
Narrative Choices Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You don't need to have the characters become friends at the end of the day, you don't even have to have them respect each other."
"We coulda had boyfriends who became generals and led the resistance together, and instead we got two buddies who got kinda shoehorned into awkward romantic relationships with women, women who, by the way, coulda had their own plot lines instead."
"We wanted to explore the marriage of a cinematic experience and narrative choice-driven storytelling."
"To say that women could never die in stories would be absurd, but it is important to consider the ways that women's deaths are framed and examine how and why they are written."
"Yoda decides instead to save Anakin, sacrificing his own life to bring Darth Sidious down."
"I completely, I am completely on board that both Iron Man and Captain America are retired at the end of Avengers 4 rather than killing them off."
"I felt that the way Bond dies here was designed to be particularly cruel."
"You don't have to keep taking on that same story over and over and over."
"I just love that decision as well, like just having that chain of violence and it's like, and the end of at the end of the movie, the letter that she gives to her children says it's your turn like you have to break the chain."
"I feel like if you don't want to kill your characters, don't kill your characters. If you do want to kill your characters, kill your characters. But don't do it and then take it back. It frustrates me so much."
"The movie could have ended really at any point."
"Characters should feel good about their choices and their choices should be equally valid."
"How could they resist not having the facial hair bros line from the comics?"
"What is choice? What is consequences? Who cares!"
"There is absolutely zero reason for a character like Snoke to even fucking exist."
"If Tony decided he would rather stay with his family and then go on a suicide mission the TVA would have melted him."
"Depending on how you play the game, it can be either a redemption story or someone's spiral into darkness and destruction."
"This is after all a series that extol the virtues of player choice."
"Ambiguity is not bad in and of itself, it's okay to end a story ambiguously if the ambiguity somehow settles the story."
"Even if Walker doesn't even if you select what appears to be the closest thing to an escape from Dubai there's a final line that tells you Walker died and that this is his personal hell."
"She did the one thing that made no sense either in the moment or for her character."
"I just feel like they don't want to... kill off any of these three main characters."
"They could have shown different sides of the coin."
"Will the gaming industry become a pillar of China's economy?"
"What should dictate the final outcome of this character is not what they want her to be or represent, but what makes for the best possible story."
"It's dark and gritty and grimy and filled with really terrible decisions being made by every character..."
"It felt like this movie very clearly set up so many Avenues to go in a more commentary guided Direction and the fact that they just kind of discarded all of that felt odd."
"I just want my readers/viewers to have fun is an excellent attitude to have when it comes to storytelling."
"Sex scenes are never necessary; any attempt to justify as important to the story will get you laughed at."
"The show even explicitly rejects the opportunity to bring one of the surviving main characters back because you know there's just not any real reason to."
"Characters you love making choices you hate."
"I like stories like that, not everything needs an answer."
"I think killing off a character is one of the rawest things you can do in any type of media."
"A very interesting path for them to take as a counter to Marvel."
"It's one of the unsung instances of like heroes dying and then staying gone, it's not something that you see happen very often."
"So why bring the story up and sadistically torture viewers with what might have been the most heart-wrenching story in all of Pokemon canon?"
"It was a film that rejected plot armor and convenience."
"All these answers are rooted in a sea of wronged women topped off by two female characters making very aggressively out of character choices."
"I don't have a problem pulling some of the dick-Johnny Lawrence, but we don't want to eliminate the fact that this... you know, he's still the bully."
"Why did she just not use scissors? It's also another scene of wasted potential."
"Palpatine is announced to be back out of the blue in the opening crawl."
"They've already gone in a certain creational and narrative direction with the remake at this point."
"This game had the balls to kill off Aunt May again."
"More superhero movies should take a leaf out of the Raimi playbook and batter their protagonists. I don't want to see heroes being obscenely powerful, I want to see them fail or die trying."
"It's important to create alternatives for characters so as not to run into a scenario where perfectly serviceable characters are pushed down in relevance purely because they just don't fit in with the status quo."
"Caitlyn's death was a baffling disservice to the character."
"Everything got decided is what can make the story as interesting as possible."
"This is probably the best way for him to go out."
"A happy, neutral, and dark ending: Which one do you want to happen?"
"While it did let me down on a story choice and consequence front and it does have multiple endings I did really like how I could play the game how I wanted."
"Stanley wanted an ah no, apparently not when Stanley came to a set of two."
"Of all the ways to let me know this child character, our horse, was Lancelot, having a little girl run screaming his name is not high on the list of things I would have chosen."
"This movie has nothing to do with 101 Dalmatians."
"They could’ve shown Dean fighting for Cas, shown him saving him, pulling him from the Empty in the end."
"I strongly dislike villains who feel the need to monologue... why not just shoot the good guy?"
"I really like this bad ending like a lot because a lot of horror game bad endings are like screw you you lose but no like you still win here but at what cost you know."
"There's totally a part where they just stumble through some treasure and nothing happens. I'm like, what is this? Like, by not touching the treasure, do you mean don't intentionally reach out with intent to take treasure?"
"You don't turn a major villain into a cloud. You just don't do that."
"Should Bomb be the god that Thug and all the people want him to be, or should he be his own person?"
"We don't kill people just to kill people. It has to fit with the story."
"We don't have to kill those characters anymore, and that's a big win."