can tell from the name of the city, Cambridge so that tells us that it is a Crossing Place or was originally a Crossing Place on the River on the river cam."
"The disappearance of one of the world's most historic rivers coincided with a surprising discovery."
"The Euphrates, one of the longest and historically important rivers of Western Asia, has dried up."
"You can see the fish as clear as a bell in this river."
"The light bustling of the river is calming."
"It is a breathtaking natural wonder that owes its existence to the relentless erosion caused by the Grijalva River."
"This is a river I've grown to really love."
"The River 7 is long, but it's absolutely beautiful."
"This right here is the Rio Grande, and then way up there is Mexico."
"Use this rod all winter fishing on the river for smallmouth, and fighting smallmouth in the current with this rod was super fun."
"Jesus was indeed baptized in the Jordan River."
"This is beautiful, Bhavani river, you know this river, we're crossing the bridge right now."
"...the Danube, more than any other river I knew, impressed us from the very beginning with its aliveness..."
"River flows are like my favorite thing to do now."
"It's important that the river continue to flourish and all the species that are dependent upon that fresh water flow all the way to the Gulf are able to receive that life-sustaining water."
"The raging power of the Genesee River."
"We'll see you on the river, thanks guys."
"There's something about being on this river that's almost spiritual."
"This ever-flowing Ganga has nourished a civilization which has always excelled in unveiling the secrets of creation."
"Tide," Pachenti said. "It comes up the river."
"That river is looking so majestic down there."
"The river's moving today, that's for sure."
"With my new canvas and the aid of the current, I could sometimes do forty miles a day, and what was more important, I could keep out of the way of the barges and tugs that were now treating the river as their own."
"We made it all the way to pretty much as far as we can get up the San Juan River."
"River fishing, catching constant fish."
"Such a beautiful little river, isn't it? So beguiling, calm, peaceful."
"The river sands changed into gold."
"Each paddle tells a unique story of the river; together, they are a fascinating and humbling monument to the Nahanni."
"The Pierre Marquette is by far one of the coolest and most productive rivers in the state of Michigan, 72 miles of pure fishing heaven."
"Standing in Mid River and casting to the bank is one of the most productive ways to cover water."
"We are going on this river on a boat to see giant Jaguars."
"Our adventure starts here by this babbling river."
"The Nile is generally credited as being the world's longest river."
"Well, there may be deserts on both sides of us, this river brings life to the whole area."
"That is the Bull River as it makes its way from the Rocky Mountains into downtown Calgary."
"Thousands, tens of thousands of fish are starting to run into this river, and they're all headed right upstream."
"I found one of the coolest rocks I ever found in the Davidson River."
"It is the Colorado River, the Grand River of the West, and it's much more than something we just raft and fish in."
"The Colorado River is more than just a river in Colorado; it's the lifeline of the West."
"The Colorado River has been a lifeline of the Southwest for millions of years."
"The puzzle of this ever-changing tideway, a puzzle which no one can ever say they've entirely solved."
"This is our river, it's also our neighbor's river as well, we share it."
"Now the whole town is the Susquehanna River."
"The spine of the Dragon, down here in the middle of the river, the head of the dragon rises from the river."
"As we're approaching Bua River, it's one of the largest inlets to Lake Malawi."
"This stretch of the river Tyne is famous for its many bridges."