
Time Appreciation Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"You never realize what little time we take for granted until it's taken away."
"It's really nuts that even one of you would even feel this way because you've already donated to me the most valuable thing you own your time so for you to want to give me more on top of that it's just really, really, really humbling."
"Enjoy this weekend because it's the only one you're getting. I'm not even kidding."
"I had a conversation with a local named Kiko... Dominicans value their time with family and friends much more than Americans."
"There's never a wish better than this when you only got a hundred years to live."
"Why the [ __ ] would you move out? Even if you're doing well, hold on to that time you have."
"Thank you so much for spending your time with me, it's absolutely incredible."
"Every second of every minute of every hour and every day is teeming with opportunities."
"The time that we have on this earth is precious."
"Enjoy this beautiful time on earth together."
"Thank you for giving me the luxury of your time."
"Time with my family is the thing that you won't get back."
"Time, yeah time at the end is what most people want more of, nothing else, no, not a better car or a better [ __ ] couch, no not even food, time."
"Life is short, enjoy the time you have but don't... putting all your worth into external validation from all these other people it doesn't matter it really they don't matter."
"It's weird to have moments in your life where you're like, 'How many of these do I get? What, five, ten?'"
"Thank you so much for spending a few more extra minutes with me today."
"I feel like I've been given the gift of time, which is lovely."
"What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen."
"I am grateful that you took of your time to pass by, you could have been doing anything else."
"Time passes very fast and you cannot get that back, so enjoy your moment and be happy and thankful for what you have."
"Don't let them grow up so fast, spend more time with them."
"Thank you for making time out of your busy day, your busy busy week to be here with me."
"I've seen how much my parents have aged. Cherishing time with family is essential now more than ever."
"The best time of the day, the best time to get our first impressions."
"Thank you for being here, time flies when you're in good company."
"I always love the clocks changing in winter."
"Thank you for giving me a sliver of your time."
"Time is very precious, so thank you for being here with me."
"It was probably one of the best half hours I've ever had."
"It's important he those did not a lot of being a the now you lose a spring break. I'm glad I went when I went."
"I tell time, 'yeah, go slow,' I tell myself, 'remember this,' like I let myself sit and soak that in."
"And this time at night as well as early morning are like my two favorite times to walk around on Deck outside because there is nobody around."
"Treasure each moment because once it's gone, it's gone forever."
"Watches are interesting because the more you get into them the more you realize it's about the story, it's about your relationship with time than it is the watch."
"I just like the little time, how the time difference like it just felt like, all right."
"Thank you guys for your time, appreciate it."
"Make the most of every minute we've got together."
"Thank you so so much for giving me your time."
"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."
"I just don't want this day to end, I really don't."
"Thank you for the privilege of your time."
"We're very grateful to you sparing your precious time to be with us."
"He always enjoyed time of day; he was always very excited about sunrises, sunsets."
"Our days are numbered here on this earth, and the most important thing to me is spending those days with my children, with my loved ones."
"Thank you for spending some time with us today."
"Time is a precious gift here on Earth, and I'm happy for all the moments we shared."
"Thank you very much for spending your time with me."
"I'm not sure I was chuckling in the middle there, but a huge thank you for taking the time out of your day to be here."
"Thanks for spending 20 minutes out of your day to be here. It means the absolute world to me."
"Enjoy the time that you have. 2024 is coming; it's going to be an interesting year."
"Enjoy the rest of your Fridays, soak up every second, don't lose a second of a precious precious Friday."
"We always appreciate that you make the time to be with us."
"Let's make the best of it while it lasts."
"Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to spend some time with me."
"Thank you so much for being here and giving me your time today."
"We here for a short time, not a long time."
"It's like the universe reaches down and gives me a gift of an extra hour."
"Time is the one thing we'll never get enough of, and I thank you for sharing so many years with me."
"Cherish every moment because I genuinely get very bothered by how fast time goes by."
"Just wish I had more time with you."
"Thank you so much for spending an hour of your life here, we always appreciate it."
"Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year."
"Thank you so much for your time, really appreciate it."
"Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of your time today with me, it is greatly appreciated."