
Makeup Application Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"For every cream I apply, there's a powder or two or three but every layer is a thin layer that builds up to create this beautiful flawless glam application."
"It truly is just wet on the skin, how lovely is that?"
"When he does them right, they could be some of the most memorable."
"Even if you go in heavy-handed, it's going to look really natural and beautiful."
"There's never one reason that beauty gurus' makeup looks a lot more flawless than yours... is that they practice a lot."
"I definitely feel like using clean makeup brushes to do your eyeshadow makes such a difference in the final look."
"I've had such good luck with this one, made such great looks."
"It really kind of locks in that foundation and concealer."
"It just melts into your skin and looks like skin while still giving coverage."
"It feels like friggin butter and it just melts into your skin so beautifully."
"This looks good no matter how you apply, even with your fingers, you just put it on your face and it's like boom done beautiful."
"The color match right now using half pump of each worked really well."
"Layer your setting spray. If you have oily skin, layer the amounts that you're putting on. Don't just finish your makeup with it, layer it and incorporate it in throughout your makeup application."
"Your setting spray you're not really doing it right."
"Biggest improvement in the way your makeup lays on your skin."
"Thin light layers with all your products, and this is one of my biggest beauty philosophies."
"The way it applies is stunning; it is a beautiful formula."
"I'm gonna add some bronzer to the sides, okay?"
"Use any kind of card to apply mascara with no mess."
"Stick it in your bra while you're doing the rest of your makeup... it's gonna warm it up and give you the perfect curl."
"You sort of want to drag upwards and then blend it in to where you applied your concealer here."
"At the end of the day, the results of your eye look is always going to come down to motion and pressure."
"Like an even surface to begin with, and then I apply the lipstick and I just really get it in there, make sure it's covered at first."
"Silicone-based primer: it's gonna fill your pores probably pretty nice."
"Skin prep is actually quite important... foundation will probably sit better if you have a slightly moisturized piece of skin underneath it."
"Using a warm Beauty blender... my makeup goes on smoother."
"Do not touch that mascara yet... wait until the very end for it to dry."
"When applying your mascara... wiggle wiggle wiggle."
"When you're applying your cream products... tap and keep tapping over that area until it is Blended out."
"Try using a tiny tiny little bit of powder foundation... literally just on the spot."
"Nobody wants you on their face. It's weird, you're a stranger. Don't be in people's faces - it's awkward and uncomfortable for me as well."
"The point of the exercise isn't to do the perfect face, it's to test yourself... Am I going to make this face presentable to whoever is paying me?"
"It's ideal to set your entire face with the translucent powder..."
"Always start light with your makeup and build up."
"Everything should be super soft, super smudged, and blended."
"Time-saving tip: do your eyes first to avoid fallout cleanup later."
"You can't see it. It's undetectable on the face."
"It's so squishy it works so beautifully to blend out my makeup."
"This is the shade ingenuity and I'm gonna go ahead and apply this all over the lips."
"You are the apple of my eye, the Treasure of my heart."
"Keep in mind that when you use concealer, make sure to blend it out well before you set because if you don't, whatever you're messing up or you're not blending it out, you will see really well after you set with the powder."
"Absolutely love this - it's a really beautiful light finish it's so easy to apply you just rub it on your face and Pat it in with your fingers."
"One thing I wanted to mention about the lash, and you'll be able to see this here when you're using a flared out lash style, the point of that lash is to really open up the eye area."
"Thank you Google, um, oh yes, the guyliner, let's do this!"
"I feel like... just kind of like brushed all over instead of wearing like a bronzer kind of contour."
"One thing that I love about my makeup technique is that it's photo ready and it looks nice in person."
"Stop! Also this is the step where I do like to kinda like set my foundation with setting spray and then like blend it all at the same time."
"Make sure it's very pigmented and it's not patchy."
"It was kind of like an instant smokey eye, so you could actually love it."
"Just a tiny bit of powder where you absolutely need it."
"Understanding that when it comes to makeup and mature skin, more can work against you."
"Wow, that's really accentuating how I - but this one's more flicky, that one puts a little thing, I don't want that."
"These powders and creams layer in a way that's seamless, looks effortless."
"Spotted brush, a multi-purpose concealer buffer brush."
"I'm happy we put the blue on the inner corner. I know looks crazy on its own but a great way to pop in some color if you want to apply it on your lid or lower lashline."
"Honestly, lash glue is the trickiest part of putting on lashes, so that's fire because you all know I love the liner lash adhesive, like, that's an easy ass hack."
"This concealer did so much so I'm gonna take my sponge and just kind of DAB this in and you're gonna see that I'd be like it's brightening and the look will all make sense by the end."
"Your makeup isn't going to look as good as it can if you're not taking care of your skin the best that you can."
"I think that this is actually one of the best makeup looks that I've ever put on my face."
"I buff my Foundation down the neck and on my chest."
"They're very versatile, you can apply a very sheer tinted layer or you can go all out with them as well."
"It melts into the skin, it doesn't emphasize texture like some highlighters do on me."
"If you're having a difficult time with fallout, then you probably want to do your eyes first."
"Every layer was a matter of blending so he wouldn't go on to the next step and apply powder until he knew that the foundation looked like her skin."
"Let's put them on the skin right next to each other and see which ones are better."
"It grips your makeup and it locks it into place so well."
"If you're not making a crazy face to set your under eyes, you're not doing it right."
"It just looks like skin; it's less detectable."
"It goes under the eyes and smooths out the hollows that you have."
"I'm gonna go right ahead in here and just pull this on the face, a little on the nose. I just, it's just satisfying is what it is. It's satisfying."
"Primer creates that smooth texture for makeup application, like a painter's canvas."
"I like starting on the apples of my cheeks so right around this area right here."
"These powders you can pretty much do whatever you want wherever it's going to fit best on the face."
"Do you know what? If you're creating makeup looks and you're scared of going too much, just do what I do and just build it up bit by bit, and then you can always go back and add a tiny touch more."
"I love the way it makes my skin look and feel especially under makeup."
"It looks smoother on the skin when applied with a beauty blender."
"I couldn't ask for anything more from a concealer brush. It's so heavenly."
"you notice that you're seeing your skin through the makeup and you really do have to think differently about the way that you apply the makeup and the way that you like what you want to see in your mind's eye and how to get there"
"It's a little sheer for that, I'm taking a makeup sponge and I just want to see how this goes on bare skin so we'll see how orgasm does on my bare skin right here, let's see if it holds pigment better."
"Even if I wear like a semi matte matte foundation I always finish my routine with a Mist which helps my skin rehydrate look glowy and make basically any make cup look Flawless so I just can't be without this one."
"I don't think this looks like I've plastered bronzer all over my skin. I think it looks like skin."
"It's almost like you could feel the difference blending out your foundation after doing your skincare first."
"Warming the foundation in your hands and applying it with your fingertips will give you the most natural looking finish."
"That's my opinion, I just don't think they work very well on eye makeup."
"It builds up really nicely too so if you don't want something like really intense you can keep it simple too."
"I do notice a huge difference between applying these over top of some kind of primer and applying them onto a relatively dry area of skin."
"Relax the brush, everyone does it when you touch brows they just go up."
"So just keep that in mind when you're using a primer, less is more."
"It has a soft touch to it, it doesn't emphasize the lines too much."
"Less is more, especially when you're applying your foundation."
"Okay, now what I do is I'll take my sponge and almost like really lightly just kind of tap it out so it's not too much product, and then I'll go in with a brush and use this to really blur out all the edges and make sure it's really seamless."
"I mean, you saw the minimal amount that I applied to my skin, like that half a pump and it did a beautiful job."
"It feels like silk, it applies like a silky powder texture."
"Invest in these squeezy tubes for your primers or foundations."
"It's creating a really pretty soft flush on the eye, which is really pretty."
"You would not think to apply foundation with a wet sponge, but I'm telling you, I feel very flawless."
"Let your skin absorb the hydrating product and then go in with makeup, then it helps grip your makeup."
"It's just about creating definition and the kind of look that would probably work for loads of different occasions."
"It makes the skin look plump and luscious, and makeup always lays beautifully on top of it."
"It's time for the world to admit that applying makeup takes some serious artistic know-how."
"Switch up your application order, and you'll get a seriously subtle look."
"It's such a brightening moisturizer; it's just so nice and under makeup, it really does change the way your makeup sits."
"Because it's so large, you cover an area a lot faster than you do with a Beauty Blender."
"It's not cakey, it's not built up in any places, it lays beautifully over my wrinkles."
"I never have a mess on my eyelids after I use this."
"These apply beautifully with the fingers, with a sponge, and they just offer this really gorgeous kind of pinched cheek look."
"This truly feels like a makeup priming product that is meant to make your makeup apply incredibly well."
"I love the way my makeup sits on my face after doing this step."
"If you do not prep your skin properly with skincare, your makeup will just not look as good as it could possibly look."
"You need skin prep in order to actually properly apply makeup."
"I'd rather gradually go in lightly and build up if needed, rather than going in way too harsh and having to wipe it off and start over again."
"I'm very happy to have this and I'm also happy to be able to find ways to make these shadows work."
"It's just gonna place the powder beautifully, move it in a way that leaves behind the most diffused finish."
"They're smooth, they're blendable, they really keep their color on the eye."
"It smooths away for a better foundation application and a longer wear with an instant retouch effect."
"These are not bad rainbow colors; they're blending out pretty nicely, just use a light hand, don't over apply, be patient, and you'll be good."
"This foundation brush that I've been using has literally changed my life."
"I'm going to take a clean blending brush and just blend those edges out."
"I would much rather do a skincare routine and then put my makeup on."
"I'm going to start at the temple and do a very typical bronzing effect on the face."
"They blend so easily and so quickly, so effortlessly."
"Always go in with a light hand because you can always apply product on top of it but it's very hard to tone things down."
"Let's get in the face, this is one of my favorite parts."
"I'm just going to tap this on, but just look at how it kind of like really lifts the look."
"I'm so excited to use it myself but also I'm more excited to use it on my friends."
"I'm going to apply that on the cheeks. Look at the difference, it literally just lights up my face, right? Don't you think?"
"Beauty blenders have changed the makeup world."
"I usually focus my silk canvas on the center of my face and work it outward."
"I'm actually pleasantly surprised with the formula; I had no issues applying."
"These blend like an absolute dream."
"Not only are they super easy to apply because they're incredibly creamy, but they also dry down and stay in place all day long."
"The cleaner that brush is, the better you can shape; the more success you'll have."
"The lipstick glided on all four shades that I use, glided on so well, so smooth."
"Black eyeshadow is just going to help bring some of the blackness from the mascara onto the eye look and actually help tie everything together in an even more natural way."
"Worthy from Rare Beauty, an extremely long wearing pencil, feels super comfortable, really easy to apply."
"I'm just going to take a little bit and then put it on my face."
"I'm starting with the darkest one now because I really want to have a deep and intense outer corner."
"I can just see using like the blue and the green and then using like one of the metallic greens in here and I just feel like it's gonna be so so pretty together."
"It's not too fussy, literally just dip into the pot, you tap on the skin, and you build really natural coverage."
"They go on pretty sheer because that's what you want, thin layers of paint so that you can get really subtle and really realistic effects."
"If your skin looks good and it's smooth, then your foundation is going to go on better."
"If you have good skincare, your makeup is gonna go on so well and so much better."
"You can apply this over the foundation and just like pat it in, and it looks so natural."
"It's so easy to apply, it doesn't look muddy or obvious, but it looks flushed and amazing."
"It's ideal for blending and placing setting powders."
"This is applying really, really well, dang, okay, I like this, very very nice."
"These brushes picked up my makeup products with ease, and I really loved how they blended everything out."
"This is great for placing color on the inner and outer portion of the lid because of how pointed and precise it is."
"That's beautiful; that really blended out really well."
"No re-dipping, just whatever is on the wand, and there you have it, the completed look."
"These shadows... are so crazy pigmented, you barely need anything on your brush."
"The reason why I always recommend applying your setting powder with a damp sponge is because it really looks natural and fuses all of the layers together."
"It blends really nicely on the skin."
"These mattes are blending so easily, making my job easier today."
"That was literally like one dip of my brush in there and I didn't even have to go in for any more, my lips are completely coated and I am obsessed."
"It's a great tip if you feel like you struggle to match the tones on your face, using the same product for different steps will really tie everything in."
"I love this because it does blend so well and it's very buildable."
"I tried my best to wear a lot of these products on my face that way you could see kind of how they translate on the skin."
"Place your wand at the base of your lash... wiggle the wand back and forth and then pull up."
"They pick up and distribute and blend product really, really well."
"This has become my absolute favorite blush brush, and I never want to use anything else again."
"This is probably my favorite crease brush that I have ever used."
"You need a beauty sponge... it makes your concealer, it makes your foundation look flawless."
"It's so easy to just blend across the skin, get a light amount of coverage with, you can build it in certain areas and it won't look heavy whatsoever."
"Looking straight ahead helps a lot because you can see exactly where the socket of your eye is, which is your crease."
"Having so much fun with this color story, they blend beautifully, they're very easy to use."
"It blends beautifully, very quickly, very evenly."
"My foundation has been applying better on top of my skin because it's not as textured."
"It seamlessly blends into the cheeks for a sheer wash of color and sheen without the stickiness."
"When you come back to the second coat when it's partially drying, that's when you get the sweet spot of a mascara."
"I'm wearing the cool tone side and I'm wearing a warm tone slice, I wanted to show the versatility of the palette itself."
"This does such a good job of blending on my foundation and giving me a very airbrushed look."
"I think when you take like a damp sponge and just kind of like gently blend them onto the cheeks, they almost melt into the skin."
"Swirl, tap, and buff — the act of buffing it in really well helps the minerals to kind of melt in with the oils that are in your skin and turn it into more of a creamy texture."
"It's so pretty on the cheeks, it really gives you that flush."
"I loved the way that the shimmer blended into the crease, I loved the tone of the matte and the way that it added such depth."
"I love building my blushes up because you can be as light-handed or as heavy-handed as you want."
"Blushes that are on the buildable side are much easier to work with."
"I love how easily they blended into one another."
"Your makeup's gonna apply so much smoother if you take care of your skin."
"I truly believe buying very good quality makeup brushes makes a world of difference on how your makeup applies."
"This brush is the perfect size for the one brush for all powder product applications."
"This is exactly what I want to see when I'm blending out a cream bronzer or even a cream blush; I just want it to melt seamlessly in the foundation."
"I just find them really easy to use because they pick up easily, they blend out easily."
"It makes my foundation glide on so nicely."
"The shadows apply so nicely; the matte shadows are very creamy, they're so easy to work with."
"It goes on so velvety soft, it is ridiculous, it feels really nice on the lips and it was really easy to apply."
"It looks like it's been applied with an airbrush."
"It really sets pretty quickly, which is really nice, and it does make your skin feel really soft."
"It goes on like butter, incredibly pigmented, very hydrating feeling but not super thick and cakey on the lips which I really love."
"They're that perfect happy medium between being too blendable or not blendable enough."
"I really do like this brush for highlighting."
"I'm just so impressed with the way that this applied, we'll see how it wears throughout the day."
"Apply a pea-sized amount; you don't need a lot at all for all over the face, and then let it sit on the face before you apply your foundation so that it has time to do what it needs to do."
"I really like how this is blending out; it's very nice."
"It feels so good on your face, the coverage I feel like is so even because of how dense and even the bristles are here."
"This is the only powder out on the market that I can take a sponge with and press it right here in this area and not have it look thick and gross and cakey."
"It's so pigmented that you can use your finger, drag it on your lid, and blend it out."
"I use them to apply my foundation every single day, and they just make my foundation melt into my skin."
"It just feels so creamy when you apply it, it lasts really well, and it's such a flattering nude for me."