
Animosity Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"The Steelers and the Raiders...it was ultimate hate."
"If you hate me, great. There's a lot of knowledge in here."
"That was my one year revenge... but for boss I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge."
"Devil is no gentleman. Kick him out with everything you've got. Don't spare him; hate him."
"Please do me a gigantic favor and take a long walk off a short dock."
"They had FBG Duck death parties, that's how much it meant to them."
"If you hate somebody, you hate their friends too."
"I actively hate her and I want to see her entire life ruined."
"A few people hate you more than the person who used to love you."
"He's not dead yet, but after he is, I'll dance on his grave."
"Seriously Bad Blood up there... these guys hate each other."
"It wasn't just attacking out of desperation, it was seething with some kind of relentless hatred."
"They do not like each other, they cannot stand each other."
"You know them Chicago [] hate each other like a [], like a [__]."
"They're the worst people I've ever encountered and I hope Amman takes them out. They're a worthy adversary and they're everything that is wrong with human beings."
"We're going after our political enemies, you know, in every sort of change of party."
"If they would have started at a place of absolute animosity, their reunion at the end would have meant a lot more." - Pete
"I might shoot toward Brentwood, why? I know I'll hit somebody I don't like."
"They hate us and they hate they're not living America good looking Swedes."
"If I dislike you, oh, I dislike you a lot."
"Hate is a strong word. But whatever's more than that, I feel like that is what Andreas feels about the Hansens."
"He's mad at me because Billy Corbin ripped him."
"There was a lot of animosity... some of it we didn't know about because they didn't sit with us."
"Both these guys genuinely hate each other."
"The animosity rooted in deep-seated resentment extended beyond the glitz of movie sets to the racetracks, intensifying their rivalry."
"Once I can't hurt you anymore, I'll find something else to hate."
"It’s no secret that they hate Homer as much as Homer hates them."
"She never liked my child, she hated my child, she hated me, she hated anything that he represent with somebody else."
"We discussed his daughter's grades, what kind of child she was. It was determined that there was no animosity between mother and father and daughter."
"It's like you're just a witch and I hate you."
"There goes the one for yet another report about us for the home base. Do you know, Doc, I've got a sort of feeling that L'Oreal has come to hate our guts."
"I truly hope he's [ __ ]. I hope he's [ __ ]. I hate him. I think he's a gross person. I hope Wilma McCaskill goes away."
"It's all about me, how you play Lee. I hate Brian Zane. He's got rabies."
"He's wanted me dead since the moment I hatched," Darkstalker said, his eyes going cold and hard like onyx beads.
"He was a [ __ ], oh, Brian, look, bro, he's dead to me."
"I feel like from my end there's a little bit of bad blood between these two teams, is that true? Yes."
"The truth is, we were never friends. You despise me and I despise you."
"There is a strong hatred between those two. Neither of them will listen."
"He created antagonism and then when the guy who is now the Supreme Commander came to prison he was crib himself came from the juvenile tank that's Kenny Carter."
"As far as gossip goes, they pretty much hated each other."
"Philadelphia has a strong dislike trending toward hate for Dallas."
"Everyone on the planet had good reason to despise SCP-UBU, but no one held more hate in his heart for the pale, wicked creature than Dr. Laurence Michaud."
"While other Forsaken were more powerful and influential, the dragon reserved a special hatred for Graendal, as she killed the woman Yanet, who was dear to his heart."
"The heated animosity between the two fan bases began to boil over into comic book conventions."
"To this day, there is still animosity between those that lived through the merger of those two railroads."
"I'm so nice, I'm so genuine, but I don't like that secret animosity thing."
"I had no idea you hated me this much."
"I liked it 'cause I think Taylor is so good at keeping things cordial. Even if there was complete animosity between the two, I don't think we would ever fully find out."
"They hate me. Literally, they pray for and fantasize about my death."
"Getting even makes us even with someone that we don't even like, it makes us like someone that we dislike."
"I just remember Randy Savage wanting to beat the [__] out of [__] Ric Flair."
"Jay didn't like me. I loathed him."
"People who hate you for no reason, they are the reason."
"He despises me, this guy despises me."
"The worst kind of breakups are ones that are dragged out so long and you go through all this like games until finally both just hate each other so much."
"He's forever to bear that defeat at Battle City where he lost his most powerful card his other reason for failure is the hatred that grows in Kaiba which Yami is tasked to shoulder just as he would inevitably come for the hatred within Merrick."
"Someone who hates you, who's trying to destroy you."
"Locked together in hatred this is just not healthy."
"Forgiveness basically is this: I'm not going to hold animosity against you because I need freedom."
"He's alive and that's what you can't stand."
"Whatever was on that farm hated me, specifically."
"I could see in Straw's face, really hatred, for this man who had been so brutal towards him."
"Their behavior towards me has only earned my hatred and rightfully so."
"I was sure, absolutely certain, somewhere along the line, that man had a personal grudge against me."
"I hope he drowns. Yeah, I hate that Manny knows words now because now I just hate him even more."
"There's obviously a lot of tension between Amara Doris and her mother. Her mother also brings kind of her animosity towards her daughter and kind of projects that onto her flock."
"It's really sad to realize how much animosity was going on behind the scenes."
"I hate Gabby and I hope she dies a horrible death."
"Do you have beef with anyone else besides those two people? I don't think so, just those two."
"I hate you so much on site is about to be on site all right."
"The games between these two teams fueled by Mutual animosity have become must-watch events for fans of both sides and Casual observers alike."
"God's animosity and antagonism is aimed at the enemy and it ain't Adam."
"Everybody is without their freedom so everybody got some type of built up animosity in them."
"I've never known a team hate more other clubs than Leeds. Like, we hate all the shitty teams in Yorkshire. Bradford [ __ ] off, Huddersfield [ __ ] off, and we also hate Newcastle United, Liverpool. Like, when we beat them last week, I couldn't give up, like, it's..."
"It's very clear that this hate they have for Taylor, it's kind of like an identity thing."
"It's over. It's not even a question. I don't remember the last time there was this much animosity and hatred between two guys in a rap battle."
"He's an awful human being. I can get past the fact that he's tried to kill me before, which he absolutely has, but I can't get past that he killed Tyron's mother and sister and basically tormented Tyron his whole life."
"He read the tweet and he's like this guy's such a [ __ ] [ __ ] he just hates Dave like so many people do."
"We hated each other for quite some time."
"Wolves and coyotes hate each other because wolves are everything they are but better in every way."
"Grievous just really wants to kill Obi-Wan or what?"
"Resentment directs us to cause our rivals pain for the sake of causing them pain."
"A hater who sits with you at the table and breaks bread with you, hoping you choke, is worse than a hater outside."
"If someone hates you, you refusing to give them something that they need will only make them hate you more."
"hating is a verbal expression of dislike that cannot be traced back to a source"
"If Monday had a face, I'd punch it."
"I reserve my most evil side for my enemies, the people who I hate the most."
"I hope to god we never ever meet."
"Jason and Richard seem to have plenty of things in common, and one major thing they have in common is their hatred for one another."
"People take themselves so seriously these days. They're such in anger. There's such animosity these days."
"That's why I say, man, I don't wish things on my worst enemy. And I try not to have enemies. But if I do, I still don't wish things on them, bro, because whatever you put out, it's something as simple as whatever you put out, you get returned."
"Evil spirits hate all human beings with equal enthusiasm."
"Every single member of the Losers Club believed that Henry despised them the most, but if you were to ask Henry, he’d say Mike is the one that really draws his ire."
"My hate for you still burns at the temperature of 1,000 suns, hopefully, you step on a Lego."
"I wish all of you would just die and go to hell like the soul-sucking monsters you are."
"Behind the smile is danger, animosity in hand."
"I wouldn't wish Mackenzie on my worst enemy, which unfortunately, she is."
"I still don't like you, bastard witch," the words were harsh but they lacked true venom.
"Iago actually hates Othello and holds a grudge against him because Othello did not promote him to the position of lieutenant."
"I'm going to forget how much I hate violence and remember only how much I dislike you."
"Who hates me enough to want to destroy me?"
"I was constantly picked on, especially by the boys, and I still hold so much animosity towards those people because they really made me hate myself for a long time."
"She's a princess that her father, the emperor, does not even recognize, so everybody hates her."
"No one is more hated than one who speaks the truth."
"Hippos have a problem with anything with a heartbeat but they save extra disrespect for crocodiles."
"Whoever hates me hates my Father as well."
"The cycle of hatred, the constant of war."
"Mankind in its most primal state will fear what it doesn't understand, ill hate what it can't conquer."
"Common enemy intimacy is a cheap form of connection where two or more people bond over what they hate instead of what they love."
"He's now on my enemies list forever; he's totally cut off."
"Isn't it strange, to have made something that hates you?"
"It was looking at us with a look of intense hatred."
"What he lacked in stature, he made up for in courage, cold calculating cunning, and an implacable hatred of the human race."
"Jealous people are your biggest fan but they also your greatest hater."
"He wants to make my life a living hell."
"She didn't dislike the Duke of Conte; she hated him with a deep, fierce energy she had never known she had."
"Even if between you and him there's animosity, treat him like your most intimate friend."
"We love to bite the outreached hand. We really do. People love to have an enemy, and they really love being able to have a common enemy."
"When people are highly cooperative and generous, they attract hatred."
"People find any excuse to hate each other."
"Whatever hate you have in your heart, direct it at me alone."
"Winning is having him to no longer feel this animosity."
"Her motivations were multifaceted, stemming from a deep-seated animosity towards men and a fervent desire to empower women in a patriarchal society."
"Don't carry around animosity; that's not me."
"I felt like it hated me and wanted me dead, almost like it wanted to scare me or even push me off the cliff."
"If it's something to be vocalized, then vocalize it; don't go around and just spread intention to hate and animosity in the air for no reason."
"Maybe I am going a little above my job description, but I hate that bastard as much as you do."
"I hate every hair on his evil head."
"Isn't it strange, to create something that hates you?"
"Two patriarchs, Devil Anse Hatfield and Old Randall McCoy, let their hatred of one another infect first their entire families and then an entire region of the country."
"Thoren has more cause than most to hate orcs."
"They hate you for being better than others."
"Insecurity is an ugly thing; it makes you hate people that you don't even know."
"He hates her. A broken heart will do that."
"An enemy to everyone has a friend in no one."
"Don't you hate her? Yes, with a fiery vengeance."
"Some people are really good at hating their wife, but he's the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be."
"Tell me something, Kiba. Why do you resent me so much? I haven't done anything to you, and yet you showed such animosity towards me," Naruto asked.
"You hating me always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me."
"Can you imagine how much you really must hate someone to actually try to have them cursed?"
"The two men quickly decide that they hate each other and they refuse to really talk much."
"I can't wait for this prince to die, bro."
"Feel it everywhere and you see it growing, enemies arise and the hate is flowing."
"They hate us because they ain't us, that's right."
"That thing just smirked at me; it was taunting me."
"If you hate people, destroy people, ruin people, you create hell for yourself."
"You wrote my epic tale with all of your hate."
"Sometimes people don't want to be your friend; they just don't want to be your enemy."