
Beauty Routine Quotes

There are 398 quotes

"For every cream I apply, there's a powder or two or three but every layer is a thin layer that builds up to create this beautiful flawless glam application."
"Be very careful with your eye area um I think that using your chemical exfoliant regularly your vitamin C and retinol and your routine overall will really help with that."
"Slather some oil or a cleansing balm on your face first."
"It's technically like a mini peel but a lighter peel because if you have tried like an intense peel before you know that those can be kind of harsh."
"You want to finish off with your favorite lipstick."
"I think curling my lashes has made quite a big difference."
"Exfoliation is the name of the game... it dissolves the glue that holds the dead skin cells onto the surface of your skin."
"...my lashes are extremely short and straight so one of the biggest things for me in my entire routine that I have - absolutely do... I would actually say I want to bring an eyelash curler and then I would beg them to have me take mascara..."
"I'm gonna add some bronzer to the sides, okay?"
"Your skincare routine absolutely needs to include a sunscreen."
"She wants to put some makeup in her drawers and be able to just sit here and get ready and get all pretty."
"Be gentle with the washes that you're including in your hair."
"If you're not using a sunscreen, none of your routine is gonna matter. Literally none of it."
"It's all about... putting anti-aging cream on when I was six, seven."
"Skin prep is actually quite important... foundation will probably sit better if you have a slightly moisturized piece of skin underneath it."
"Before you set your concealer under your eyes... take your sponge and re-blend."
"It's ideal to set your entire face with the translucent powder..."
"Your skin actually feels plump and super hydrated in the morning."
"You are putting it all over your face. There are moments, many moments, looking in the mirror, applying that makeup, where you go, 'I don't know if I should do this.'"
"Exfoliating can play a role in improving the health and appearance of your skin."
"I pretty much have the entire Viv makeup collection, so let's do a get ready with me."
"And then after I add my highlighter, you'll see that it's still all kind of gives you that same contour effect overall, but this is honestly just easier."
"Make perfecting the removal process a priority as it can make or break your nail growth journey."
"A thousand layers of nail polish for 24 hours... one of the most frustrating experiences of my life."
"If you're not using cleansing oils in your skincare routine, you need to get on it."
"Cocoa butter is one of the best things that you can use in your beauty routine."
"Putting on makeup makes me feel ready for the day."
"It feels like you're actually doing something for your skin, which can kind of be nice when you're needing hydration."
"Skincare is one of the cornerstones of a glow up... my skin just did so much better when I regularly put a sheet mask on my face."
"What's the cost of your beauty routine and what is the cost to the planet?"
"I hate doing my hair. I washed it, let it air dry last night, and then it was like a frizzy fluff ball."
"I used to suffer from cosmetic confusion. I was using 13 products a day, twice a day."
"You do not need to have niacinamide in your toner and then in your serum and then in your eye cream."
"I just need a brush and now I can put on my makeup."
"There's nothing more heartbreaking in the makeup world than doing a great face base and then having your eyeshadow fallout just ruin it."
"Imagine waking up to perfectly curled lashes every day without needing to consistently maintain them."
"I see a difference like the very next day it's one of those things when you use something the day before and you look at yourself the next day you're like wait I look different."
"Niacinamide usually boosts the ingredients of almost everyone. It's just an all-star ingredient."
"Okay, I'm gonna exfoliate and shave and then I'm gonna put an express tan on after my proper shower including hair wash tomorrow morning."
"I did a five-minute makeup look... I genuinely had about five minutes to get ready."
"This is great for a moisturizer before I put on makeup so the nourish from Kate Somerville or the ponds I usually use at night before bed when I'm not going to be putting makeup on my skin."
"I love using oils underneath my foundation... a really dewy, healthy glow to my skin."
"This beauty elixir water is so refreshing and calming."
"I can do like a full updated everyday makeup routine, I think that'd be really fun and interesting."
"It's shocking to me how many beauty gurus do not double cleanse when they wear full faces of makeup."
"This is going to be my go-to on days when I just want very minimal makeup."
"I want you to feel like I am there with you whenever you color your hair."
"I'm gonna go straight in with this tinted serum."
"I'm feeling like it's gonna be a skin-first type of day."
"I'm gonna go ahead and just blot my skin and then I'm gonna add a little bit more powder."
"If you're on the go and you want a fresh looking face without all of the steps of highlighting contours and all that good stuff this is a great route to go"
"Love this, I am gonna go in finish off the eye look do like liner and lashes and stuff and then we will jump back in to test the rest of the products but like obsessed okay obsessed."
"This keeps my face nice and hydrated and dewy for the entire day."
"If anything, it's this you guys, like this would be something you could incorporate into your routine if you just want that beautiful ethereal lavender vibe on the eyes which I am all about."
"If you have those three key ingredients, you can get perfect application every time."
"You always want to remember that you want the finish of your skin to look beautiful before you even start putting makeup on."
"It grips your makeup and it locks it into place so well."
"When you take care of your skin, you have better skin, and when you have better skin, your makeup looks better."
"You can use it in any step of your skincare or makeup routine."
"Are you moisturizing, toning, cleansing, exfoliating?"
"Having an amazing skincare routine is the secret because we want to have a nice canvas."
"I love putting on my blush; it feels like it's just giving me life into my face."
"I have a facial tomorrow, guys, I paid for a facial, so we're going to get a facial tomorrow."
"When I'm actually going somewhere, I'm gonna put on the foundation, but since I've been chilling and it's summertime and it's hot outside, nobody got time to be wearing foundation doing all the extra."
"Yesterday, I put like a ton of castor oil in my hair. It was so good."
"I just did a little bit of makeup, I did my eyebrows and I just put a little foundation on."
"This facial is designed to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin."
"guys I have not fallen asleep in makeup in probably like 4 years"
"I always use the got to be gel for eyebrow gel and I put it in my eyebrows."
"This makeup takes time but it's worth it."
"I'm about to try to get these braids taken down."
"Layered so many products on each other."
"Here's mine and John's beauty setup."
"So first I want to do the cheeks, I normally use this or this from Rare Beauty, let's go with this."
"Peptides have a role in that so I love bringing those five absolute sort of must pieces together."
"I am going to sleep in this makeup that is how committed I am so say a little prayer for my skin and let's just kind of dive into this I have been dying to test this out."
"It's fantastic under makeup. Always give some love to the skin."
"This HPR eye cream is a nighttime go-to for brightening under the eyes and helping with fine lines."
"Remember, the waxing is going to fill the pores that are open."
"This is such a good lazy skincare or multitasking beauty if you're looking for a retinoid as well as a vitamin c."
"In 2024 we are ditching the hydrating primers and we are simplifying our skincare and Beauty routine."
"This routine that I'm about to share with you is kind of emblematic of my beauty philosophy."
"It just revives the skin and it makes all foundations go on so smooth. I just love it. I can't imagine starting a face now without it."
"I've loved it from a young age, I've been taking care of my skin since I was about 15 years old, moisturizing every day, using sunscreen, and just really enjoying different skincare products."
"I'm gonna get my hair done, I'm gonna get my nails done, I'm gonna do a facial, I am gonna go on acne medication."
"This is where I fluff up the brows, and this is honestly my favorite part."
"Normally, I would go ahead and do my other brow and then conceal after but either way cannot stand to look at this any longer."
"I've been using a gua sha tool every night, and I'm obsessed."
"There's people that don't wash their beauty blenders. Okay, that's crazy."
"Skin care is self-care, it's supposed to be a ritual not just a routine."
"Double cleansing just changes the game."
"I love taking the time to just do my skincare do my makeup like why is getting ready more fun than going out."
"Simplicity is best in skincare routine."
"I just use my Dalba for spray serum - love this stuff, it's the best glowy dewy hydrating skincare makeup spray."
"I'm just rubbing another layer of cakey powder on my face."
"Where's that fucking primer at girl??? Yaaas."
"All right guys, my hair is already washed and moisturized. I'm going to be using my red tone comb, my shining jam and my rubber bands to achieve this look."
"This is way too much, but it's okay. You can never have too much deep conditioner."
"Honestly, I think I want to get rid of these brow pencils too because now that I have this routine brow pencils just don't really work as well over a brow glue."
"Learning that in beauty school has made such a difference. So now I always shampoo twice and I recommend you guys to shampoo twice."
"I haven't changed my eyebrow routine in over a year, I swear by my eyebrow routine, it makes me feel so confident and so put together."
"I just applied the primer but I'm going to wait a couple of minutes to see how tacky it gets and what are my thoughts about the primer, okay?"
"Always apply your serums onto damp skin."
"When I very first tried seven skins I was doing 13, 14 layers before my skin would stop absorbing moisture."
"I don't know what it is, I always use the same exact concealer and sometimes pimples get covered completely very easily and then sometimes they just refuse."
"That face routine you're doing is keeping you young."
"Blush fanatic, I wear it every single time I do my makeup, no matter how natural, simple, or dramatic a makeup look is. I can never miss out on blush."
"I love taking my makeup off like if I could just wear skin care all the time I generally would."
"Take a few minutes to yourself and just do a quick little face mask or paint your nails whatever you like to do to relax."
"I want to be glowy. I want to look like a greaseball at nighttime so that in the morning, my skin looks plumped."
"... it kind of feels like I'm rubbing in a night cream or like a cocooning moisturizer."
"I just got ready we seen that time lapse of just doing a bit of skincare eyebrows and mascara that's all I can be bothered to do today and that is probably all I will do tomorrow."
"I enjoy doing my makeup but I only enjoy it for about eight to ten minutes usually."
"I think I'm going to set my contour too because I want to go in with the powder bronzer next."
"I love that she ties her hair back. Right? You don't want to sleep with your makeup on."
"Um so what I'll do I'll try and remember to do everything on the right side so on the right hand side of my face I'm going to use the economy products."
"I actually noticed that I stopped using a cleansing balm to take my makeup off and then going in with cleanser after so double cleansing about 5 or 6 months ago and it made the biggest difference in my skin."
"So I probably do the Cardi B hair mask."
"Had this sit on my face while the hair mask was working its magic."
"Before we do the base, you always gotta make sure you put on sunscreen first, okay this step is really so important."
"I think I finally perfected my eyebrow routine."
"I just wanted to jump on and show you my eyebrow dyeing routine."
"You really want to focus in on cleansing properly, doing a double cleanse."
"I forgot to show you all, but just like a sugar scrub, just kind of massage that over the lips and then apply your Chapstick or lip gloss of choice."
"...taking a setting spray...and my sponge...just tap it all over my face...push the setting spray into the skin and help lock everything in."
"I love a glow, I love a thick layer of moisture and glow, so what the hey guys, we're gonna use Well, A, Skin Food!"
"I think for the past probably I want to say 5 to 6 months I've been getting so many requests of what my hair care routine has looked like...I've really been liking that I'm actually almost out of it but that's the one that I've been doing once a month."
"Wax. Go get wax. This summer, we're done shaving, we're done with the razor bumps, we're done with it growing back in literally two minutes."
"I really would have been upset if I didn't get my lashes y'all for real."
"You cannot have a flawless makeup look without powder."
"Your skin prep is the ultimate primer."
"Makeup on your face, the foundation of your entire look."
"By the end of the week, my hair is not looking pretty anymore, it's not looking fresh, it's not looking how it did on wash day or even a few days after wash day."
"Stimulating the eyebrows is going to get the blood flowing, it's going to help with growth of the eyebrow hair."
"This just checks all the boxes for a cleansing balm. It breaks down all of your makeup, it doesn't leave an oily residue, it's not too heavy, it smells really great, it feels really good. Just everything about it is wonderful."
"Skincare is actually the most important."
"Eyebrows next, and as you can see, my eyebrows are fairly sparse. To this day, I still cannot find a better eyebrow wand than this. And this is Legendary Brows by Charlotte Tilbury."
"Makeup, hair, weight-loss, and self-love is a powerful combination."
"This is what it looks like after being up there for 40 minutes, I think it looks really good already, super duper shiny."
"It's so beautiful, I can see myself using this every day."
"I'm just gonna spray a little bit of this just to settle down any powders and just kind of merge everything together."
"I hope you guys enjoyed my makeup routine."
"I've just kept it to products that will just kind of exfoliate, clean, and hydrate."
"This will keep your makeup in place, to keep your makeup from sliding off your face, and just to keep it looking flawless throughout the day."
"Good morning everybody and welcome back to part two of getting this hair brushed out from a pin curl set."
"I freaking love doing this get ready with me, it's like chit chats because, girl, I just feel like I'm on FaceTime with y'all."
"One tip, honestly, for a Flawless base is skin prep."
"This Too Faced hangover three in one setting spray is not only a setting spray, it's a refresh spray, and it is also a prime spray, and I just love her, love her so much."
"Moisturizer is a very key product."
"If you get cleansing wrong, it's very hard to get skincare right."
"Brightening and glowing, it's a simple, uplifting, polished look suitable for everyone."
"What microcurrent actually does is works out the muscles in your face; it's kind of like going to the gym."
"Skin care really is a marathon not a sprint."
"I actually have gotten rid of my foundation and I don't own foundation anymore."
"Skincare first, makeup second, no matter what time period you're living in."
"Less is literally so much more. You do not need to cake on a million trillion products on your hair."
"Sometimes when it comes to curling your hair, you just got to trust the process."
"I want to give my skin one last spray of the first spray serum."
"Your hair health is just as important as all the other stuff we talk about."
"This routine will have you smelling like a goddess."
"I love the way my makeup sits on my face after doing this step."
"I really hope I have a good makeup day because you can have a good makeup day and a good outfit day, that's a good picture day."
"It makes such a big difference in my wash days and the results."
"If you do not prep your skin properly with skincare, your makeup will just not look as good as it could possibly look."
"I'm not saying that you have to literally be perfect, but you know, get a skincare routine going, do something."
"I love being a glazed donut head to toe when I go to bed."
"The Bare Minerals complexion rescue is one of the products that has been in my collection for years. I will continue to repurchase it over and over again; it's just incredible."
"It helps give you that glow and radiance to your skin and keeps everything soft, supple, and smooth."
"Stay safe out there, take those fake lashes off carefully. I have learned my lesson."
"Great skin sets me up with a wonderful base."
"Bronzer and blush is just like my favorite part of makeup."
"Establish a skincare routine, skincare routine over makeup."
"I want to brighten up my under-eye area so it looks nice and fresh, and I look awake in all the photos."
"Tan always looks the best on me the day after I wash it off because it continues to develop."
"It's the easiest base routine, it lasts all day, and it looks so glowy but beautiful and fresh."
"It's not a lot of makeup, but it is just enough to make me look put together and polished."
"Once the woman has only learned her face and her eyes, that's it, and it might take you know a few goes, but once you know it, it's your signature."
"I'm doing something that's going to make my makeup routine easier and I'm doing something that's going to make me feel good."
"Just from doing my nails, I'm already feeling like a baddie."
"I always end on cold... it's not a good idea to end on hot because it leaves your pores open."
"I'm actually in the middle of filming a video where I am testing out the 10-step Korean skincare."
"You always want to go into skin first, skin care before foundation."
"It's one that if you put on in the morning, you set it with some powder, you went to work and came back, it's gonna be on."
"Oil cleansing your face, very good for your skin."
"It's time for your nails to get their daily dose of Banana Medicine."
"I would say that their skincare maybe the most important part of your beauty routine because if you don't have the right canvas, doesn't matter how well you paint."
"It smooths out fine lines every time I use it; I get compliments on my skin the next morning."
"So here are my final results after the brush coiling routine, and I am shocked how much fullness that I still have in my hair."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed this little get ready with me: skincare, makeup, hair, everything."
"I do prep my skin a lot before I do my makeup."
"This hair mask makes your wash day so easy."
"That nude lip, that stack of products, girl, it became one of my favorite lips I have ever created because like I said, it just worked."
"I love the feeling of getting my eyebrows waxed, it's very therapeutic."
"Every makeup starts with the foundation."
"The key to having good skin is really just keeping things simple."
"I think the key to having good skin is really just keeping things simple."
"It reduces puffiness, shrinks pores."
"My skin looks and feels more toned and it's also less puffy."
"Take care of your skin and Nails. Hydrated fresh dewy skin isn't always the easiest to achieve but wherever possible, up that skincare routine."
"I'm actually really excited to apply my makeup today because I've been done like a full face makeup look probably since... well, I did it for around the baby shower last weekend."