
Platform Independence Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's so different, that's why you haven't played it. You really gotta try it."
"There is a line for me and for everybody else. There are certain conversations that they have to happen in the public, they have to happen on YouTube regardless of what YouTube thinks because if it's the truth, it's the truth."
"It's all about consumer choice. It's all about saying, look, if you wish to use our software on another platform, we are okay with that."
"Nebula is a place where creators can do what they do best, create."
"You can't beat the platform. It's not controlled by a company, a government, or any person."
"You know where we don't have a problem is over on rumble and on twitch."
"If you love what you do right now if you really love it you need to think about how you can capture your own audience on your own platforms because that translates between companies and jobs."
"I'm not afraid I'm not bound by these mainstream platforms They Don't Own Me."
"Java is a popular, versatile, and platform-independent programming language that offers unique aspects and benefits to programmers, regardless of their experience with other languages."
"Nebula is a streaming platform that was started by creators, owned and operated by the creators themselves."
"Nebula lets creators just make what they want to make without worrying about demonetization or any of the other issues that you can run into with YouTube."
"I'm not going to be the Arbiter of what goes on outside of my particular platforms."
"Thank you for making it possible to make this type of content on the internet regardless of the algorithm."
"I'm not required to follow any rules that any of you made up on this platform especially if you don't respect my platform."
"It is platform independent, running on any operating system."
"A good game is a good thing regardless of the platform."
"There’s no algorithm—meaning we can upload without worrying about how clickbaity a video is."
"Regardless of whether or not YouTube pays advertiser money, we are going to do the show for you guys."
"You've got to build alternative platforms... if you lose one thing you gotta go somewhere else."
"We decided that we would not be beholden to YouTube, Alphabet, Facebook, or Twitter."
"Python language can run on any type of platform, it's platform independent."
"Gaming is getting better and better no matter where you play, that's an absolute fact."
"A censorship-resistant platform is essential for anyone left or right who deviates from the official narrative."
"You must have your own website and a property that you own and control. The only thing that these platforms care about is their stock price."
"Don't just limit yourself to marketing your product on the Amazon platform."
"This was the only platform which wasn't controlled by Kremlin."
"I'm platform agnostic, if Twitch and TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube disappeared tomorrow, I'm like okay, I gotta go be better at Twitter and whatever's left."
"It's your platform, not Facebook's, not even Valve's. It's yours and it's ours to do whatever we want with."
"Java generates bytecode, bytecode is executed by the Java virtual machine, which is mostly a platform independent execution environment."
"Webflow is actually browser-based, so it's Mac or PC because it's browser-based."
"Whatever you're developing on your local machine, it will run the same no matter where else you go."
"The platform shouldn't matter; the universal right to freedom of speech and expression, the core of Western democracy, is at stake."
"I built something for myself, by myself, before I ever introduced them to any platform."
"I'm at a point as a Creator where I don't... if I make less money on one platform than another, it's not like a deal breaker for me."
"Java is called as platform independent because you can compile your program on one machine and you can run your program on different machines."
"The advantage of web applications is that they are platform independent and can be run by anyone who has access to the internet."
"It's high performance and platform independent."
"The ability to just have that same code base run everywhere is just pretty huge."
"That's my dream, that retro just goes to a completely platform agnostic thing where we're just running code on some other device."
"The most important thing to remember is that your client doesn't necessarily care about the platform; they care about the result."
"Java's also platform independent, because when you compile Java code, it compiles into bytecode, which you can run on any operating system."
"We will be running .NET Core applications in any platform just by using .NET commands."
"You write your software for Docker, and you don't have to care if it's ending up on Google or Amazon or Microsoft or the like."
"G RPC is platform independent... supported in .NET Core, Java, Ruby, C++, Python, Go, Rust, pretty much anything you can think of."