
Life Commitment Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"My life, whether it be short or long, will be dedicated to your service."
"You have to first repent of sin... and then secondly you commit your life to Christ and Christ alone."
"Just get to a place where you're like, 'This is the rest of my life, 24/7. I'm never going back.'"
"It's not about the pop and Circumstance it's about two people who have found each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together."
"Now you're in Christ. Somebody says, 'What does that mean?' It means I've been saved, I've been born again, I've surrendered my life to Christ."
"I just want to make sure I die doing my absolute best."
"I won't drink I won't do drugs and I'll dedicate my life to trying to help other people if you'll just please get me out of this."
"There are two fundamental ways of committing your whole life to being a gift: marriage or celibacy for the kingdom."
"Glover Teixeira exemplifies what it means to give your life to the martial arts."
"She said, 'You know, there's only one thing I can do in life now, only one thing I can do in life, and that is I've got to take care of these kids. I've got to make sure they live well. I've got to make sure they go forward in life.'"
"Finally, a decision has been made, and they've chosen their soulmate."
"God has made salvation available as a free gift; it only costs you your faith and your whole life."
"You don't win the game of life okay by dabbling your toe in the water and seeing if you want to go in you make a decision you want to swim and you dive in."
"God's plan of one: one God, one man, one woman, one marriage, one sex partner, one flesh, one lifetime, one picture."
"They want to experience everything in life with you."
"Everything is possible, not just everything but anything. You hear me? So go after it, put your whole life online, put everything online to get this [ __ ] cause you can get it and you can enjoy it."
"It's truly a beautiful moment in my life and we cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together. xoxo #love wins"
"That was my moment, where I made a deal with my God and said, 'You give me an opportunity, I will hunt these guys down for the rest of my life.'"
"She suggests they leave the idea of their anniversaries and spend her entire life with him."
"If you're blessed enough to find somebody, you have a built-in lifelong partner."
"This is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."
"The lay catechist is now a vocation, a calling in life that goes well beyond mere professional concerns."
"Emperor's energy: seeing the twin as a life partner, someone to settle down with."
"I promised Katie if it took me the rest of my life I'd end abortion."
"It's not a piece of paper, it's a legal thing connecting to somebody for the rest of my life."
"Marriage is so much more than getting married, it's a life commitment."
"They see you as their soulmate, their equal, their beautiful partner."
"I want to be a Christian, I want to be saved, I want to know that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life."
"So yes the first 30 years of my life I was born into raised in Scientology ended up joining signing a billion year contract at the age of 16..."
"Bruce goes on to honor the promise made to himself by devoting his life to training and preparing mentally and physically for the battles that lay ahead."
"I certainly never wanted to feel that I could have done more."
"These boys train for their lives, their life is my tie and this is why in my opinion this is the most effective style on the planet."
"Just don't give up on yourself don't give up on your relationships don't give up on your body on your health on your children on your home on your life on your Deen."
"Give your life to Jesus Christ, I mean really, at the end of the day, that's what Mike said, you gotta be ready."
"First and foremost you have to say I'm ready to die."
"If he couldn't even trust the person that he was devoting his life to protect, then what was the point of even doing everything in the first place?"
"Your life should be characterized by what you stand for, by who you stand for."
"I realized there's such Redemption, I'm gonna give my life to such a God."
"I told her how much I loved her and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."
"This isn't a job for me, it's not a nine to five with vacation and weekends, this is a non-stop grind. This is my life, this is everything."
"God told me to tell every person watching today is the day that you accept your kingdom calling."
"Lord, I want your will whatever that requires, and I want to live in it the rest of my life."
"I dedicated my entire life to this level of success."
"Will you marry me? Oh my god. Yes. Yes a million times."
"Keep doing that for every relationship you have from this day forward in your life."
"I've got a lot to live and I've begun fighting, I started doing this when I was 14 years old because I said my generation needs to be fought for."
"Hold on to your strength, faith, and commitment."
"This is my real dream, Angela, will you marry me?"
"We'll never give up, but we will die trying."
"If someone like my grandmother has the strength to give up everything for one shot at a better life then I have no excuse but to give my all in every single thing that I do."
"He's devoted his life to social justice causes."
"Go all the way. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs, maybe even your mind."
"I felt like I was negotiating with God. I asked, 'Hey, if you do this for me, I will dedicate everything in my life for you.'"
"I wasn't scared to put in work, and I devoted my life."
"No regrets for a queen who pledged to serve as a young woman."
"I love you to the day that we die, but man, I'm rooting for you to follow Jesus."
"It's not just a nine-to-five, that's your whole life, you dedicated your whole life, people have to understand that."
"My whole life is spent protecting this love."
"I trust in Yah with my whole life."
"All I gotta do is stay a Christian."
"You are the love of my life, will you be my wife?"
"I want to live for You all the days of my life."
"I do hereby pronounce you man and wife."
"I gave him my life, I'm not giving him my afterlife."
"My life has been opposing racism in any form, and I will die fighting racism in any form."
"The two deciding to spend their lives together."
"I am who I am. There's no way I could get out of pigeons. I was born with them, and I'll die with the birds."
"I have loved you and will love you for every day of my life until my last breath."
"This is his life, not just wrestling, WWE."
"He immediately fell in love and it seems that she is the only one for him for the rest of his life."
"If God is this amazing, I want to live for Him for the rest of my life."
"Real choice isn't going to the grocery store and picking out one box of cereal amidst 50. That's not choice. To choose life, to choose love, those are real choices."
"Saying that we had gotten married and I was happy to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved."
"I'm glad to see you; in fact, I was thinking that today might be a good time to ask if we might spend our remaining years together."
"Trust you with our lives, our husbands, our wives, our children, our parents, our health, this church, our nation, our state."
"I love you more than life itself, and I'm going to continue to love you more than life itself."
"Do you trust Kamal? Just Kamal with my life."
"I devoted my life to that woman and those kids."
"Men in this life must be married in view of eternity."
"I trained very hard all year for this, all my life really."
"I literally want to dedicate the rest of my life now to her and the kids."
"Dust to dust, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health, may the force be with you because you're worth it. Amen."
"You can trust him; he committed his life to you."
"Congratulations, your life is not your own anymore. You've been bought with a price."
"Milton, you're the love of my life, and that is not an exaggeration."
"I give you my work every day, I give you my trust every day, I give you my life every day."
"No, God is saying if you want the real thing, you're gonna have to make me the center of everything, hallelujah, in your life."
"It takes courage and commitment, but all the best things in life do."
"I'm going to do this till the day I die."
"I want you to be the rest of my life, say yes to me."
"The two of us once swore to the moon, They are good brothers for life, To live and die together."
"This women has become my whole life, and I've loved every single moment of it."
"He is intense, he is committed to the things that he has done in his life."
"I managed to convince the most amazing woman on the planet that a good idea to team up with me for life."