
Blueprint Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"There is a definitive blueprint that you can follow to achieve success, prosperity, longevity, and peace of mind."
"DC already has the perfect blueprint to model parts of this new cinematic universe from, and it's followed basically all of this advice."
"The Four Horsemen: the blueprint for WWE factions."
"Kislev's campaign mechanics will be a fantastic blueprint for many races and customization mechanics moving forward."
"Nipsey Hussle was the truth. He had the damn blueprint."
"Every thought we think is a blueprint that our mind and body work to make real."
"By the end of this video, you will have the blueprint to become a data scientist in 2024."
"On our first television program we showed you a blueprint for a dream. Well, this is the blueprint. And the dream is Disneyland."
"I read that and I said to myself wow, this is the blueprint for my life. This is exactly what I want to do."
"I basically lay out my exact blueprint in a step-by-step process that has led me to explosive growth so that you can easily apply these same exact systems and strategies into your own account in order to find success."
"I'm over the moon to be able to share what my blueprint of living off-grid looks like."
"When I look back I just didn't had that which makes a lot of sense on like how I dated how the relationships I never had like a game plan or a blueprint I never I've never seen it."
"The Book of Mormon is a blueprint from heaven, in black and white, for establishing peace on earth in the last days."
"This is the blueprint for the best life possible."
"...it is a true career defining record because it gave you as you said the blueprint to build your career the right way..."
"The Bible is a blueprint, y'all. Like it real deal is a blueprint."
"The horsemen set the blueprint for so many other groups to follow."
"Capitalism is the base in which thriving countries have based their economic blueprints."
"You are meant to produce a blueprint. Do you get it? You are meant to produce a blueprint."
"Islam provides you with a blueprint for living."
"Wireframes are blueprints for the UI, showing which elements make up the UI and how they should behave."
"Sets the blueprint for how offense would be measured for years to come."
"If you follow this blueprint step by step, in two years you'll be able to have a millionaire net worth."
"The reason I say this is because I've generated over $35 million online by the age of 28, and I've helped over 2100 people transform their lives by copying my exact blueprint."
"The gift of leadership is more of a strategic gift, not just administrative. It's the ability to create a blueprint."
"...we had a blueprint that wasn't just working for us it could actually help other venue owners all over the country."
"I'm essentially modeling the book data type, I'm creating a blueprint for the book data type, I'm saying that inside of our program, a book is going to have a title, an author, and a number of pages."
"The Londonderry area plan published in March 1968 is a blueprint for the development of the city and neighboring areas."
"They kind of set down the blueprints of how to become a national champion or how to have an elite program."
"That's pretty much the blueprint to generate your first 100K in Revenue."
"The pain of making the blueprint."
"Our hero found it difficult to believe their ears, the prospect of gaining a blueprint for anything left them exhilarated."
"I want to suggest a blueprint for you to follow."
"You can change hearts. You can change minds. This is the blueprint."
"Almost every blueprint you have ever seen associated with Star Trek isn't really a blueprint...the drawings are what the architectural world calls blue lines."
"The foundation is the same but the cool part is that if you want to do something that this blueprint will lead you to the Olympics and beyond."
"You're all getting the blueprint for how to be a billionaire."
"Great win for the blueprint Matt Morgan."
"If I was gonna dress like a rapper, right? If I was gonna be a rapper, that would be the blueprint."
"Every three-dimensional space has a blueprint."
"Question-based selling gives salespeople a blueprint that's generic enough to implement across a wide range of industries and customer scenarios and yet specific enough to implement with consistent and repeatable success."
"I seen the blueprint and I know how to follow it."
"God did not give Noah an ark; He gave him a blueprint."
"That's what I mean by my living blueprint blueprint."
"It's quite literally the blueprint for how I transformed my life seven years ago and created the life that I'm living now."
"That's the blueprint you wanna follow."
"You're going to be looking at different blueprints and you're going to be making adjustments along the way."
"This is the blueprint for the app."
"The DNA is the blueprint; it tells you what the cell is going to do, how it's going to function, what it's going to make."
"You have a blueprint for what an entity in the game should be."
"A belief is the certainty that the blueprint is accurate."
"The teachings in the book 'Change Your Mind' are literally the blueprint, step-by-step process to remove the limitation programs that are literally drilled into us the moment that we get here."
"The Constitution is the blueprint for Republican government."
"The US Constitution is the basic set of directions, the blueprint, the plan for the United States of America."
"Human design... it's like having an entire blueprint of your life."
"If I had to give you the blueprint for a spectacular WWE main event, it would be this match."
"It's super easy to do this because you already got the blueprint from your experience with the first project."
"I want to make my concept strong and a blueprint for future living."
"I'm just trying to make a blueprint for everybody else, make it easier for them."
"Think of it like the blueprint for an architectural project."
"It was the blueprint for what rock and roll is supposed to be."
"You've been following a blueprint for this beautiful soul family your whole life potentially."
"The blueprint for financial independence lives in unlocking the secrets to financial independence and early retirement."
"I'm giving them basically the blueprint that their mom used to break the generational history."
"Most of our cells contain DNA, and it's often thought of as the blueprint of life."
"It's the blueprint for a lot of these other ones that we love today."
"Your brand guide is like your blueprint for every piece of marketing material you create moving forward."
"This game really demonstrates the blueprint about how to play that kind of structure."
"You have the blueprint now to win."
"There's another level of Soul or rock and roll or country or whatever that if you didn't fulfill what you thought your numbers were going to be in Hip Hop, there's the blueprint for you right there."
"A class is like a blueprint for creating objects."
"The Torah describes itself as the architect or the blueprint of creation."
"A class is a template, a blueprint for creating objects."
"In C-sharp applications, we have the concept of a class, which is basically a blueprint or template for an object."
"The blueprint was Jesus Christ and what he had commanded the Apostles."
"We're giving you knowledge, we're giving you the tools, and apparently today we drop the blueprint on you."
"Whispering corridors served as a blueprint for the potential future of the genre."
"We have a well-tested blueprint to follow and improve on."
"The universal declaration is not just a vision, it is also a blueprint for how that vision can be achieved."
"This should be the blueprint of what it is that Manchester United should be for the future."
"The soul comes into the creation at the moment of conception with the complete blueprint for the existence of us."
"DNA is a substance that's found in the cells of our body and it acts as a blueprint."
"Once you get it, it's not all going to be easy, but like you have a blueprint, you have like a 'this is the way I do things'."
"The blueprint on how to actually enjoy the journey of becoming the best version of you."
"Classes are blueprints used to determine an object's properties and behaviors."
"Nvidia dgx h100 is the blueprint for customers building AI infrastructure worldwide."
"She's been the blueprint for a lot of the rap girls for the last 15 years."
"They set down a blueprint that is the most important action that has been taken even up until now; they saved the culture."
"This is your blueprint for your hat, so it's made just how you like it."
"We each carry within us an evolutionary blueprint for making a good society."
"The fact that there's a blueprint here with also the Stark Industry logo there on the bottom right of both of them, I think that's pretty cool."
"I just gave you a beautiful blueprint to work within."
"Follow a blueprint rather than following random things."
"Being around people making crazy money, seeing the setup, seeing the brand, it's like now I got the blueprint."
"This will be the blueprint that I wish I had six or so years ago when I went off on my own and started my own personal training business."
"Your ref mix to me is the blueprint that we are building from."
"This is the literal blueprint you need to ditch your nine-to-five job once and for all."
"That is the blueprint for dealing with climate change."
"I'm going to give you the blueprint for you guys to go and build custom widgets that are as complicated as your app needs them to be."
"That's how you use the level blueprint as well."
"We have a blueprint that will give you a picture of the spectrum of your emotions and understanding how they work."
"A class is sort of like a template or a plan for which an object can be created."
"In the depths of the mind lies the blueprint of creation."
"Some people like to think of the class as the blueprint, and the objects that are created from it are the things that are built from the blueprint."
"Everybody doesn't have the privilege of just watching someone create a blueprint and then following it to be successful."
"Consider building your application as part of the whole build process; your Docker file should be the blueprint of your image and the source code should be the source of truth for your application."
"The restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the perfect blueprint for establishing finest homes."
"It's called your blueprint to your IT career success."
"A class is a specification, it's a blueprint, a template so to speak."
"It will never cease to be a living blueprint of the future."
"Trust me with all your heart; a top-notch blueprint for your life is in my possession."
"The sustainable development goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all."
"That's the blueprint, that's what every club should aspire to have."
"We're not reinventing the world; we're just kind of following the blueprint of all other major sports."
"This is a blueprint of what the wider world needs today: the power of resilience, the power of healing, and the power of recovery."