
Preconceptions Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Don't judge the book by its cover because none of these experiences were close to what the review said."
"It challenged my preconception of the character."
"People were people were people and they cared about the same things I care about and wanted to talk but you know I also know that it was preconception busting if I have to be perfectly honest about it."
"The fix was in before anyone started counting votes."
"Please check yourself before you even make that trip because the white saviorism everyone's talking about actually comes with a preconceived notion before you even get on that flight."
"Ignore everything those guys said, we were getting asked the same questions before Limbo was released."
"While those on the right are considered hardened criminals without any record before a trial can even begin."
"Don't let your preconceptions get in the way of your own success."
"Let go of preconceived notions around power to claim power in your life."
"We have to stop expecting to be offended and instead start truly, openly, and sincerely listening."
"They're never going to tell you the truth... before the Russians invaded."
"I'd like you to take everything bad you know about cannabis and I'd like you to forget all about it."
"Keep an open mind, don't judge a book by its cover."
"Many people who knew Lizzie Borden before the murders claimed that she was a gentle person with a very kind heart."
"How ought we adjust our preconceptions to individual instances? What is the first business of one who practices philosophy? To get rid of thinking that one knows."
"This comparison has taught me something, and to leave those preconceptions at the door."
"As intimidating as Tyrannosaurus likely was, it's important to remember that it wasn't some mad violent demon of a creature—it was an organism."
"Labels are supposed to take you to where you need to go obviously, but if you have something that's so big already, then it's already what it is."
"I just assume I'm not going to like most shows so I don't give it a try anymore."
"Be careful what you say, Moles. Your preconceived notions can lead you into trouble."
"Try to forget what you think you know."
"I have very strong opinions about Spectre because I have talked about this movie and the internet before that I have built-in assumptions about how I'm going to feel about it because I have already crafted an articulated argument for my opinions on Spectre so."
"I think the important thing to take away from these reaction videos is that they're subversion. They're making me think about all these preconceptions I've had."
"Put your pride aside, whatever preconceived notions you have about goth, leave that at the door."
"People see very much what they want to see. People want to form a view of things and a conviction about how the world is that will fit other preconceptions that they want to have about the world."
"I think everybody that rides an adventure bike for the first time, we all see these motorcycles as being these really big heavy tall things."
"It's a good film. He hated Robert Pattinson before he walked into that movie theater."
"I've come into this with a few preconceptions about what Caravans are like and not fully realizing and I feel like I uh I've been wasting a lot of money on expensive holidays for many years."
"One of the more elegant examples of beginner's mind throwing away your assumptions or preconceptions."
"...I went in there thinking like oh yeah Salvador Dali I know, lobster phone and elephants with super weird long insect legs I get it."
"The number one thing that clouds us from being able to see reality is just that we have preconceived notions of the way it should be."
"One of the things I think we'll want to do is strip away the preconceptions that we may bring to the subject."
"If you have any preconceptions about India, join me on today's little tour and let me give you a bit of a different impression."
"If you put away your preconceived notions about listening to a supposed hair metal band, you'll find a treasure trove of traditional metal that'll wreck your senses."
"I think that's when I realized how dangerous that preconceived notion can be."
"Philosophy was this constant ascesis, this effort to try to rid yourself of preconceptions and the detritus of the past."
"Time is a curious dimension. A habit of preconceived notion can so easily reverse the hands of a clock."
"Sometimes we as Muslims see a person who embraces Islam from a very hard lifestyle, and then we think nah, this is something that's not adding up here. Islam is bigger than that."
"You can never hate on a bait before you buy it because some of the baits that you think are the worst, you buy them and they're some of the best baits that you could ever possibly want."
"Let's forget about preconceptions, enjoy learning although it is tiresome."
"You can't walk into a situation with preconceived notions."
"You cannot have any questions without the answers you already have."
"The golden rule, remember, is beware of preconceived ideas; they can often lead you astray."
"The true philosopher is prepared to examine all preconceptions."
"No two mystics are alike, and whatever our preconceived notions of what a mystic is, they're going to be subverted in some fashion."
"Preconceptions are hard to let go of."
"People who have never driven electric cars are the first ones to jump up and criticize them and say that they're terrible to drive, but the minute they get behind the wheel of one, they change their tune."
"Try to let go of any preconceived notions."
"Look at me having preconceptions, but I prefer being pleasantly surprised."