
Human Migration Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"It's important to take into account the dispersals both out of Africa and back into Africa to really understand patterns of Neanderthal ancestry."
"If the dating of this site is legitimate and as I hope I explained I think there are very good reasons to say that it is it proves that humans were in the Americas during the lgm."
"This shows that people were dispersing throughout the continents very quickly."
"The settlement of the Americas is one of the final chapters of human migration and it's an amazing narrative that bears witness to human Ingenuity and resilience."
"For those who have been paying close attention to the archaeological news, there's been a lot of very important discoveries that have changed our understanding of human migration into the Americas."
"I think all humans will move to another planet eventually."
"Could it have been home to some of the very first people to enter America let's find out?"
"There certainly are very early Homo sapiens in Eurasia where we can tell from the DNA that they have no living relatives so there were waves of people coming and going possibly coming and going backwards again through Eurasia."
"This did not come as a surprise to literally anyone that humans were present in the southern part of the United States long before scientists had previously said so."
"Humans were able to wander away from the tropics in survive a chimps for example you'll never find them wandering around in other parts of the world."
"The arrival of the first people here still ranks is one of the greatest feats in human migration."
"Stone tools discovered in a cave in Mexico suggest that humans inhabited North America much earlier than we previously thought."
"Surprisingly old stone points discovered in a Mexican cave are the latest in a long line of fascinating discoveries that have raised doubts about when people first arrived in the Americas."
"People first arrived in the Americas around 12,000 years ago."
"Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling permanently or temporarily at a new location."
"We're going to exploit this real new experiment in the next phase of human migration."
"This may have been what coaxed early human beings into the area where they eventually founded the great early civilizations."
"Sea levels were far lower by about 400 feet, facilitating movement and migration."
"The story of human migration: from Babel to the far corners of the globe."
"We are a product of the people that migrated out of Africa."
"Southeast Asia, influenced by both Hindu and Chinese cultures, saw early human migration and diverse geography."
"I believe that it can conclusively be proven that people migrate and move around a lot."
"On the shores of Calvert Island in British Columbia, Canada, archaeologists have uncovered a trail of human footprints that are thought to be 13,000 years old."
"There absolutely and conclusively was no out of africa in the sense of sub-saharan african people leaving africa and magically mutating into asians and then caucasians."
"Human teeth found in southern China show that our species left Africa up to 70,000 years earlier than most current theorists say."
"If the experts are right about what they've found here, it could change the whole story of global human migrations as we understand it."
"The existence of lakes across North Africa during the early and middle Pleistocene Epoch could have heavily influenced human migration patterns."
"Their fingerprints are all over the world."
"Wider social networks in populations after about 80 thousand years ago were the basis for the rapid spread of modern humans Out of Africa and subsequent colonization of the rest of the globe."
"The farther human beings moved from Africa, the less complex, the simpler their consonant systems tended to become. The most complicated consonant systems left today are in Africa."
"...these two tiny fragments prove humans moved into Asia for the first time at least 86,000 years ago."
"The earliest occupation of Alabama began during the Pleistocene Geological Era."
"We talk so much about globalisation these days, but in fact, you're all African exports, some of us more recent than others."
"The discovery suggests a large-scale human migration along the coast of British Columbia in ancient times."
"Since the glaciers receded, the rich lands of the Mississippi River Valley have always attracted mankind."
"It helps us understand our ancestry, it helps us learn more about what our ancestors most likely did and how they ended up traveling across the planet."
"Stone tools discovered in a cave in Mexico suggests that humans inhabited North America much earlier than we previously thought."
"Neanderthals were the first to migrate to Europe, occupying all areas between Europe and Asia."
"For a long time, the dominant theory was that humans came to North America from Asia about 12,000 years ago."
"Recent genetic sequencing has disproved a smooth linear Out of Africa progression."
"Technically no humans are native anywhere considering every single group came from somewhere else."
"For the first time, we can trace movements of people and ask the question where particular transformations in the past associated with archaeological cultures... correspond to movements of people."
"Up until this next discovery, archaeologists believed that humans first appeared in North America 11,000 to 13,000 years ago."
"Farming spread by Neolithic communities founding colonies further and further along river valleys."
"The arrival in America's 12,000 years ago when they crossed the Bering Strait."
"We're talking about the most recent migrations of humanity."
"DNA evidence suggests that major migrations into the Americas from Northeast Asia began around 16,000 years ago."
"The Out of Africa hypothesis, this can also link into the biogeography that I just mentioned now."
"The history of human movement on the face of the globe is written in the genes and can to a certain extent still be recovered."
"It is believed they used rafts or boats around 60,000 years ago with groups of diverse people settling in the archipelago."
"This view was challenged in 2018 with the discovery of sophisticated Stone Age tools in Southern India, which suggests that modern humans migrated out of Africa in waves."