
Mirrors Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Mirrors will help to open up a space and make it feel bigger because they reflect light back into the room."
"Each time you do this, go from one room through the mirror to the Next Room, you'll notice that the mirror will become more cracked and more imperfect."
"Nothing good happens in horror when you look in mirrors they are portals it's that simple."
"Mirrors can do a lot in making a small space larger, especially with all the light coming in here."
"Mirrors are amazing... having reflective elements definitely give a lot more light to your space."
"We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are."
"I love adding mirrors to bounce the light around to make the space feel bigger."
"Mirrors... they show you not only what is behind you but what's behind them. Trust me, if you see any strange faces in the mirror, there's a possibility there could be something in your walls."
"Artwork mirrors are selling as the number one thing in the booth."
"When you are trying to get into a position, whether you're parallel parking or reversing or having to, whatever it is, right, do you use the cameras or the mirrors?"
"I personally believe mirrors carry energy. They feel different. Some mirrors just creep me out, while others are lovely."
"Mirrors add space and dimension to a room, creating a luxurious feel."
"Mirrors, I guess they are like doors into the wall. They show you not only what is behind you but what's behind them."
"Vintage mirrors are especially popular right now although this wood mirror is probably only 30 or 40 years old those butterflies were speaking to me."
"This person tends to break people's hearts but this is your twin, alright, you guys are mirrors."
"I hate mirrors. They tell you the truth."
"I love cleaning mirrors. I hate cleaning them. I like how they look."
"Mirrors are creepy, dude. All mirror stories never end well. Like mirrors are freaking teleportations to other dimensions, I'm convinced."
"These mirrors would you believe are electrically adjusted."
"Mirrors reflect our appearance, but they've also come to reflect culture."
"Adjust your mirrors, all your main vehicle settings are always going to be located right here."
"Mirrors are often said to be windows into other dimensions."
"Curved mirrors can also focus light to a single point."
"The people around you are your mirrors. What do you see?"
"The mirrors, they're quite wide, perfect visibility, I don't see my shoulders, I can see everything behind me on both sides."
"You gotta have a mirror right next to your door wherever you're leaving and exiting or coming or whatever you gotta have a mirror."
"Mirrors, they're very solidly made and good quality."
"Genuinely, I find the best way to help my pupils with reversing is to teach them how to use the mirrors when they reverse. Once they're good at that, reversing does get a lot easier."
"The mirror's reflective surface was absolutely caked with dust, you could barely tell that it was a mirror."
"I really love mirrors, right? So in order to make the space look bigger, we have mirrors on this side of the wall and this side of the wall as well."
"Always check all three mirrors every 10 to 15 seconds."
"I cannot believe how great this looks. One spot I really love is the mirrors, just because you have so many contoured edges."
"Mirrors reflect back to us our feelings about ourselves."
"Mirrors are portals and in some cases spirits are able to flow freely from place to place."
"It's impossible for you to own a mirror that has never been used before."
"Mirrors are the window to the soul, as some say, but for you, they are to make sure that you've cleaned up well."
"It's about vanity, it's about girls looking into the mirror and looking for a better image of themselves."
"Mirrors play a key role in the film, seemingly to reveal truth in some way."
"The mirrors in this room all have attachments to them."
"I feel like mirrors just open up any space."
"The tow mirrors... very large mirrors, very useful."
"I feel like because college dorms can feel kind of closed in, having a really big mirror just reflects and it makes it feel a lot more open."
"I love these mirrors, they just go on and on and on for eternity."
"Tiny crystals of ice... they essentially act like tiny mirrors."
"He uses mirrors because he wants people to see him as desired, as attractive, as appealing."
"Rule one: Don't walk past the mirrors in the dark."
"It's crucial to check all mirrors, look over your shoulder, and use rearview mirrors to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your surroundings and minimize blind spots."
"When moving your position in the road, always check your mirrors side to side, as there could easily be a cyclist or a motorbike approaching."
"At minimum, all vehicles except motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters must have a rearview mirror in the center of the upper windshield and a side rearview mirror on the driver's side."
"Mirrors have been featured in many a horror movie, and with good reason."
"To align your mirror system, what you must have is the tools required to loosen all the fittings on the mounts."
"Doing your mirrors can be very easy if you do it methodically step by step."
"Mirrors across all the world are connected in some way."
"Mirrors didn't used to be glass; they used to be backed with silver."
"You can't deny mirrors are kind of magical."
"I love looking at people take photos of mirrors like they don't know how to take photos of mirrors."
"Mirrors give the illusion that a room is bigger than it is."
"I absolutely love these mirrors, it's like the never-ending mirror tunnel."
"It's got the lovely M-wing mirrors."
"The thing with mirrors is if you have two mirrors facing each other, it's bad luck, apparently you create a portal."
"What I really like about having big mirrors in your home is it makes your room feel larger."
"When we see objects in a mirror, we're looking at light that's bouncing off the object and then coming into our eyes."
"Mirrors especially had powers in religious ceremonies and practices."
"Every room has these like full-length mirrors which is cool when you're getting ready."
"So now you have your beautiful new Trail Ridge mirrors, and you're ready to go."
"This is the most famous room of this Golestan Palace because obviously, mirrors are put everywhere."
"Mirrors were another big trade item that Indian people loved."
"Custom mirrors would be called for so that you could center them over the sink."
"That's a brilliant trick that you use with mirrors."
"Mirrors are portals to the dark side and things can come back and forth through mirrors."
"It's amazing how much just adding the mirrors changed the way this space looks."