
Comic-Con Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I did want to say a thank you to everyone who did attend our Comic-Con panel."
"Here at New York Comic-Con 2022, I'm at the diamond select toys Booth..."
"I'm gonna give the nod to San Diego... you still have comic-con..."
"Just feeling some sort of normalcy not that comic-con is normalcy but just IRA you know with your friends hanging out with your friends."
"Dwayne Johnson's DC projects are the real kings of Comic-Con."
"Being in Comic Con and meeting you guys on an individual level has been absolutely fantastic."
"What a relief, because it's Comic-Con time."
"This exhibit displays the origins and the early days of Comic-Con."
"when we introduced footage of Deadpool for the first time at comic-con I was crazy we showed some 3 minutes of the movie and they went nuts"
"Tampa Bay Comic-Con 2022 was the biggest and best one I've been to."
"Welcome to hell, it's San Diego Comic-Con."
"M. Night Shyamalan back in a big way. He's bringing a shared universe to Comic-Con."
"You've heard my thoughts on all this now I'm curious to know yours comment below let me know let's talk everything the best of San Diego Comic-Con 2023 reveals."
"...he was a very prominent figure in fact he was our second San Diego ComiCon exclusive after King Graco."
"...I'm going to be going to Comic-Con with my buddies Jamie and Quenton."
"Do you think we'll ever get back to a point where we have a hilariously overproduced Comic-Con show?"
"I had never been to San Diego or to Comic-Con though it was a bucket list event."
"Jack Kirby's vision of comic cons... he was in on they talked to him very, very early on, he was the very first San Diego Comic-Con guest, okay. His vision was that it would encompass all forms of media."
"The death of Spider-Man. Seriously guys, I actually met Stan Lee at Comic Con in London two years ago to get this comic signed by him."
"I really want to say sincere thank you for coming in today and also congratulations for being at Comic-Con in Hall h and and and exposing more of the world to what you guys are doing and uh you know the movie you're making."
"Comic-Con: It's like Chuck E. Cheese, except Deadpool."
"Comic-Con: where every aisle holds a new adventure."
"This is definitely the Comic Con experience."
"Guys, we were at Comic-Con this past weekend, the New York version, hell yeah we were."
"We're going to be at Baltimore Comic-Con on September 8, 9, and 10."
"For Comic-Con, there's like a hundred thousand people that descend on downtown San Diego."
"Comic-Con's really about socializing, meeting friends, talking about things you love."
"It's like Comic-Con, but for cat people."
"Never seen this much Overwatch in one place at a ComicCon."
"Every collector in this hobby should get to experience Comic-Con at least once in their life."
"They really went all out and I'm really glad that my first ever Comic-Con was with such big names."
"Comic-Con is going home, the dream of every nerd."
"Coming soon, this is a Comic-Con 2020, free parking, comfy chairs, personalized snacks, but not believe, no, no lines, pets welcome, badges for all, and front row seats to Comic-Con at home."
"Comic-Con has been canceled for the first time in 51 years. Sad, woo!"
"Hopefully, you have enjoyed this video from London Comic-Con."
"If you got this golden ticket, you'd get prizes and a chance to go to the New York Comic Con."
"I decided to do more of a superhero theme because I was missing Comic-Con."
"I actually had probably my favorite Comic-Con ever because I just focused on what I enjoy, which is comic books."
"You're learning something every day; every day is a school day here with us at Comic-Con."
"It's been so lovely to meet all of you and so many Comic-Con first-timers here which is always really special."
"Comic-Con is phenomenal. It's totally amazing. It's like every year I come here, and it validates the fact that I belong."
"Come to comic-con, play, get involved, always believe, create that magic for your family and your kids."
"Just go to comic-con and have a fun time, go for you and don't worry about filming or anything."
"I've been to ComicCon where she did a cosplay of Sweetheart which is a game."
"Comic-Con has been a great evolution for us."
"The best time to look for collections is right before Comic Con."
"Right before New York Comic-Con, that's when you're going to find the best deals."
"San Diego Comic-Con is one of the best shows in the country."
"I love seeing you guys, and there's a lot of great stuff going on here at San Diego Comic-Con."
"It's been quite a week also at Comic-Con."
"Comic-Con is the manifestation of that and the celebration of that."
"It's amazing when you go to Comic-Con, you know if you're in costume great and people take photos with you."
"Everyone's Comic-Con is different; you have your path through it."
"Enjoy yourself, we're gonna be at New York Comic Con."
"Every single time I thought they couldn't reach peak, any other panel, any other con, Jane Foster as Thor would be the only thing for 90 minutes."
"Comic-Con is kind of born on the idea that if you come here, you're accepted."
"What is your favorite part of comic-con? Mine is right now, this has made my day."
"Nearly 130,000 people are now at Comic-Con."
"Comic-Con officially underway right now."
"It's given us an opportunity to go back to our roots and really celebrate the comics and what makes Comic-Con, Comic-Con."
"I'm willing to bet that at Comic-Con, they go all in with their Fantastic Four announcements."
"Stay tuned; New York Comic-Con content is coming up."