
Technology Competition Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The Game Boy was the top dog for most of the '90s despite competition from a slew of technically more advanced rivals."
"Apple reportedly wants nothing to do with Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse."
"Better drivers, newer games, and upgraded specs: Can AMD overtake Nvidia this time?"
"It's still going to be an insane competitor to Google Maps."
"AMD offers high-performance CPUs posing direct competition to Intel."
"AMD certainly hasn't blown Intel out of the water here, but when looking at out-of-the-box performance they do have a very, very slight edge."
"In terms of rasterization performance... both of them are perfectly capable. Used to be AMD did not compete at the high end. AMD now competes very competently at the high end rasterization performance."
"We want to take the hash rate back from China...this is the space race of our time."
"Apple had seemingly survived the invasion of the IBM PC."
"It's only a matter of time, that things are heating up, not just in the sense of TikTok but in the overall sense of China-U.S. technology relationships."
"Blu-ray ended up outselling HD DVD by a factor of four-to-one."
"I think the summary is 2020, the discussion is now Canon versus Sony."
"That's where we're at. Please ask him if he thinks Libra is a threat to projects like Ripple who are not building an ecosystem."
"This is the first iPhone where I feel like they're kind of playing catch-up to some of the other hot Android devices on the market."
"Silicon Valley may be home to some of the biggest tech giants in the world, but it's being challenged like never before."
"Ethereum's transition to a modular blockchain design could make it faster than Solana by 2023."
"The competition in the 27-inch 4k gaming space has been super hot of late."
"That night I prepared to do battle with my new electronic rival."
"If the price is anywhere near where it's supposed to be, it's going to just destroy Intel."
"Competition means we get better cameras, cooler tech."
"Nvidia doesn't let up so you want to compete with Nvidia you've got to constantly bring the gains you've got to not slip up you've got to constantly be on your game to compete with them."
"AMD gets sort of pushed kicking and screaming into feature parity with Nvidia, and it arrives later, and usually it's not as good."
"If they're the iOS of self-driving cars, we want to be the Android."
"The point - Bixby is not to be a direct competitor with Google it's to excel at things that have to do specifically with your phone."
"The Rog Ally is going to win in that regard."
"AMD is just constantly bringing out the better value."
"I think Canon has a really good plan to win over their own customers as well as push Sony and Nikon and Fuji another step back."
"We're gonna beat ethereum on the number of GitHub commits this month."
"It's a fundamental overhaul of AMD's mobile offering that makes them much more competitive with Intel's powerhouse lineup."
"It's a technology race, and right now there is one runner in that tech race, and it's Tesla."
"Some say it's the arms race of the 21st century."
"Regardless if you like this device or not I'm using it as an example of a potential futuristic device being pushed forward through competition."
"If you have FTL technology, your enemy has it soon after."
"AMD GPUs just absolutely dominate Call of Duty compared to their Nvidia counterparts."
"Android is now outpacing the performance of its platform on various devices compared to iOS."
"3,700X is about one-third faster than the competing part."
"AMD is closing the gap; the 3080 FE OC proved to have worse consistency and 0.1 lows due to errant frame times."
"In desktop, there's gonna be some trading blows between Intel and AMD, but I expect AMD to keep the efficiency win overall."
"AMD's Radeon group is definitely an underdog compared to Nvidia."
"I think this is a lineup that could make a mockery of Ampere even if it doesn't take the performance crown"
"Intel struggles with comparing their products to competitors' but they're starting to give up."
"The 3950 X encroaches on Intel's high-end desktop territory in a serious way."
"Once dominated by Intel alone, we'll also see more competition as ARM-based servers are also becoming more and more relevant."
"AMD is just not even close right now, it's not even a contest."
"This might be the game changer, the true competitor to these Sony 1000x m3s."
"The second gen Rison CPUs are very competitive with Skylake X."
"We really need this competitive sort of approach to really push graphics forward because Nvidia has been pushing graphics forward and it seems that Intel is also working to do the same."
"If you want to beat the Series S, it's pretty easy to beat the Series S."
"We're in the middle of an AI arms race, in the thick of a literal nuclear arms race."
"If this scaled to all games...domineering position against both AMD and Nvidia."
"Huawei represents a key facet in the struggle between the China model and the American model."
"The only real question is, is it enough to properly challenge the likes of Samsung and Apple?"
"In a way, these processor rivalries of the 90s, felt very much like the Spectrum vs. Commodore, Amiga vs. ST and Sega vs. Nintendo battles of years gone by."
"AMD stickers used to not be as shiny, but they kind of met Intel in shiny performance at this point."
"I would like to see consoles at least have a little bit of competition in terms of sales when inevitably games do go digital only."
"AMD needs to immediately clarify the situation or if they are blocking competitive Technologies which is more likely they need to end that practice."
"It is bad... AMD just spell the death toll for Intel."
"AMD was caught a bit off guard by how well Alder Lake is turning out."
"I don't care that they're basically copying Spotify and catching up to Spotify - that's fine with me."
"China is on the verge of beating Silicon Valley in the technology race."
"So in my opinion the sony is definitely winning the active noise-cancelling area."
"If they launched 16 gigabyte variants, they could mark all of Nvidia's low end this generation."
"Companies like Intel have to have a unique angle. If they're just doing the same, they're never going to be ahead."
"Microsoft's Xbox Series X has struck back against Sony's PlayStation 5 in the battle for console supremacy."
"Meteor Lake might be another big catch-up moment."
"But this news actually could play a significant role in Microsoft finally overtaking Google in the search engine and browser game."
"I called this out in my Telegram a couple of days ago. I believe this is a valid competitor to Trust Wallet and I'm in it."
"We've been seeing an arms race between AMD and Intel the likes of which that has not been seen since the turn of the century."
"I saw that there's a global race on in AI, quantum, and other major technologies."
"Perhaps if things go on like this the American and Korean giants will soon find themselves next to the once well-known Nokia and even Lenovo."
"If Canon ever releases a body with built-in stabilization, then Sony and FujiFilm will have tough competition on their hands in the APS-C mirrorless market."
"The future of energy storage will come down to two competing technologies: do we go hydrogen or do we go batteries?"
"Eventually China's going to say, 'Hey listen, we're going to create our own chips'... and eventually you get so much competition in the AI chip space that again margins will collapse."
"I don't see bitcoin itself competing with the dollar or a digital yuan. I see the network competing against one another."
"It really highlighted it whereas amd's just kept taking a big big double-digit sometimes 20 gains forward."
"The goal is to kneecap China's tech industry."
"Sega's Genesis had a clear technological lead on their main rival Nintendo."
"AMD is really good in terms of technology. Intel needs AMD to be a better Intel."
"Samsung Pay outperforms Apple Pay by a wide margin and it's compatible with almost every single existing magstripe payment system."
"It's gonna be an interesting generation over the next five to ten years with gaming because we're talking about console wars and stuff we might have the streaming wars."
"Regardless of the cost, Microsoft is probably poised to spend double of Sony in marketing."
"The US and China are locked into a race for artificial intelligence, and the first to develop a true machine intellect will immediately be at a massive advantage over the other."
"If you're disappointed by Alder Lake, it's because you only looked at Rocket Lake and maybe you forgot just how far behind Intel has been from AMD for, in my opinion, the past few years."
"AMD's upcoming flagship mainstream processor absolutely destroys any and everything that it comes up against."
"Nearly 50 years on micromouse is bigger than ever."
"Sony be bragging about ray tracing, Nintendo did it first."
"Jellyfin is literally just one or two tiny steps away from beating Plex in every category."
"AMD's comparisons show up putting up a decent fight against sub $300 cards."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the first battery drain showdown of the year."