
Military Logistics Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"War believe it or not, are won on logistics. The bigger your tail, the sharper your teeth are going to be."
"The responsibility for them was then transferred from Ersatz organization to the field or fighting army."
"If the Ukrainians don't get significant artillery ammunition at scale um in the coming months um things could go really wrong quite quickly and it's already extremely expensive for the Ukrainians in terms of lives."
"Russian military vehicles and hardware found their way to several destinations throughout eastern Ukraine."
"It would be very, very easy for NATO to surge supplies across that border."
"Women doing certain jobs, Meats being sent overseas to the Troops, people being conscripted, you better believe if we go to war the draft is coming back everybody."
"An extraordinary scale: 1,600 ships refitted or built from scratch."
"It highlights the importance of stockpiling. Not just building up large numbers of platforms, it's not enough to have large numbers of guns, large numbers of MLRS systems."
"Repair plants across Russia are now churning out oodles of Cold War antiques, most of these museums on tracks."
"We need shells. If we have shells, we will have everything."
"Armies at war eat ammo, they eat missiles really, really quickly."
"The Russians are running out of equipment, they're running out of men, they're running out of ammunition."
"The Ukrainian Army prevented the transport of new troops and ammunition to Russia's detet region."
"If you do your design piece right you may find that the best thing to send is not an armor company from the US Army but a sewage contractor."
"Russia is running low on ammo Russia is experiencing significant shortage of artillery that are impacting its fire focused military to carry on the fight in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"Richard's Crusader army: Consisting of over 200 ships and 17,000 soldiers and mariners."
"The critical lack of ammunition and supplies, along with the strategic brilliance of the Ukrainian army strategy, resulted in a significant setback for Russian forces."
"There's a real threat if we don't keep up supply of ammunition and ultimately replacement systems."
"The Pelican is capable of transporting up to 10 troops to and from the battlefield."
"An empire that you can’t support with food and supplies is an army that won’t fight for you."
"The convoy system was remarkably successful."
"Over the course of the war, nearly four million tons of supplies were delivered via the Arctic route."
"There is no way the Mongolians would just pass by tsushima as the huge Army would need a place to restock."
"Providing military assistance to Ukraine has been and continues to be a colossal task; it is arguably the largest logistical operation undertaken by the West since the second world war."
"By Spring, Ukraine faces a potentially catastrophic shortage of ammunition and air defenses that could effectively turn the tide of the war."
"Balance our production right now... artillery is severely lacking."
"It's important that we balance our production right now... artillery something we're severely lacking."
"In military use trains have not only been valued as a means of transporting weapons and manpower, they have been used for speed."
"The Marianas operation involved a massive force of 127,571 troops and 535 warships."
"Legions require special laws to access but they work just like before you will spend manpower and a monthly maintenance cost in order to have a free roaming army that you can directly control."
"Vehicles like this while they may not get all of the glory... they're significant in winning wars."
"The Red Ball Express essentially kept a 24 hour a day seven day a week Highway going from The Invasion front."
"San Carlos, the place chosen for the British landings."
"At their peak, these trucks were supplying 28 allied divisions with 12 and a half thousand tons of food, fuel, and equipment a day."
"General Christopher Cavely, the U.S European commander, on April 26th, told U.S lawmakers that 98% of NATO allies' combat vehicles for Ukraine had arrived."
"One of the eight principles of sustainment: Improvisation, adapting to unexpected situations."
"With these missiles, the Ukrainians could make it very difficult for the Russians to supply the front line."
"You don't win a war without logistics, without supply lines, without trade routes, without infrastructure."
"The talk now is of a long war, of as long as it takes."
"The Jerry can is a truly remarkable piece of engineering."
"Without these cans, it would have been almost impossible for our armies to cut their way across France at a lightning pace."
"Russian munitions depots were located and annihilated while evacuation orders were disseminated extensively throughout the area due to an expected increase in the intensity of the fighting."
"Logistics is one of the most important parts of warfare."
"During the Vietnam War, fully 90% of the ammunition used by U.S troops was transported on vessels that had transited the canal."
"Watching those bundles of supplies and ammunition drop was a sight to behold."
"Napoleon needed to rest his troops and resupply them with ammunition, which was running dangerously low."
"Why not land Israeli Air Force c-130 transport airplanes in the desert and bring in the Jews and fly them directly to Israel? Sounds crazy? We tried it. It worked once and twice."
"With the IMC unable to deploy reinforcements from the Core systems, and the largest part of their army now disabled, the IMC are now incredibly limited in the Frontier."
"The armed forces have the necessary number of troops to carry out the special military operation."
"But the tactics are evolving, noting Ukraine's desperate shortage of artillery ammo."
"Staggering numbers are not just limited to weaponry; with millions of soldiers in the field, you also had logistics and supply problems like none ever seen before."
"We carried all ammunition, grenades, m79 shells, because we carried sawed-off m79, and so that's all we carried was ammunition because when we go in that's our supply."
"Whoever has the best logistics is going to win and right now it is obviously clearly Russia who has advantages head and shoulders above Ukraine."
"It's a war of procurement. Russia has the capacity to replace the huge amount of destruction, while the West is depleted."
"You could land whole armies on day one, but if they ran out of ammunition and food by day three, then all you were doing was giving the Germans a bit of a bureaucratic nightmare."
"This war is going to be won by whomever can get bullets, bombs, and fuel to the front lines the fastest."
"For an army of 100,000, with half a million horses, grasslands were as crucial as oil to a modern army."
"Liberty ships have kept Britain alive and in the war soon they will be transporting supplies to American troops abroad and vast numbers of American weapons and vehicles to help the Red Army."
"Logistics wins Wars you can't win a war if everyone's sick."
"Modern armies need legions of clerical workers, mechanics, and communications networks to keep themselves supplied and directed."
"This operation galvanic is a boatload of material, boatload of weight on Admiral King, Admiral Nimitz."
"The prodigies of supply performed during World War II resulted in an American army which was the best equipped and maintained and on the highest level of morale of any army in the world."
"There's no way that a Bronze Age army could endure a 10-year siege that far away from their home base."
"The Hercules, the real workforce, landing at Port Stanley, refueling ships at sea or air to air refueled from the section, remarkable aircraft."
"Chambersburg because of its location at those crossroads route 30 and route 11 now, as well as the wonderful opportunity for the rail transportation of military supplies and troops, became an ideal location for military camps."