
Scope Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"This is colossal. The scope of this is far, far bigger, far more egregious."
"The operating system is bigger than just the kernel."
"Just how many words have been in the Cosmere total? Roughly 3,460,000."
"If you couldn't convince kids in Vegas to wear this glove, then you can't go worldwide."
"Skull and Bones is a fully fledged game, it's a very big game."
"While Endgame was preceded by Avengers: Age of Ultron and Infinity War, all those movies were overshadowed by the sheer scope of Endgame."
"Good games, whose world is this? The world, the world is big, it's had [ __ ]."
"Minecraft is like the biggest sandbox game ever."
"We know what to do, it's just the scope of work is quite large."
"Environmental issues in general are just a good example of how the nap is a little bit more far-reaching than most people realize it is."
"Rebirth promises to be something much more a grander game than could have ever been imagined."
"In programming, we have a very important concept called scope."
"My experience of this film... this ain't no small film."
"It's as big as any of our single player games that we've done and in some ways bigger."
"He's broadened the scope of Nigerian elections."
"We estimate there's 11 billion earth-like planets in the habitable zones in our galaxy alone."
"This game turned out to be much more comprehensive and larger in scope than what I had expected."
"What I love about Sonic Adventure 1 is it feels very self-aware... it feels more Grand and larger because you're going different places."
"The gaming world is far bigger, far more diverse."
"Gaming is bigger than just one console, bigger than just one device."
"Every single one of these movies... they've been fun."
"The Imperium of the 41st Millennium is near to unimaginably vast."
"YouTube is the ocean, everything else is a bubble."
"This space has made a global impact, not a local, not online, it has a global impact all over the world."
"The triple constraint refers to the three competing project constraints of scope, cost, and time."
"This whole story is so much bigger than you could possibly imagine."
"Ultimately high-speed rail is a 520 mile project that links San Francisco to Los Angeles and Anaheim, that's phase one."
"If something is not in the work breakdown structure, it's not a part of the project."
"The scope of our ambition has increased."
"The plans for the film were massive."
"This next round of modifications is going to drastically change the scope of the Disco project."
"Epics typically span several weeks to complete and they should be a large piece of work it should not be something that can be done in one to 3 days."
"If you put public in front of a class or a variable or a method, that particular component becomes available to the whole of the program."
"By making your world feel larger, you also risk making the story you tell feel that much smaller."
"Can Liv scope be easy it it will it will become easier for you I promise if you have the right setup."
"He's able to realize things on screen in a larger and more awe-inspiring scope than any other director."
"Industrial design is the design of everything from a toothbrush to a spaceship."
"Control scope is the process of monitoring the status of the project and product scope and changes to the scope baseline."
"Drawing the line in the sand creates your scope statement with everyone's buy-in."
"Using some of the most impressive camera angles here makes this film grander in scope."
"What is the scope of healing? All includes all."
"When you hire somebody to perform a service, you should at least map out the scope of the job."
"If you've only seen our videos then you've only seen the smallest fraction of what the geek group is."
"The Storm Prediction Center doesn't really like issuing a high risk for eight states stretching a thousand miles."
"The mathematics does not succeed if it tells you that your theory is the theory that will never fail. The point is the mathematics has really done its job when it tells you the scope and the limits of your Concepts."
"...it reframes the show from a fairly cosy affair with limited scope to a worldwide race to stop apocalypse's return..."
"To understand references, let's review the rules: At any given time for a particular piece of data in a particular scope, you can either have one mutable reference or any number of immutable references."
"The name of a function is inversely proportional to the size of the scope that contains it."
"Expanding my scope when it comes to reading and watching movies."
"Saying no helps out because it reduces a lot of feature creep."
"The most convenient way to think about scope is the work or the activities that need to be done, the things that you produce, the products or deliverables of the project."
"The total addressable market is everyone who eats and everyone who wants to move their bodies somewhere around the planet and everyone who wants to live in a structure of some kind and everyone wants to flick on a light switch."
"I consider myself a jack of all trades sort of a person and I enjoy working on projects that require more breadth of scope."
"But every one of those movies had something to recommend it. I mean the technically um and and just in terms of the scope of it uh you can't argue with."
"These chapters are absolutely breathtaking in their scope, in their depth, in what they're trying to accomplish."
"In this particular instance, at any given point, the scope grew to include our entire investigations division, all of our detectives."
"The ability for a zero stop type scope would be uh definitely a first preference."
"Is Tears of the Kingdom better than Breath of the Wild? I don't know. It is greater in scope and in what it wishes to achieve."
"The problem is much bigger than she imagined."
"There is nothing in the Rotunda and the colonnade that Sergeant did not design himself, so the project greatly expanded in scope."
"There are different types of scope we can have for our variables."
"This is an unbelievable business, I mean it's amazing just the scope."
"A closure is a function having access to the parent scope even after the parent function has closed."
"The campus itself is extensive and it spreads across the country."
"That was when we decided to descope the five down to three."
"We do not claim finality but what we do claim is comprehensiveness."
"Parallax is not on the side of my scope."
"Science is not equipped to foreclose against any non-physical thing."
"Bitcoin stretches your scope across time and space."
"Mass goes beyond just a provisioning system."
"Closures are anonymous functions that can capture values from their enclosing scope."
"Intimidated by the scope and almost towering sense of imposing energy."
"It is always hybrid as different scope items call for different contracting types."
"Enormous scope distilled into a six-issue series."
"I don't do repairs that involve shipping."
"Global variables and local variables have distinct scopes and usage."
"We learned about the scope of variables, that is global scoped and local scoped."
"Scope brings new possibilities while limiting others. Veterans adapted, and internationally, non-Hollywood directors made it an attractive choice for perfectly composed wide frames."
"It's a nice compact scope. Turrets track, turrets lock, has close focus."
"I'm trying to impart actual information, a sense of the scope involved in doing this kind of work."
"The project turned into quite a bit more than what I had anticipated."
"Scope can be defined as almost what aligns with your trading system is your scope."
"It's just so impressive to have a story of this scope."
"There's no way of calling this code outside of this top-level code."
"...as long as it is, it really covers a lot of ground."
"Now, something else you can do with Object.freeze is actually freeze any scope block that we want."
"Any access to personal data which exceeds the options of obtaining proof for a certain vulnerability is out of scope."
"There's our in and out of scope. You can see down at the bottom they talk about the rewards which are trays of Red Bull."
"The computer is only reading within the scope of this function."
"By placing all my code inside this anonymous callback function, I separate the scope of my game from the global scope."
"The scope of the Season truly felt epic."
"Self-defense goes a lot further than just protecting your life."
"Fantasy, it must be said, is a very large umbrella."
"It's about 140 acres give or take in total."
"The word Torah came eventually to mean Genesis through Deuteronomy, the entire book from creation through the death of Moses."
"This is one of the best changes, seeing the whole galaxy."
"A novel as big as a nation, as quiet as thought, and moving as prayer."
"Exome aims to capture the protein coding regions of all 20,000 genes in the human body."
"Inlining gives you a larger scope at which to analyze your program."
"God's calling can be tangible in your life unless you are delivered from your own country because your calling is not national, your calling is international."
"Language is much larger than logic."
"This is bigger than the TVA, this is about everything."
"This album is epic in every scope of the word."
"We ensure everything from cabbages to kingdoms."
"The Expanse is somehow both grounded and, pardon the pun, expansive."
"The alliances they make with cosmic power players are an enormous part of why the Krakoa era is grander in scope than anything previous."
"I just stopped working with dynamic scope... things get simpler, maybe you pay a slight price in a bit more verbosity, but I think it ends up being worthwhile."
"Their extreme scope of service is immeasurable."
"He worked steadily at what was within his scope and some which was beyond it."
"I'm going to go with Django just because the scope of a film is so much bigger."
"It's infinite in scope yet intimately told; it's a meditation on justice, morality, and the power of connection."
"My goodness, this is the first time I've ever truly grasped the scope of what my business does."
"I wonder whether the terms of reference for their review need to be much wider."
"The world of Game of Thrones is far bigger than Westeros."
"When deciding for a game jam idea, I feel like the three most important things are that it's a concrete idea, the scope is small, and it is somewhat interesting."
"And what's so amazing of this show is the scope."
"Forgiveness is the scope of our understanding."
"The tighter the scope the better."
"Using a context manager is a pretty good way to have it visually displayed what your scope of things is."
"Health self-care actually takes in a lot of territory."
"The scope of what we do here is just amazing."
"This single movie was enough to blow wide open the scope of Dragon Ball Z."
"The scope of what it can do is really vast."
"Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler... this book is just incredible in its scope and its perspective."
"God is speaking, and He's not just speaking about little things."
"Political science does not stand on its own; it is a cross-disciplinary course because it is all encompassing."
"However, these are critically important items I want at least quickly review what is out of scope before continuing."
"We start with a really important activity which is defining the scope of the analysis."
"You have to really define the scope and the depth of how far you're going to do your analysis."
"Legend of the Galactic Heroes tells quite possibly the largest in scope story that I have ever witnessed."
"This makes it so that the function call returns value so that you can store them in variables that have a greater scope."
"Work pools allow you to manage multiple agents running on a particular infrastructure depending on the scope."
"We'd like to say for physiotherapy, the scope of practice is quite large and very broad."
"It was much more than I ever bargained for. I never thought it was much bigger and broader than just simply being an announcer behind a microphone."
"It's really great at transitioning from 1x to 8x thanks to the massive throw lever and that really smooth magnification ring."
"When dealing with variables, there is a local scope inside of functions and a global scope that's available outside of functions."
"Closure is a function of having access to the scope of its parent's function after the parent function has returned."
"People are interested in general in something which has a clear defined scope."
"We have these 66 books of the Bible that give us this grand scope of history going through from the beginning of earth's history all the way to the end."
"The scope also presents a huge field of view, up to four times more than a regular scope."
"The depth and scope of it is pretty impressive."
"The higher you go, the greater the returns, the bigger the scope of your leadership."
"There's no such thing as a truly global name in Go. Everything, every name is relative to a package."
"K-pop is not a genre, it's an industry."
"By going through all of this you're going to gain a complete and comprehensive understanding of the breadth and scope of work that you're doing."
"Knowing the scope and depth of the betrayal and knowing the actions that happened during the betrayal is very different than healing the damage that is caused by those actions."
"Whatever you declare inside of the curly brackets of a function is only recognized and can be used inside of those curly brackets."
"The existence of a variable is limited to the scope of that function."
"It centers around trading and piracy and as well as this trading town and surrounding areas, it's very expansive in scope."
"Think big, big, big because it's a global variable."
"We are extremely close, in some of our estimations, to a theory of everything, properly scoped."
"Once we have a solid understanding of the requirements, we will then define the scope."
"We need to make sure we've got clearly defined scope of the activities of the process and clearly defined boundaries."
"Global variables can be accessed throughout a program; they are declared or set outside any function, procedure, subprogram, subroutine."
"Local variables are declared inside a function or some other type of subprogram; they can only be accessed from within that subprogram."
"Security policies must address scope and purpose including relational objectives to business, legal, and regulatory requirements."
"The magnification starts out on two and a half power and goes up to ten power."
"Global variables are variables that are declared outside any function and they're accessible inside any function in the program."
"This isn't really in the scope of the lesson, but I will show you how to truncate or cut the decimal values back to however many decimal values you want."
"Dream big, dream large, and dream long."
"Theories in science are supported by a large body of evidence and are broader in scope than a hypothesis."
"Every week we need to understand is the project on scope, are we delivering the right tasks, is the team delivering the work according to schedule."
"It's pushing forward, it's audacious, it's huge in its scope."
"We always make sure that if you're doing flat rate, you have to make sure that it's a very specific scope."
"It's when a function is defined within another function, and that inner function has access to the outer function's context and scope even after that outer function's already closed."
"The only way to protect a variable and to give it its own scope is to put it inside of a function."
"Really, we are trying to do something that's much broader in scope."
"All experience, even if they are called insane or spiritual or whatever, are still in the scope of how we are constructed."
"A closure... unlike a plain function, allows the function to access those captured variables through the closure's copies of their values or references, even when the function is invoked outside the scope."
"Best practices for managing scope assignments: same thing as least privilege."
"Local variables are only visible inside the functions that they've been created in."
"The project initiation phase defines the project scope, that is the reason why it is considered the most crucial phase in the project life cycle."
"Project scope is a complete understanding of all of a project's key elements."
"If you're looking for the best of the best, this is the scope to go to."
"It's immense, there's a lot to it, but it can be as simple or as complex as you want."
"The end of the world stories are no longer going to satisfy us, we're going to need a bigger scope."
"The raw unbridled scope and ambition of this game is just phenomenal."
"I think that it is a lot of scope for the money."
"Local variables are lexically scoped. Returns are lexically scoped. Breaks and continues are lexically scoped."
"It's worth understanding the scope of the story before trying to split it, but doing just enough analysis that allows you to make the split and then you iterate."
"Captured variables... allow us to maintain a reference to a variable that would normally go out of scope."
"I think it's a great scope for anything from zero to 400, zero to 500 yards."
"It's a way of thinking about what your company does and what it doesn't do."
"I love when movies have a huge scope; it's my favorite genre of film."
"Aims are more long-term, broader in scope; objectives tend to be more time-constrained and therefore more short-term."
"The scope of your course is great; technology can be used anywhere from healthcare to manufacturing factories."
"This is a scope that fills a gap in the market very cleverly."
"The cosmic scope of redemption is fundamental to everything in Eastern Orthodoxy."
"The broader the scope the better."
"...it's like more scope of product work that you work on, being better at different types of work, scaling yourself so that other people can do work on your behalf..."
"The question is researchable, so it's not too broad, not too narrow, and that it's feasible to research."
"We would never have been able to ship this game with the same scope, size, quality, in the same timeframe if it wasn't for this system."
"The idea of sentiment analysis is very large, huge."
"This problem is way bigger than we thought, it's way harder than we thought, and the people that we can help are way narrower than we thought."
"I was really impressed by the show's scope and imagination and its willingness to subvert expectations."
"When you make an assignment to a variable in a scope, that variable becomes local to that scope."
"The immediately invoked function expression gives us a closure and a scope which helps us to contain and bind variables."
"The visual scope of the film was really amazing."