
Inappropriate Behavior Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Kind of funny, but extremely wrong and disgusting to do it in a Senate hearing room."
"I mean there's nothing that I can say on it other than it is distracting and certainly inappropriate for the number one law enforcement officer in this state."
"Even if some of the things that Rue was saying were true, verbally abusing someone and screaming at someone like that is not okay."
"Don't ask people random invasive questions on the street especially when they are drunk."
"There's no excuse to be taking photos of someone's home without their permission. Why would you be taking photos? That's creepy, that's stalkerish."
"Adults should never be asking kids to keep things a secret."
"Imagine your kid comes off the bus and it's like, 'Mommy, my bus driver invited me to his youth group event on Friday.'"
"Why the [expletive] is she telling people where the [expletive] my staffers live? That is incredibly [expletive] weird to me."
"The center court is no place for the embarrassing behavior of a sex-starved middle-aged lady."
"There's a massive amount of concern that Greg was okay with this, and was talking to this 14-year-old girl, encouraging a future relationship."
"Nobody today is living with peace. I mean, let me just touch on for a quick second how [ __ ] despicable Marjorie Taylor greenness um this is not a woman who you know should be out there sending Hunter Biden dick pics."
"It's unacceptable. It doesn't matter who you are Cristiano Ronaldo Lionel Messi Pele you can't do that. It's disrespectful."
"His conversations turned very inappropriate little comments like 'no one could ever call you flat-chested' and 'I bet you're more experienced in the bedroom,' etc."
"I thought that was an inappropriate action by a government official let alone the White House."
"Imagine your boss said [__] everything you stand for and called you a c in public like that."
"To the men I made uncomfortable through my messages, I am truly sorry."
"If this guy is old enough to have a full-time job at a hotel, then he's full-time too old to be hitting on the teenage girls who come through as guests."
"People will do what they will do: Youtuber livestreams himself pooping on Nancy Pelosi's driveway. That's real by the way, uh, and disclaimer: don't do that on her driveway."
"I realized what I was doing was wrong, and I'm like, 'This is not something that's okay.' I need to think with my head and not with my downstairs."
"I saw Alec Baldwin playing a camp counselor and licking a little boy's fingers. That seems worse to me than what I had to say."
"Help you take advantage of the... such a come on, man, come on, you don't gotta Bill Cosby this."
"Encouraging men to approach women alone in isolated places in the park and saying things like 'I'm gonna do what I'm going to do and you're not going to like it' is not a thing we should encourage in society."
"That's just wrong, these guys barbecuing inside the theater again."
"A grown man going to a 16-year-old's meet and greet and saying the n-word is not a cool thing to do."
"So guys, we did it, we killed our whole family, poggers."
"If there are students who tell us that you always say, 'Hey, I'm going to try to find your tickle spot,' are they lying?"
"For reference, an unsolicited genital picture is not a joke, even if the genitalia might look like a waterlogged rodent fetus."
"Unfortunately they've been roving bands of Biden's just lurking around the neighborhood sniffing children."
"Stop putting your filthy hands on other people's mouth holes. It's never okay."
"Shame on Carson, creepy disgusting behavior by him."
"Anybody who says something to a 12 year old, right? You a [expletive] or a [expletive], right?"
"Biting people is weird and it's just definitely definitely not cool to do it."
"She mailed bras and panties to 14-year-olds."
"The weight of evidence that Matt Hancock wouldn't have fought his own actions were acceptable is significant."
"There's something wrong with you if you're still talking to a teenager one year in your 30s."
"Yeah, Shiryu would peek on women's baths and now I want you to picture that image in your head. Actually, don't, don't do that."
"Inappropriate sex talk before children isn't just improper; it can lead to very dangerous things."
"There is no child that should have duct tape on its face when it dies."
"He was asking other women to do some very sordid things to him."
"He had, he was, he married a fourteen-year-old. Come on, man."
"It was still creepy because you shouldn't be going up to someone massaging their shoulders from behind that you've never talked to or interacted with or even met in your life."
"Woman is arrested for attack on couple who were doing inappropriate stretches by a swimming pool."
"Thumbs up, subscribe, and stalk the girls you love so much."
"Who picks up a full High Noon pineapple, probably, and fires a fastball?"
"Imagine being a minor and an adult you looked up to comes to you and dumps all their emotional baggage out on you."
"Anytime you're showering with your daughter you're suspect very suspect."
"You can't just scare people like that. That's low, dude."
"Just like how hard can it possibly be to just not engage with minors in any way like this or maybe maybe just maybe don't even do it on your main account it's like do you want to be cool is that the whole goal here"
"Policeman at scene of child's death used grieving homeowners TV account to buy porn. Get help."
"If you're a parent and you're cracking eggs on your children's heads for attention just don't do that."
"This is not the 1990s in downtown LA. People don't like when you start shooting at kids."
"The implication is that men come here for the purpose of targeting women and girls. That's creepy, inappropriate, and insulting."
"Fat shaming is not an acceptable way to try and get someone to lose weight."
"Your behavior, Mr. Johnson, makes a mockery of leadership."
"Maybe don't go around talking to Billy Bush about how you like to do this exact sort of sexual assault and how it's just awesome when you do it."
"I just immediately recollected the slapping incident in Moscow... Will's reaction is unnecessary and sends the wrong message to comedians being hit for a joke." - Vitaly Suduk
"Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women... by making inappropriate comments."
"What she said was disgusting... can you imagine doing that on an airplane?"
"Acting like an idiot and threatening small businesses is not the appropriate way to deal with this."
"The people with whom David Koresh had sex range from very, very young, 13 or so, up through substantially older than that."
"There was a grotesque mismatch between the Duke of York's language and demeanor and the gravity of the allegations."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing a player on 200,000 pounds a week wearing a shirt they shouldn't be wearing."
"That's sick. That's terrible behavior. It's really violating, but it almost does kind of feel like cheating in a weird way."
"This step bro stuff is going way too far. Why'd you kiss him?"
"She continued berating them, hurling racially degraded remarks at them."
"If you're feeling unsatisfied uncared for by your life partner it's not appropriate for you to seek that care and compassion from your son."
"I was just here for my morning leer at the children. I can't believe my luck."
"Gone now Montauk and slaps her on the ass and she walks away."
"My son's teacher decided to cut his afro into this style during school hours. I'm livid."
"Only a crazy Florida woman would be like, 'Well, I do love my karate class so much so that I'm gonna send one of the underage kids nudes.'"
"There are songs I've heard sung at football matches the last two seasons that have no place in Belfast in the 21st century, never mind Glasgow."
"This is not normal nor healthy behavior for an adult, let alone an influencer, to message a minor."
"This is presented without comment. Why? It's disgusting. That's pedophilic behavior."
"I dressed as Rose Quartz from Steven Universe and a neckbeard type guy approached me by coming up right behind me and said, 'Rose my waifu.'"
"No one on the team threw a dwarf but just the fact they were there was just messed up."
"She stabbed a kid's hand with a pencil and got fired."
"I thought it was Unbecoming... standing with swastikas."
"What happens if you don't get to sniff young girl's hair anymore?"
"I instantly felt uncomfortable, but as a young hispanic female, I had been pretty used to older hispanic men being inappropriate like that."
"He continued to remove her clothes, sir."
"I just can't believe you would say that out loud."
"That's like saying I can get you robbed right now. That's out of pocket."
"Can you imagine if a guy said that like well I grabbed her head I told her by the head by the way she's wet as hell for some reason I don't know why she's so into this"
"Isn't that nutso? Why would you say that to somebody you don't know? That's because you did it."
"Your boyfriend was acting really inappropriate. There was no reason to freak out on someone just trying to do their job."
"Every time I fill up, old Justin grabs his sandy little [__], buries it deep inside my cornhole."
"He forced us all to go fishing with him and his friends, laughing when they said inappropriate things."
"When you shake his hand, his hand just touches your ass. Broke the desk right, huh?"
"Some old dude was jacking off in the middle of the bathroom in the middle of the bed. What the [__]?"
"Teach me, how do I get in your daughter's pants?"
"He began to do other things, like rubbing my younger brother's inner thigh."
"He literally just touched her up, yeah."
"The evidence shows Officer Josh Griffin took an inappropriate interest in Kim Medlen."
"I believe in supporting those who are speaking up about Emil's inappropriate behavior."
"Women are subjected to 'cube crawls' in which male employees drink copious amounts of alcohol as they crawl their way through various cubicles in the office and often engage in inappropriate behavior towards female employees."
"I wasn't the only person he made these kind of comments to."
"If you have a friend that's too flirty with your man, that's a clear sign that they don't care about your feelings and are very dismissive."