
Falling Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It was like the difference between falling through the desert sky and falling down next to skyscrapers. I could see how fast we are plummeting downward by having something stationary and decent that I could judge our velocity by."
"The sensation of falling is 100 percent real."
"A fear of falling is prudent and evolutionary."
"So much of skateboarding is just knowing how to fall."
"I'm falling for you, head over heels."
"I'm not scared of heights. I'm scared of falling."
"Just as soon as you are getting used to that sensation of weightlessness, you are instructed to buckle back up because you are already falling back to Earth."
"I fell off the sofa, dog. That [__] was [__] hilarious."
"I'm falling for you. I've been falling ever since you first stepped off the plane."
"Her eyes never leaving his, he felt like he was falling, falling."
"falling is like a big deal in the old Community like old folks"
"Why do we fall? So that we can learn."
"Falling is inevitable guys, it's going to happen. Welcome to skateboarding. If you don't think you're ever gonna fall on your skateboard then you might be in the wrong sport."
"...just in your run-of-the-mill everyday learning how to skate, you're going to fall. So the point of this video is to give you some more knowledge so that when you do fall you know better what to do so you don't get injured."
"I would say this is falling in love in the cruelest way"
"Wherever you fall, you fall into the arms of love."
"Failure is not falling, and failing is living in the mud of life."
"People ask the question, why do people fall? They can't stand anymore."
"She did not remember falling, it seemed to her that the sky was a lighter shade of gray. Dawn, she thought, another day, another new day."
"Don't be afraid to fall. It doesn't hurt."
"Let's make falling normal, we're giving ourselves training because with training comes confidence."
"Falling feels like flying till the bone crush."
"There's definitely a lot about falling in love."
"So what if I want the cube to fall on something like the ground? Well, we can do that."
"You are one, and you haven't fallen."
"It's falling at 28,000 ft per second."
"You're flying." "No, I'm falling with style."
"When the bike's falling, let the clutch out, and you'll be fine."
"I had never fallen, it moved by itself."
"The sensation always felt like I was being pulled down, only a hundred times faster, and inside your mind you're just screaming, 'I don't want to die! I don't want to die!'"
"When we fall asleep and we have that feeling like we're falling, it's an evolutionary way to protect ourselves."
"It's true, always be falling for you."
"It's true, I'm so glad you feel it too, nothing too falling in love to me it's perfectly clear we falling in."
"Don't you know what it's like to fall for someone? Literally."
"I'm falling just like the snowflakes, tumbling down round and round."
"Save me when I am falling, save my love when I fall."
"Some people say he's still falling."
"This was what being in love with Sophia felt like, jumping and falling," I thought as we sailed downward.
"Just floating on the breeze and I feel I'm falling like these leaves, I must be Cornerstone."
"You know that feeling of like you're just on the edge of sleep where people will all of a sudden feel like they fall and wake up?"
"They are not flying, they are falling with style!"
"Now I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling down."
"Just be okay with falling; it's one of the safest forms of climbing."
"I enjoy falling, the falling part is fun."
"You're not failing when you're falling; that's actually creating so much strength."
"The only way to learn how to get up, you got to fall."
"I hate that feeling of when you're about to fall asleep but then you get that falling sensation."
"Remembering that the parts of our body that fall on the ground, our sides are the safest."
"I'm falling, falling, falling for you."