
Design Excellence Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Super Mario Brothers... the jumping mechanics remain hard to surpass in terms of careful balance between agility and accessibility."
"Every detail has been used as an opportunity to set new standards in design, quality, and engineering."
"Infinity Ward still shows how capable they are of making outstanding boss fights even in a non-zombies mode."
"Exceeding expectations, that is a good thing to do design-wise."
"Dark Souls is a great example of how to do an always-online multiplayer game right."
"The Nexus is the best example that Crytek haven't forgotten how to balance the players' power."
"Demon's Souls really excels in environmental design."
"The armour of the Polish Winged Hussar is one of the most badass examples of armour design in history."
"They ended up making something extremely well-rounded."
"A stellar stellar figure, I really am impressed by the engineering and design."
"Seiko cocktail time... just creates a design that also just feels incredibly well done."
"It's the best way to make a semi-automatic pistol."
"So all in all the CX-9 continues to stand out with a sleek and upscale design that extends to all of its trim levels."
"I think they've hit it out of the park with this new interior. It's bloody marvelous."
"I think Razer did an incredible job on the design."
"This car is so well thought out from all the way around."
"Aesthetics is one of the places where this Builder really excels."
"This thing is just so well suited for off-road, they knocked it out of the park."
"Real impressive from a system engineering point of view."
"How much nicer is it to have these toggles that just feel high-quality and ooze class, a Rolls-Royce way?"
"Cuphead is a fantastic game and it's clear that the designers absolutely understand what it is that makes classics like alien soldier and gun star heroes stand the test of time."
"Portal 2's co-op is unbelievably enjoyable... the design is executed perfectly..."
"A truly great aircraft must have that touch of genius which transcends the good and, above all, it must have a great deal of luck."
"It's a testament to how insanely well-designed Super Metroid is."
"177 fuses advanced technology with stunning aston martin design to create what is possibly the world's most desirable automotive art form."
"Satan is just everything I love about megami tensei all squeezed into one monster: a creative concept, an interesting backstory, an amazing design, and excellent in gameplay."
"For a watch to achieve this without overcompensating in exaggerated size or flashiness I think is a testament to the everlasting strength of the Royal Oak design."
"God damn is it satisfying hats off to the impeccable Visual and sound design because both work in perfect tandem with one another to make every swing Throne bomb or slung Arrow an absolute joy to land."
"Halo's superb design and smooth control scheme simply worked better than any controller-based shooter had before it, and basically every shooter since has followed its lead to one extent or another."
"There's a final form that exists for board games and I think Frost Haven has unstably exceeded it."
"The hallmark of good design is when people can look at it and be like wow like how did nobody think of that before."
"It's an unstoppable force of marketing, design, and performance."
"The Morelia 2, a style of football boot that is as close to perfection as it gets."
"It's a masterpiece of Disney Imagineering and design."
"Everything is just very meticulously thought through."
"These are prime FromSoft bosses and it clearly shows."
"Materials are fantastic... quality is excellent."
"Bringing these specifications up to meet that excellent design."
"Nest Out outdoor Series has earned the prestigious IF Design Gold Award, a recognition bestowed upon products that exemplify innovation, cohesive design, and meticulous attention to detail."
"Yeah, there's always a certain reputation among the golfing community that there's excellence in the designs of these irons."
"We're really passionate about these three bikes and think they're incredible bikes for what they're designed for."
"I personally think Allen Peters is the best designer craftsman of the last century."
"The xenomorph is one of the craziest, coolest designs throughout the horror genre and movie history."
"It's the Disney sea of the castle parks, the best designed of the castle parks far and away."
"The Brits know how to make a damn good looking modern classic and the Indians know how to build a very good modern classic."
"I really do think Volvo has the best design language, the best-looking overall lineup in all of the car industry today."
"The crown jewel of the entire designer series."
"It's an excellent execution of what a Mark II should be all about."
"In the design of aircraft, some are just right; this one was just right, it still is."
"The Trans Am is an absolute masterpiece, a little bit European exotic, a little bit American muscle car."
"They've saved the best design till last, that limited edition card design is unbelievable."
"It's a really good job, well, we're probably the design and Engineers to go make it simple and functional and nice and clean, and I think they hit it right on the head."
"These dials are huge and magnificent; they're brilliant clear dials that I do think of a wonderful piece of design actually."
"Great designers do great work because they integrate together all these different disciplines."
"The away all white actually might be one of the best uniforms in this project."
"Everything is designed to the smallest detail; it looks, it feels, it oozes premium design."
"The design is absolutely beautiful, the fit and finish, and just overall build quality is, you know, absolutely world-class."
"LEGO did a fabulous job designing this."
"The OMG designers really hit it out of the park every time."
"We've rediscovered the best of American design... probably the best ambassadorship for the United States are these designers."
"Their machining is really, it just blows my mind that they can make such an aesthetically pleasing design."
"To honor Grant, we changed that to the Grant Imahara Best Design Award."
"It's a beautiful example of system design at its best."