
Relationship Caution Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I don't want to be skeptical of everyone in the world because only a small minority of people have bad intentions, but equally, in the future with relationships, I want to be aware of red flags."
"It's when the man plays the nice guy and the world teaches the woman that if a guy is nice, he's absolutely safe. Just because a man is nice does not necessarily mean that he's safe."
"I said to her, 'Carly, something is not right about this connection. Something doesn't feel right.'"
"Never ever [] cohabitate with a woman, bro. Okay, guys, one more time. That's on you. Never ever [] cohabitate with a woman, bro."
"Learn your people again. It's about taking a moment to get to know someone. If red flags are coming up, pay attention and hold back."
"Ladies and gentlemen who use those sites, please be careful and really get to know your date before you start getting serious, because a seemingly great individual could end up being an insanely jealous monster."
"You don't want to live a life that you hate and then have kids and then divorce."
"I'm a little bit worried though that you are a little bit of a player."
"They love you but they just feel like it would be a very bad idea to open up right now."
"Forgiveness is one thing, but forgetting is another. Don't forget what he did."
"If any man that you are seeing is exhibiting two or more of these traits, you want to be very conscious of the fact that you may be dealing with a guy who's not getting to know you for the right reasons."
"Make sure you that you're protecting yourself at all times because these women are friggin crazy."
"Watch out for deception in relationships. Hidden enemies may appear glamorous but are ultimately illusions."
"You need to avoid... avoid doing things in relationships in the dating phase that make me stupid."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"You risk losing much of what you built prior to marriage if you get involved with the wrong person."
"I think sometimes we get our hearts broken as women because we give away our dignity too soon."
"They may have cheated on you in the past... and they're going to try to sweep you off your feet before you find out."
"Never do dumb things. Don't date the boss's daughter. Never dumb things."
"Solomon's story is a perfect example of what can happen to a person if you marry the wrong person. Solomon's untamed desire for many women plunged him into spiritual decadence."
"Be energetically intelligent before hopping into bed with them. Untangling those energies can be one hell of a [ __ ] to deal with."
"Be careful what you confide in your significant other."
"Do not let your guard down around her. It's always the ones they tell you aren't a threat that end up being the ones they cheat with."
"The longer the story goes on, the more the red flags pile up."
"You deserve better. I am fighting this connection because I do not want to be wrong."
"Passion isn't the same as love. Don't get sucked in just by good sex."
"Ladies, ladies, ladies, that pregnancy, that's a trap until that man proves that he truly is worthy of a child. It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap."
"This is a very staunch warning to every single one of you guys out there that are currently dating or planning to date a Chinese girl: don't take the relationship lightly."
"Don't ignore red flags for the sake of just being married."
"I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to get hurt."
"If the red flags are telling you that this person is still closed off or you don't trust what this person is offering, then listen to those instincts."
"Don't enter into soul ties quickly, find out who they are before you enter into a covenant."
"Take a very close look at it, Sagittarius. Really get to know this person before you open up and give too much of yourself."
"Make sure they are single first; look out for you, look out for number one."
"Let's not rush into this, you know, I feel like you are the one."
"They see a huge love as too much potential for pain; they're guarding themselves from it."
"If someone comes along and you like this person more, you're gonna have an ex who is on your tail so I would just be neutral and wait and don't take anything seriously just yet until your blessings come."
"Manifestation vibes - be careful who you give your energy to; connections are real."
"If you're in a situation where someone's cheating on their spouse to be with you, just keep in mind that they're willing to do it once and they're willing to do it again."
"Are you sure about marrying this person within the first year of knowing them, like do you, don't you want to get to know them a little bit better?"
"Guys don't romanticize bad girls."
"If you were dating a man or considering a man who would rather have your body than present you spotless, that's already a red flag."
"When you meet a woman that makes you think, 'I should be careful', 'How will she react if I do this?'... You can do it too."
"I had red flags very early in the relationship."
"Usually red flags are there but ignored in the name of love."
"Red flags can be hard to notice sometimes, especially when you're wearing rose-colored glasses."
"Don't take advantage of someone's loyalty because a person can only take so much."
"Be conscious before you move forward with this person, look out for yourself."