
Survivors Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Under no circumstances should survivors of sexual assault ever be used as a political grift."
"Hope still lingered in the hearts of the survivors who clung to the belief that one day a cure or vaccine would be found and humanity would rise again."
"It shows how survivors often don't go on to report their experiences"
"It's all I could think about were the survivors today and what they must be feeling."
"It's our duty to remember those who are no longer here. It's a duty to do something with our survivor experience."
"The time for the survivors and for people to start listening is now."
"When survivors come forward to disclose, there's a long-standing history of people not believing them."
"The horrific memories of that day have never left the survivors."
"Thank you for doing this work, and the survivors have reached out to me and said, 'You know what, thank you, someone finally sees us. We are not invisible.'"
"We stand with survivors... come forward, speak your peace, speak your mind."
"The survivors are always the ones having to come forward."
"The only way we're going to change it is on the backs of the survivors."
"It therefore goes without saying that these truly horrific stories have been primarily told by the only people who can: the survivors."
"I like that there's people with motivations and personal wants and power and stuff rather than just oh it's always the Emperor."
"For the few survivors who remained, any hopes of retaliation were destroyed when European diseases such as cholera and smallpox took hold."
"After an entire winter on their own, the two have become hardened survivors."
"Michonne is one of the more hardened survivors at this point in the story."
"Funds given to end sex abuse will help survivors like myself get the therapy and legal counsel they need."
"Let's all send Chloe and all of the other survivors support and finally getting Justice from this man."
"the survivors, they're actually probably okay cars if you're an Enthusiast"
"Flow really is sort of a state of deep focus on what one is doing and I think it makes a lot of good sense why that would feel say difficult to attain and maintain for survivors of narcissistic abuse."
"As the day ended, exhausted survivors started to ride into the British camp."
"A big reason that survivors didn't tell someone else is that they didn't know who to trust."
"Survivors will find some resolution, some peace, and hopefully some justice, however imperfect."
"So who actually survives the events of Ragnarok? Odin's sons Váli and Vidar, and Thor's sons Modi and Magni will survive, though their future and the future of the world post Ragnarok differs from source to source."
"Are survivors any closer to receiving justice? As notorious perpetrators begin to die off, a Fierce new Battleground is emerging."
"I'm personally moved by the plight of survivors and have seen firsthand the devastating effect not only child abuse has but the deployment of legal barriers has on survivors."
"Survivors of 2020, that is definitely our title today."
"...we have a system that offers no sense of justice to survivors A system that makes survivors feel that they themselves are on the stand that they themselves are being interrogated."
"It's no surprise many survivors of these attacks accuse the justice system of causing more harm than good."
"By naming them in this report, the intention is to provide the public with accountability and a measure of healing to survivors who have long suffered in silence."
"First and foremost, it's the courage and the willingness of survivors to come forth."
"Domestic violence survivors do not go through all the torment, the fear, the rage, and come out of it sparkling clean, there's baggage, there's psychological damage, there's changes in personality and temperament."
"They spread the survivors around amongst the ships."
"This video series is going to be a celebration of survivors' winners and the ingenuity they have brought to the game."
"PTSD is often something that is there with survivors, and what they need to deal with."
"The Zulus then pursued the survivors."
"That's horrific when you think literally there are no survivors none from a cruiser that's a lot of dudes."
"...the guidelines ignore the survivors, including shooting victims."
"We need tools and laws to prevent survivors of sexual abuse from being revictimized over and over again."
"Shout out to the breast cancer awareness survivors and those who are enduring and fighting that battle every day."
"We believe you initiative... it's about believing survivors instead of questioning them... providing a safe place for survivors to realize that they are not alone."
"Survivors are so good, I really want to travel sometimes."
"I stand with all survivors of abuse and I'm proud of them for speaking out."
"...survivors who were traveling with EF to meet survivors and first responders on their educational trips and be profoundly impacted by their powerful stories of survival."
"There is no greater advocate for mental health like those that have come on the healing Journey."
"Almost every survivor I know has a career in some kind of helping industry."
"Survivors on the bottom, they have to face the enablers, they then have to face the alleged predators, and then the media, and then the lawyers, and then the institutions. But people forget how much power these enablers have."
"It's very important for us survivors to unite together in New York and protest this show."
"Survivors United will never be divided and what a world that will be, what a world that will be when there's a lot more of us than them."
"I hope this experience can help other survivors and we begin a journey of healing."
"The Me Too movement... aims to provide support systems to survivors of sexual harassment and assault."
"Survivors are doing remarkable, remarkable things, so I believe in that."
"There is no amount of money that can compensate the survivors of the Sixties Scoop for the harm that they've sustained."
"Are you girls victims? No, it's not at all. What do we call ourselves? Survivors."
"All the bias is against the survivors, all the biases against these victims who tend to be the least powerful."
"We are living in a world where survivors scream for help and no one wants to listen."
"I think we should listen to survivors."
"I would rather live in a world where survivors speak up than a world where survivors don't speak up."
"The guidelines ignore the survivors... they were deeply wounded both physically and emotionally."
"This day shall be a day of grief relief; all survivors get a one-day pass on pain, and no monsters can whisper in their ears."
"We need to have conversations with survivors about what justice actually looks like to them."
"Survivors don't look any different."
"Meeting survivors to begin with, I found very moving indeed and very interesting."
"I want survivors to know that they are not alone and that their voice matters."
"Being able to sit with other survivors and being able to share their experience and have shared identification and support can be healing in a way that potentially no therapist can touch and impact in the same way."
"The most important piece is that survivors are not needing a particular solution; they're needing to feel like their experience is relevant and matters."
"We are in the very fortunate position of being able to offer transformative support to survivors and refugees."
"Power to survivors, it's a whole new era."
"That GoFundMe is to show survivors everywhere that we stand with them."
"Survivors have to start feeling empowered, and we need a community to do that."
"We're showing support for survivors and this is what it's really all about."
"Survivors are the experts when it comes to what we've gone through."
"Power to the reported survivors like Drew Dixon, and we hope that truth and justice does prevail."
"We need justice for survivors and we need to make sure it never happens again."
"You inspire me so much, the strength that you and other survivors have."
"For the empowerment of survivors, encouraging them to share their stories when they feel ready."
"I'll be so ready to be on the right side of history and support the survivors of these horrible acts."
"These survivors are now in a safe and secure place."
"This is the perfect example of how the names of survivors get buried in the bigger, juicier story."
"It's an important story for the survivors."
"This situation underscores the critical importance of due diligence and the relentless pursuit of truth, especially when it comes to standing in solidarity with survivors of abuse."
"History is written by the victors, but remembered by the survivors."
"Justice really could happen for a lot of these survivors or victims."
"We do believe survivors; we do believe people who share their stories about abuse."
"I fully support survivors of sexual assault coming forward."
"The objective of the elderly survivors was to tell their story before they were gone."
"It's all about giving power back to survivors."
"Power to survivors is about acknowledging the fact that survivors have a lot of wisdom and knowledge about being a survivor."
"Allowing survivors to choose how they want to come forward is crucial."
"Survivors united will never be divided."
"My heart is with survivors forever and always."
"I'm going to end my talk here in the only way that seems right to me, which is with a salute to the men who have courageously stepped forward to create a space and to open a door for their fellow survivors."
"We just have a lot of gratitude for those victims and survivors who have spoken out."
"We will continue to support the survivors in this case and seek justice for them as well."
"I hope that all of the survivors that you have hurt are able to heal from the damage you have done."
"The survivors are all victorious, and your words are those of victory."
"I have been incredibly humbled by the number of people approaching me that are survivors."
"Financial reparations to the survivors, financial reparations to the descendants."
"Survivors everywhere deserve the respect that they deserve."
"I've never felt closer, and it's because of survivors currently that are coming forward."
"Survivors need to start feeling empowered and safe to come forward."
"Thank you for allowing the survivors near and far the opportunity to tell their story and give their statements."
"I respect all of the media outlets... it's an important story for the survivors."
"You are part of the very important change all of the victim survivors are causing."
"You are the best, all of the victim survivors are."
"We want to continue to create a community of survivors, where we've all come together."
"It's time for survivors to take their power back and to feel empowered."
"If you're a survivor with me, please come stand with me."