
Sega Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Sega knew that the only way they could compete with Nintendo would be to create their own mascot, but not just any mascot. This mascot had to be better and more memorable than Nintendo's over-way Italian plumber."
"Sega gave Sonic to the fans, and the fans did a better job at saving him than Sega did."
"Sega went in a decidedly different direction with their next game Knuckles Chaotix."
"Sega replaced altered beast with Sonic as the Genesis pack in game. There was no going back."
"The Sonic games have the best soundtracks of anything ever. Sega always nails the presentation of their games."
"Whatever Sega may have become, it’s impossible to deny the importance and brilliance of their arcade years."
"Sega is seriously pushing mobile and PC gaming as their next forefront."
"Sonic '06's notoriety has become a lethal dose of poison injected into the reputation of not just the series but of Sega itself."
"Sonic 3 & Knuckles is like magic - two games became one to create something bigger, better, and more epic than the sum of its parts."
"The Genesis Virtual Console had a truly spectacular lineup, with most of Sega's own hits represented."
"Sonic proved that with great games and great marketing, even an underdog can come out on top."
"It wasn't just a victory for Sega, it was a victory for the entire gaming industry."
"Sega announced it was hitting the U.S market in late 1992 for 300. I just knew it was going to be something special."
"Sega was willing to take a chance at greatness and made history along the way."
"Damn it feels very good that somewhere in some way out there Sega could potentially be planning and figuring out what they're doing with a Virtual Fighter 6 with a brand new Virtual Fighter game."
"Naturally the idea of Sega releasing a free prototype caught my attention."
"Sega shifted away from cartridges to the compact My Card format in July 1985, two years after the console's debut. This has been presented as an aesthetic choice."
"Sega asked Hirokazu Yasuhara to revamp its level design."
"Sonic R offers a glimpse into Sega's creative process and challenges during the Saturn era."
"Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure is a visual novel rhythm game created by Sega for the 3DS."
"The evolution of sega's Hardware culminating in the Master System put the system in a class of its own."
"This clearly had a much larger tie to Sega internally than a lot of other Sonic movie cameos."
"Sega actually produced the show to some extent. Also, all the characters share the voice actors from their game counterparts, giving it another layer of authenticity."
"But despite all the precautions, rumor leaked out to Sega that something big was happening."
"Man, I can't stand this new Sega opening theme. Like, you booted up a new Sega game that you just bought like after 2017, you're getting ready to play the game, sitting here, minding your own business, as the screen just goes... 'holy [__]!'"
"SEGA's dreams and ambitions were bigger than ever before."
"Sega's Spirit was filled with determination and a passion to make a difference in the world."
"...the methods behind this madness apparently come from the fact that the team felt Sega could pull this off due to still being an arcade manufacturer."
"It was so awesome to get to meet all our fellow Sega friends again."
"We've got all sorts of games, Sega games, probably like 7,000 Sega games."
"If you're craving that Sega Nostalgia, something to bring you back to a simpler time, the good old days of playing Sonic chaos with your best friend before life got all confusing and difficult, then the RG Arc is a special device."
"Sega has developed plenty of great JRPGs over the decades, but Valkyria Chronicles ranks among the company's best."
"To this day, the Mega Drive remains an all-time favorite piece of gaming hardware for many Sega die-hards."
"Did you know that there was a point where Sega was consistently releasing official Sonic flash games?"
"It's really cool to see just how far back Sega was embracing the internet."
"I remember playing some of my favorite games on Sega Hardware such as Sonic 2 and Streets of Rage."
"It's the culmination as a fan of classic Sonics, it is Sega finally understanding what made Sonic special."
"Old school SEGA fans had to wait 26 years for Streets of Rage 4."
"Streets of Rage, one of the SEGA Mega Drive's most well-known IPs, the title's legacy by this point is unquestionable."
"Often when we hear the brand SEGA, it brings back many whimsical memories from our glorious gaming past."
"Probably the most exciting and innovative Sega title since nights on Saturn, Jet Grind Radio should be a hit."
"I'm a big Sonic fan... I'm a big fan of the world of Sonic, the world of Sega."